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Ankara: Fait Accompli Strategy Against Non-Muslims

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  • Ankara: Fait Accompli Strategy Against Non-Muslims


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 20 2009

    Michel Foucault says you can understand a society from what it
    excludes. We generally tend to look at what a society includes,
    what they are willing to embrace.

    But Foucault draws our attention to a different angle. I agree with
    him. When it comes to Turkey, I believe, not only what it excludes
    but also how it does this are important factors to look at in order
    to have a better understanding of this country.

    What does Turkey exclude? Without any doubt it excludes non-Muslims.

    This non-Muslim identity is rejected by secular state elites who
    are the founders of the Turkish republic. This is another tricky
    part which confuses outsiders and they have a serious difficulty
    to understand. In Turkey so called "secular people" have a much
    stronger allergy towards non-Muslims than devout Muslims have towards
    non-Muslims. This is important to understand because of the complex
    policy towards non-Muslims developed by the secular elites and so
    called secular state apparatuses. Today's so called "secular elites"
    are just the inheritors of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP)
    which orchestrated massacres against Armenians. If devout Muslims
    could play a quite dynamic reformist role in Turkey, they can do that
    because they do not have any historical linkage with this political
    movement. On the contrary, the same political movement has always
    oppressed them in Turkey.

    While the Ottoman Empire was collapsing, the CUP decided that
    they should create a homogenous society in the remaining part of
    the empire. Because they believed if they did not do that they
    would have lost more territory, even Anatolia would be broken into
    smaller pieces. On the orders of Talat Pasha, in 1915, Armenians
    were forcefully expelled to the Syrian deserts, massacred and all
    their belongings were seized. Turkey's history of getting rid of
    non-Muslims is also the history of the Turkification of capital. It
    is not a coincidence that the richest Turkish families in Turkey
    are from the cities and regions in which the biggest massacres were
    carried out; Adana, Kayseri and so on. This may also explain why we
    have such an obedient bourgeoisie in Turkey.

    After this initial and brutal blow, a certain policy was vigorously
    and relentlessly applied towards non-Muslims during the Republican
    era in Turkey. If you look at the history of non-Muslims, you can
    clearly see the repetition of certain patterns. Sudden and unexpected
    attacks followed certain periods of inaction and after a while, another
    unexpected attack followed this inactive period. This is called a
    'fait accompli' strategy. A fait accompli strategy works like this:
    You want to get something. You take it without discussion or warning
    and you give your enemy/opponent a choice, they will either fight back
    or accept the loss. You also act upon the conservative attitudes of
    your opponent; you know that they will act to protect what is left
    to them rather than fighting for what has been taken from them. After
    a while what you have taken becomes a part of the status quo. Sooner
    or later you take something else from your opponent, but again they
    do not react believing that they have a lot to lose if they fight back.

    These actions and waiting periods follow each other; after a while your
    opponents start to see the pattern, but this time, if they react, they
    would have lost most of their material possessions and freedoms when
    you set out for a new attack; they think it will not be worth fighting
    back because they did not fight while most things were taken from them.

    This is exactly what happened to non-Muslims during the republican
    era. They were scared away with pogroms. They were condemned to poverty
    by wealth taxes. Their properties, their foundations were taken from
    them one-by-one by carefully calculated legal tricks. They were never
    given any legal status and they suffered from this ambiguity. Their
    schools were closed and so on. Attacks followed inaction. Inaction
    was followed by new attacks. The so called Lausanne minorities
    suffered from these policies a lot and they have come to the verge
    of extinction. I have already explained the plight of the ecumenical
    patriarchate in this column before. And as I said earlier, minority
    groups are also a part of this game with their submissive and passive
    attitude. They never sufficiently use and benefit from existing
    remedies; they have never developed any strategic litigation to gain
    new rights to loosen the noose around their necks. This fait accompli
    strategy has been applied on automatic pilot since the republic was
    established. Its aim is obvious. It will be repeated until non-Muslims
    completely vanish. This strategy is one of the biggest stumbling
    blocks to democracy in this country. We need to develop awareness,
    an understanding of it first and then a serious struggle for its
    eradication can be started. There is no place for fait accompli in
    any democracy!