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Lemkin: Holodomor 'Classic' Genocide

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  • Lemkin: Holodomor 'Classic' Genocide


    Kyiv Post
    Nov 19 2009

    Today at 22:09 | Lubomyr Luciuk Rafael Lemkin who coined the term
    'genocide,' called the Holodomor a classic case of Soviet genocide.

    Only seven people came to bury him. He rests beneath a simple stone
    in New York's Mount Hebron cemetery, the sole clue to his historical
    importance an inscription incised below his name - "Father Of The
    Genocide Convention."

    As a graduate student I was obliged to read his book,Axis Rule in
    Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals
    for Redress, frankly more door-stopper than page-turner. Nowadays,
    with advocates for "humanitarian intervention" shilling the notion of a
    "duty to intervene" whenever and wherever necessary to "stop genocide,"
    Dr. Raphael Lemkin's name and words are better known. After all he
    fathered the term "genocide" by combining the root words -geno(Greek
    for family or race) and -cidium(Latin for killing) then doggedly
    lobbied United Nation member states until they adopted a Convention
    on Genocide, on Dec. 9, 1948, his crowning achievement.

    Because of the horrors committed by Nazi Germany in World War II
    what is often forgotten, however, is that Lemkin's thinking about an
    international law to punish perpetrators of what he originally labeled
    the "Crime of Barbarity" came not in response to the Holocaust but
    rather following the 1915 massacres of Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians
    within the Ottoman Turkish empire.

    Likewise overlooked were Lemkin's views on Communist crimes against
    humanity. In a 1953 lecture in New York City, for example, he
    described the "destruction of the Ukrainian nation" as the "classic
    example of Soviet genocide," adding insightfully:"the Ukrainian is
    not and never has been a Russian. His culture, his temperament, his
    language, his religion, are all eliminate (Ukrainian)
    nationalism...the Ukrainian peasantry was sacrificed...a famine was
    necessary for the Soviet and so they got one to order...if the Soviet
    program succeeds completely, if the intelligentsia, the priest, and
    the peasant can be eliminated [then] Ukraine will be as dead as if
    every Ukrainian were killed, for it will have lost that part of it
    which has kept and developed its culture, its beliefs, its common
    ideas, which have guided it and given it a soul, which, in short,
    made it a nation...This is not simply a case of mass murder. It is
    a case of genocide, of the destruction, not of individuals only,
    but of a culture and a nation."

    Yet Ukraine's declaration that the Great Famine of 1932-1933 (known as
    theHolodomor)was genocide has secured very little official recognition
    from other nations. Canada is among those few. Most have succumbed
    to an ongoingHolodomor-denial campaign orchestrated by the Russian
    Federation's barkers, who insist famine occurred throughout the
    USSR in the 1930's, did not target Ukrainians and so can't be called
    genocide. They ignore key evidence - the fact that all foodstuffs were
    confiscated from Soviet Ukraine even as its borders were blockaded,
    preventing relief supplies from getting in, or anyone from getting
    out. And how the Kremlin's men denied the existence of catastrophic
    famine conditions as Ukrainian grain was exported to the West.

    Millions could have been saved but were instead allowed to starve.

    Most victims were Ukrainians who perished on Ukrainian lands. There's
    no denying that.

    A thirst for Siberian oil and gas explains why Germany, France and
    Italy have become Moscow's handmaidens, refusing to acknowledge
    theHolodomorand blocking Ukraine's membership in the European Union,
    kowtowing to Russia's geopolitical claim of having some "right" to
    interfere in the affairs of countries in its so-called "near abroad."

    More puzzling was a 28 January 2009 pronouncement by Pinhas Avivi,
    deputy director-general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry: "We regard
    theHolodomoras a tragedy but in no case do we call it genocide...the
    Holocaust is the only genocide to us." Yet if only theShoahis genocide
    what happened to the Armenians, or to the Rwandans, not to mention
    to those many millions of Ukrainians?

    This year, Nov. 28 (fourth Saturday of November) is the date on which
    theHolodomor'svictims will be hallowed. Thousands of postcards bearing
    Lemkin's image and citing his words have been mailed to ambassadors
    worldwide with governments from Belgium to Botswana, from Brazil to
    Bhutan, being asked to acknowledge what was arguably the greatest crime
    against humanity to befoul 20thcentury European history. There is no
    doubt that Lemkin knew the famine in Soviet Ukraine was genocidal. If
    the world chooses to ignore what he said than what this good man
    fathered - the word "genocide" - will lose all meaning, forever more.

    Professor Lubomyr Luciuk teaches political geography at the Royal
    Military College of Canada and edited Holodomor: Reflections on the
    Great Famine of 1932-1933 in Soviet Ukraine(Kashtan Press, 2008).