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Flexible And Barbarian

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  • Flexible And Barbarian


    168 Zham
    Nov 12 2009

    Yesterday at the meeting of the Armenian National Congress (ANC)
    activists, the first president of Armenia, head of the Pan-Armenian
    National Movement, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, made a lengthy speech. He
    dwelled on domestic political situation in Armenia after the signing
    of the Armenian-Turkish protocols and made his predictions about
    possible developments.

    It seems to me that the following scenario will take place. The
    Turkish parliament will delay the ratification of the protocols or
    they will ratify them with some reservations tending to promote a
    quick settlement to the NK [Nagornyy Karabakh] conflict. The Armenian
    parliament will adopt a wait-and-see policy and will get back to the
    ratification of the protocols only after Turkey ratifies them.

    The international community will consider the NK issue as the main
    obstacle to this deadlock and will make efforts to speed up its
    settlement which completely coincides with Turkey's position. Pointing
    to confrontation between Armenia and Diaspora over the signing of
    the Armenian-Turkish protocols, Serzh Sargsyan will ask the mediators
    to hold back the NK conflict settlement for some time explaining to
    them that it will be difficult for him to withstand to yet another

    The international community will admit Sargsyan's explanation with
    understanding, but they will not miss the opportunity to use his
    weakness and therefore, they will reject his request. Moreover, they
    will increase pressure on Armenia over the NK. It is quite probable
    that the interested forces will also convince Armenia to ratify the
    protocols first substantiating that after that it will not be easy
    for Turkey to delay the ratification process.

    Thus, based on this logic, the developments in the forthcoming months
    will head in the direction of the NK conflict settlement rather than
    in the direction of the Armenian-Turkish relations because the main
    condition of the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation is not the genocide
    issue but the Karabakh issue settlement. And despite the beginning of
    his speech, L. Ter-Petrosyan had mentioned that it is not intended
    to be part of his programme, he raised a lot of issues. The first
    president of Armenia finished his speech with a rhetoric question which
    would most probably become an issue of discussions and interpretations
    quite soon.