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Hrair Karapetyan: Vazgen Sargsyan Was Aware Of Ter-Petrosyan's Dange

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  • Hrair Karapetyan: Vazgen Sargsyan Was Aware Of Ter-Petrosyan's Dange

    Nov 19 2009

    Below is an interview with Hrair Karapetyan, the Chairman of
    the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal
    Affairs, RA Parliament, and member of the Executive Council, Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (Dashnakstutyun) ARF(D). Mr. Karapetyan, what is your comment on the speech delivered
    by Armenia's first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan at the meeting of
    active members of the Armenian National Congress (ANC)?

    H. Karapetyan: Levon Ter-Petrosyan's speech was inconsistent, and he
    himself was inconsistent during his presidency. His speech is evidence
    he has not changed. For example, his speech did not make it clear what
    is the ANC's position on the Armenian-Turkish relations. Now they say
    that no concessions are possible on the Armenian Genocide issue now
    they deny the Hay Dat (Armenian Cause). I have the impression that
    Ter-Petrosyan has no idea of Hay Dat and of whether it has anything
    in common with the issue of the Armenian Genocide.

    Nonetheless, from Ter-Petrosyan's latest speech I draw the conclusion
    that he has remained committed to the foreign-policy strategy he was
    advocating when President. Ter-Petrosyan continues denying Hay-Dat ,
    whereas the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) issue is the first of Hay Dat's
    demands. It was no coincidence that, when President, Ter-Petrosyan
    was pursuing a defeatist policy - leaving Nagorno-Karabakh as part
    of Azerbaijan. His article entitled "War or Peace" is evidence thereof.

    When President, Ter-Petrosyan was pursuing a disguised defeatist
    policy, whereas he is openly advocating his ideas now, calling the
    struggle waged by the Hay Dat supporting forces "a hysteric struggle."

    All the statements are evidence of lack of political seriousness. A
    political force whose only aim is to change power cannot be called
    Opposition. What can you say about the fact that, despite his
    severe criticism of President Serzh Sargsyan, in his recent speech
    Ter-Petrosyan tried, as it were, to screen and justify the incumbent
    President by laying the responsibility for the present situation on
    his predecessor Robert Kocharyan?

    H. Karapetyan: I consider Ter-Petrosyan's speech nothing but a play
    on words. I think that neither the people nor political figures,
    including President Serzh Sargsyan, should take his words seriously -
    he is a person disregarding national interests and ideals, an ambitious
    person seeking to regain power. One of the most outstanding political
    figures of the Third Republic, Vazgen Sargsyan, played a great role
    in Ter-Petrosyan's removal from power, as he was well aware of the
    threat that one posed to Armenia. Many experts think that, by addressing Serzh Saregsyan,
    Ter-Petrosyan was "extending a cooperating hand" to the authorities
    on the threshold of parliamentary elections...

    H. Karapetyan: The experts may be right. In this context the following
    question should be put to the ruling majority: is their policy really
    in line with the ideas of Levon Ter-Petrosyan and the ANC? If so,
    the ARF is right - the incumbent authorities made a U-turn in their
    policy. It means that the fundamental principles of the national
    security concept have been revised, which is not publicized. What is the possible result of the ferment within the ANC?

    The matter particularly concerns the criticism voiced by Zhirair
    Sefilyan, the leader of the Miatsum (Unity) movement, which is part
    of the ANC.

    H. Karapetyan: I think the recent processes may split the ANC,
    as Ter-Petrosyan's policy is "after the heart" of the ANC members
    representing the Armenian National Movement (ANM). Many of the
    political forces forming the ANC accuse Ter-Petrosyan of being
    inactive. They believe that the ANC's passivity against the ARF's
    vigorous activities is affecting the ANC's rating. In this context,
    I think Ter-Petrosyan's speech was aimed at encouraging his supporters
    and assure them that the ANC will come to power without fail - if
    not by elections, then by cooperating with the authorities. Mr. Karapetyan, what is the reason for the second president's
    prompt response to the first?

    H. Karapetyan: An accused person is usually in a hurry to respond. On
    the other hand, if a guiltless person tries to justify himself,
    such one becomes half guilty.