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Yerevan To Host 36th Session Of FAO's European Commission On Agricul

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  • Yerevan To Host 36th Session Of FAO's European Commission On Agricul


    18.11.2009 11:01 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan is in Italy to
    attend a FAO summit.

    Mr. Sargsyan delivered Tuesday a statement, which reads in part:
    "Mr. Chairman, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen. Full member of
    the FAO since 1993, the Republic of Armenia has been involved in the
    activities of the Organization for about twenty years now. The past
    years of cooperation were those of effective work leading to numerous
    achievements. We are stating with pride that our country's example was
    cited among four other success stories in the FAO's "Ways of Success"
    report as a good experience of setting tasks and addressing them
    with perseverance. Indeed, this does not mean that all the problems
    are solved, so we should work with renewed effort to build on these
    achievements and continue with progress in the sphere of agriculture.

    It is common knowledge that food production is at high risk all over
    the world including Armenia. The current financial and economic crisis
    adds its negative impact on the issue of food demand especially in
    developing countries. This is why we appreciate the holding of this
    summit, as well as the efforts made by the States and international
    organizations. Those present will still have the opportunity of
    referring to the Declaration of this summit on food security. I feel
    that we are going to have quite interesting and substantial debates.

    My position is strict and clear-cut enough. The Republic of Armenia
    endorses the Summit Declaration. It meets our government's vision
    and the underlying principles are acceptable to us.

    Dear Director General, We highly appreciate the decision to hold
    the 36th Session of FAO's European Commission on Agriculture and the
    27th European Regional Conference of FAO in Yerevan from May 10-14,
    2010. I hope that the decisions adopted in Yerevan will contribute
    to the considerable improvement of the level of food security. We
    are looking forward to seeing you again in Yerevan.

    Allow me, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, to
    extend my deepest gratitude to the Food and Agriculture Organization
    and personally to Director-General Dr. Jacques Diouf, to all donor
    community members and all countries with good will, for their
    collaborative efforts to find solutions to the world's rising
    problems. I am confident that with collaborative efforts of all
    countries we will be able to meet all challenges of food insecurity
    and gradually eradicate hunger and poverty in the world."

    Tigran Sargsyan expressed Armenia's appreciation of the ongoing RA-FAO
    collaboration and the programs implemented in our country. The head
    of government reiterated Armenia's readiness to host the 36th Session
    of FAO's European Commission on Agriculture and the 27th European
    Regional Conference of FAO in Yerevan from May 10-14, 2010.