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Israel Supports Armenians People In Struggle For Historic Justice

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  • Israel Supports Armenians People In Struggle For Historic Justice

    Nov 19 2009

    In the light of chill in Israeli-Turkish relations, as well as Israel
    and Jewish lobby's role in Genocide recognition, reporter
    had a conversation with the source engaged in the matter. The source
    preferred to speak on the condition of anonymity under "Aralez"

    Q: Israel is an active partner of Azerbaijan and strategic ally
    of Turkey. Tel-Aviv is one of the major opponents of Armenia on
    the Armenian Genocide issue (following Turkey). Why Armenia-Israel
    relations failed to establish? What is the reason? No mutual interests?

    A: Regarding the strategic alliance between Israel and Azerbaijan, the
    main reason is Israel's need of having a political ally among Islamic
    countries, since Israel is in a hostile geo-political location. Other
    reasons are mostly economical, since Azerbaijan is an oil rich country,
    which has a financial potential and is willing to purchase Israeli
    defense system, same reasons is true about Turkey.

    About Israel being one of major opponents of the Armenian Genocide
    recognition is my point of view, is simply not so, being an activist
    for the official recognition by Israel, I know that people of Israel
    support the Armenian people in their struggle for Historic justice,
    the problem is the lack of awareness among the general Israeli
    population and the lack of strong pro-Armenian lobby.

    About why Armenia and Israel didn't established diplomatic
    relationships is because Armenia was a republic in the USSR which
    was anti-Israeli in its politics. I think that right now a strong
    partnership between the 2 countries is indeed possible since Armenia
    is an independent country. Jewish and Armenian people have many things
    in common dating to the ancient history.

    As you know the Turkish-Israeli alliance is at lowest point so far,
    since Turkey has decided to show her true face in international
    politics, as the famous Turkish saying goes: "there is no friend
    to a Turk but a Turk. Lately I hear more and more voices calling
    to establish full term relationship between Israel and Armenia and
    to immediately recognize the Armenian Genocide. I personally think
    that both countries should do all they can to become partners on an
    international level!!!

    Q: Majority of U.S. congressmen confess that many issues in the
    Congress and Senate are adopted under the pressure, with the approval
    and bidding of Jewish lobby. It is known that Armenian lobbyists are
    not less influential. What is the conflict of these lobbies' interests?

    A: On a Jewish lobby subject it's true indeed that some groups are
    trying to prevent the issue of Armenian genocide being brought up
    before the US congress, never the less a growing number of Jewish
    organizations in the US support the recognition on a government level,
    during the Bush administration the congressmen that brought up the
    discussion were Jewish.

    Q: What is the state of protection of Armenian church interests in
    Jerusalem? What is the true reason for disagreement between Armenian
    and Greek clergy? Does Armenian church has sufficient potential to
    protect its part there and right to hold services in Church of the
    Holy Sepulchre?

    A: Regarding the Armenian Church in Jerusalem, Israel tries to keep
    the statuesque in general but in my opinion should do more in that
    direction. The latest conflict between Armenian and Greek churches are
    nothing new, since the early times of Christianity in the holy land
    the Greek Church tried to destroy the influence of Armenian Church
    in order to become the strongest in Jerusalem in same cases it ended
    with Armenian blood shed. Fortunally the Armenian Church thanks to the
    strong will and faith of its leaders continued to blossom until our
    time. Right now the Armenian and the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem
    are facing a lot of problems which could be solved with the support
    of republic of Armenia, since in my personal view certain circles
    in the Israeli government want to minimize the power of the Armenian
    church for their political gain.