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Hidden treasures of Armenia

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  • Hidden treasures of Armenia

    eTurbo News
    Nov 21 2009

    Hidden Treasures Of Armenia
    Armenian landscape is picturesque and rich in cultural monuments

    Photo from Motaz Othman
    By Motaz Othman, eTN | Nov 20, 2009

    Mrs. Nelli Malkhasyan is an old friend of mine, I'm always meeting
    with her at travel fairs and witnessed her efforts to promote her
    country, Armenia. I met her again during the World Travel Market (WTM)
    at the Armenia stand, and I asked her to introduce her country to the
    readers of eTurboNews.

    "With my pleasure," she said and invited me to visit Armenia on my own
    to be able to discover fully the hidden treasures of her homeland. She
    told me that Armenia has attracted travelers since ancient times.
    Caravans would travel across the territory of historical Armenia as it
    was an important part of the Great Silk Route. Many famous travelers,
    such as Jean Baptist Tavernier, Marco Polo, and others, have portrayed
    this country in their books depicting its picturesque landscape and
    the richness of its numerous cultural monuments, covering a wide range
    of the history of human civilization from Cyclopean fortresses to the
    times of Urartu and the Pagan era, with its towns built in Hellenistic
    style to early Christian churches and ecclesiastic universities homed
    by monasteries. Pages could be written on the long-aged history of

    Generally, tourists visiting Armenia are excited by its nature and
    amazed by the results of its "creative work" (pictorial landforms,
    rock sculptures, waterfalls, etc.) and wish to learn more about the
    roots of their formation. As a matter of fact, Armenia is one of those
    few countries that, though small in territory, is notable for its
    complexity and rich diversity of its geological structures. In a small
    area, one can observe various signs of active geological processes
    ever taking place on the Earth and continuing today.

    Among all this diverse Armenian geology are objects that could be
    assigned to the rank of rarity, and often, unique natural geological
    monuments are to be found. The agro-biological diversity of wild
    relatives of plants - cultivated, medicinal, edible, wood, coloring,
    aromatic, fodder, and many others - including many endemic, relict,
    and rare species is surprising.

    The people and races that have populated the Armenian highland, whose
    origin stretches into the unknown millennia of prehistory, have
    provided the human substance for its culture. Being at the crossroads
    of Asia and Europe, the country served as a bridge joining both,
    geographically as well as culturally, Iran and Indo-China with
    European civilization. Armenia synthesized the best traditions of the
    arts, music, and architecture from its neighbors and gave them a new
    interpretation that not only enriched its own cultural heritage but
    also influenced that of its neighbors. A visit to Armenia will help
    one to define a new interpretation of east-west cultural interactions.

    Throughout Yerevan alone, there are more than 40 museums and galleries
    presenting fine arts. Yet the country as a whole is often referred to
    as an outdoor museum. It has over 4,000 historical monuments, which
    cover various periods of the country's development from prehistoric to
    the Hellenistic era and from the early to medieval Christian era. The
    stone-carved crosses and cathedrals recall the European Renaissance.
    Comparisons and discoveries of the arts are a continual delight in
    this magical country.

    Though distinctive national styles are clear, an Armenian national
    song can sound to a westerner as hauntingly oriental. In order to
    understand Armenian musical arts, please visit the House-Museum of the
    world-reknowned contemporary composer Aram Khachatouryan or go to the
    Philharmonic Hall, the Chamber Music Hall, or to the Opera and Ballet
    House while in Yerevan.

    Armenia's literary and artistic history is studied and exhibited in
    Matenadaran ` the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts in Yerevan, which
    preserves a unique collection of 14,000 complete manuscripts,
    fragments, and miniatures (UNESCO World Heritage Site). The oldest
    parchment manuscript dates back to early 5th c. The majority of
    manuscripts are research works of ancient scholars on astrology,
    alchemy, geography, history, medicine, poetry, and the musical arts.

    Mrs. Nellie is the general manager of the Princess Maneh Consultancy
    and Tourist Services - a full service incoming tour operator and DMC
    offering tailored packages to the most attractive sights and
    architectural monuments of Armenia. -landscape-picturesque-and-rich-cultural-monuments