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NKR delegation holds meetings in U.S.

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  • NKR delegation holds meetings in U.S., Armenia
    Nov 21 2009

    NKR delegation holds meetings in U.S.

    13:57 / 11/21/2009The meetings of NKR delegation, headed by Premier
    Ara Harutyunyan within the framework of `Hayastan' All Armenian Fund's
    annual Telethon to U.S. continue. This year the event will be held in
    LA on Nov. 26.

    As was informed by NKR Government Information and PR
    department, Harutyunyan visited head offices of Boston Globe and
    Hayrenik newspapers. In the course of the meeting with journalists,
    Karabakh peace process, Armenian-Turkish reconciliation as well as
    socioeconomic situation in NKR were canvassed.

    That day Ara Harutyunyan met with Armenian Aid Union (AAU) leadership.
    Through spacebridge, Heads of AAU branches in Canada and California
    also joined the meeting.

    Harutyunyan hailed successful the organization's progress and its
    contribution to the preschool system development in Karabakh. He also
    expressed hope that the cooperation will progress and AAU will keep on
    expanding its activities in NKR. Over 500 representatives of Armenian
    community attended the Nov. 20 reception held in honor of NKR
    delegation. At the event, Nagorno-Karabakh Premier awarded Raffi
    Festekjian, Chairman of `Hayastan' All Armenian Fund a commemorative
    medal for the assistance to various projects' implementation in NKR.

    Leader of Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop
    Pargev Martirosyan, Spokesman to the NKR President David Babayan and
    NKR Permanent Representative to U.S. Robert Avetisyan attended the
    meetings as well.