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BAKU: Aliyev: If Armenia lengthens time, negotiations will be ended

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  • BAKU: Aliyev: If Armenia lengthens time, negotiations will be ended

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Nov 21 2009

    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev: `If Armenia lengthens time,
    negotiations will be ended'

    [ 21 Nov 2009 14:10 ]

    * `If the next meeting with Armenian president does not give results,
    our hopes for the negotiations will be ended not leaving other way for

    * `Decisions of international organizations and UN Charter allow us to
    liberate our lands by military way'

    Baku ` APA. `This injustice cannot be continued. How long will the
    violation of international law continue? We show good will now. We
    make concession participating in the negotiations', said President
    Ilham Aliyev in his speech during the opening of new settlement for
    IDPs near Veyisli village of Gornaboy region, APA reports quoting
    AzerTAC news agency. The president reminded that OSCE Minsk Group was
    established in 1992 for liberation of Azerbaijani lands from the
    occupation. `The Minsk Group was not established that to establish
    second Armenian state in the historic land of Azerbaijan ` Nagorno
    Karabakh. UN Security Council passed four resolutions. There is no
    other organization in the world above the UN Security Council. If its
    resolutions are not fulfilled, it means that the Security Council has
    low influence or the norms of international law don't work. If it is
    so let everybody to know its work. If the international law doesn't
    work let us to know our work. We don't violate any law. We are trying
    to do everything within the law, within the norms of international
    law. Following that OSCE summits passed decisions, which were not
    fulfilled. What are we to do? Do we expect? How long? Why Azerbaijani
    citizens cannot return to their homelands? Why population of Kelbajar
    cannot return to Kelbajar? It is because Armenians don't want that.
    Why? What right they have to do that? These issues had to be solved
    long ago. We want to solve it via negotiations, peacefully. On the
    other hand, it is not correct to reconcile with this situation. How
    long can we reconcile?'

    President Ilham Aliyev said he would meet with Armenian president in
    the next few days. `Sometimes these meetings are successful. But
    Armenian side tries to lengthen the time sometimes. The last meetings
    didn't give any result because Armenian side demonstrated
    non-constructive position. What reason of that? May be they were
    encouraged by the process of normalization of the Turkish-Armenian
    relations. It created wrong thoughts for them that the
    Turkish-Armenian borders will be opened and Karabakh issue will be put
    aside. But the processes show that it will not take place. Strong
    position of Azerbaijan and Turkish community, statements and promises
    by the Turkish leadership show that Turkish-Armenian relations cannot
    be normalized without solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem. Armenian
    side should understand it'.

    The head of state said there was and intensive economic development in
    Azerbaijan. `But Armenian economy was almost paralyzed. Our economic,
    political and diplomatic successes and strengthening of defense
    potential are enhancing our position. But we need in the result. We
    need that they peacefully leave our lands. Then it will bring a peace.
    Then nobody will say that why Azerbaijan is strengthening its defense
    potential? Sometimes we hear from the international forces that why
    Azerbaijan is armed. It does not concern anyone? We are not armed at
    the expense of theirs. We are armed at own expense, at the expense of
    our opportunities. What must we do? What must we do to solve this
    issue comprehensively and for ever?'

    President Ilham Aliyev informed about the essence of negotiation
    process. `I can say now that first alteration Armenian side agreed is
    that they will withdraw forces from only four regions, which are
    located throughout railway along Araz River. Other regions will remain
    under their control until uncertain time. The negotiation process
    considers withdrawal from five regions at first and then from Kelbajar
    and Lachin. But it is not full solution of the problem. We want
    Azerbaijani citizens to return to Nagorno Karabakh, to Shusha `
    historic city of Azerbaijan. If it doesn't take place, the problem
    will not be solved for ever. We must do so that the agreements will
    not create background for further undesirable developments. If the
    agreement doesn't satisfy us, the problem can be raised and create
    threat again. I am always telling the Armenian side that you must do
    so that we can satisfy with the agreement, because if don't satisfy,
    the problem will be raised again tomorrow or 10 years later'.

    The head of state said new settlements for the internally displaced
    persons would be constructed in the next years too. `But it is not a
    solution of the problem. The solution is in the liberation of
    Azerbaijani lands from the invaders. We do everything necessary to
    achieve our goals. The work done in the negotiations process, our
    economic opportunities and army-building make Azerbaijan strong. If we
    are not strong we cannot solve the Nagorno Karabakh problem, because
    international interferences don't give a result. Indeed these
    interferences have political character. Sometime the international
    forces calmed down the occupant countries immediately. We saw these
    events in the history. But the international community didn't show
    strong position when the Azerbaijani lands were occupied. Therefore we
    have to rely on our force and we have to be strong to solve the
    problem fairly, within the national interests of Azerbaijan and on the
    basis of international law. I don't doubt that we will achieve it'.

    Azerbaijani leader said he would go to the meeting with Armenian
    president in Munich with his program. `This meeting should play
    decisive role in the negotiation process. There were several meetings
    without results. If the next meeting doesn't give results, our hopes
    for the negotiations will be ended not leaving other way for us. We
    must be ready for that. Recent army-building development has is goal.
    We spend billions of resources to strengthen our army and we purchase
    new arms, techniques and we enhance our position on the line of
    contact. We do that because we never rule out this alteration. We have
    full right to liberate our lands from the occupation and the
    international law recognizes our right. We want to solve the problem
    peacefully to prevent the war. But Armenia is wrong if it thinks that
    we will always participate at the negotiations. The negotiations will
    last until the end of our hopes. But if Armenian side tries to
    lengthen the time and to hold endless negotiations, the talks will be
    ended. There are 30-40-year negotiations in some places. But that
    situation will not be repeated here'.

    President Ilham Aliyev said international, political and diplomatic
    factors supported Azerbaijan's position. Decisions of international
    organizations and UN Charter allow us to liberate our lands from the
    invaders by military way. We don't want to interfere in the territory
    of other country. Everybody knows that present Armenia was formed in
    the historic lands of Azerbaijan. Khanate of Iravan, province of
    Zangazur ` all these are the lands of Azerbaijan. Iravan was presented
    to Armenia in 1918. Later they raised territorial claims against
    Azerbaijan again. They created one Armenian state in the Azerbaijani
    lands and now they intended to create second one. It is not logical.
    Azerbaijani people, Azerbaijani state will never allow it. Nagorno
    Karabakh will never be independent. We don't allow it. Therefore
    Armenia must take serious steps in the negotiations. They must take
    the steps, but not us. What we can make concession? What we occupied
    that make it concession? We will not make concession. Our concession
    is peaceful solution of the problem'.
    From: Baghdasarian