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Cynical crime against Armenian cultural and religious heritage

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  • Cynical crime against Armenian cultural and religious heritage, Armenia
    Nov 21 2009

    Cynical crime against Armenian cultural and religious heritage

    13:41 / 11/21/2009 Kurieri news of Rustavi2 (Georgian pro-governmental
    TV channel) showed footage from the scene where Armenian church Mughnu
    Surb Gevorg (Mughni) collapsed late at night on Nov. 19. The reporter
    said that the church collapsed in Sololaki [an Old Tbilisi part of the
    city]. The incident occurred late at night as the dome collapsed. No
    injuries have been reported only several cars parked nearby were

    Kurieri reporter David Kashiashvili when asked what the reason of the
    incident was being present at the scene declared, `Locals say the
    church crumbled with age at about 4 a.m. Cars parked nearby and the
    roof of one house were damaged. Two families have applied to local
    Municipality about the housing issues.'

    `What was the reason of collapse?¦dilapidation?' ' Kashiashvili asked
    a local. The answer was, `Yes, dilapidation.'

    `The church did not function. It was a dangerous structure and the
    level of the existing threat of collapse will be examined. It is a
    monument thus, the decision should be made from the point of cultural
    heritage. But this is a fact that the church is under a threat of
    collapse,' said another local.

    `According to a legend, it is here where Saint George's hand is
    buried. The church was ancient. A historic monument has been this
    church on Akhospireli street that collapsed late at night. You have
    already heard that locals demand that the destroyed parts be
    demounted, although the ministry of culture is to decide on it.
    However, no representative of the ministry has arrived at the scene
    yet. Locals have collected signatures to demount the collapsed
    fractions,' Kurieri reporter goes on reminding the viewers of words
    that the locals have not said. And besides, not a single word was
    uttered about that the church was Armenian.

    Thanks that at least a small piece in The Georgian Times daily says
    the church is Armenian. `Armenian church damaged in Tbilisi. A wall of
    an Armenian Church on Abo Tbileli Street, Sololaki District, Tbilisi,
    collapsed last night. The collapse damaged other nearby buildings, but
    luckily, no one has been injured. The Armenian Church was closed due
    to the critical state of the historic building. Locals say that the
    recent rains inflicted more damage on the church and the wall of the
    amortized building ruined as a result. District governor viewed the
    damaged building and promised the locals to allocate funds for
    rehabilitation works,' news dated Nov. 19 bears signature of Rustavi2.
    It is odd, isn't it? correspondent made inquiries among Tbilisi citizens (among
    them Georgians and Amenians). They find it strange that the church '
    which is officially said to be a cultural monument ' has been
    neglected, became dramatically ramshackle and ' finally giving up the
    struggle with natural and manmade lesions ' collapsed. The people are
    perplexed at the scene whereas tens of new Gergian churches are
    constantly built in the country. Contemplating these developments they
    come to conclusion that what is taking place with Armenian churches is
    a cynical crime against cultural and religious heritage of Georgia's
    ancienest population ' the Armenian community. Armenians played a
    central role in cultural and historic aspects in what it became known
    as Tbilisi ' but this is another story¦

    As informed early the Mother See of Holy Etchimadzin and
    Georgian eparchy of AAC have repeatedly requested Georgian
    authorities, Patriarch's office, and international organizations to
    return the Mughni St. Gevorg church along with other five Armenian
    churches. The problem has been addressed by media however, Georgian
    leadership keep ignoring the issue. Georgian Patriarch's office
    presented an argument that it considers the churches disputable and
    that is why they cannot be returned. It should be mentioned that
    Mughni St. Gevorg is the second church that has been demolished in
    Georgia, the first was destroyed in 1989.