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A Morgenthau Legacy

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  • A Morgenthau Legacy

    History News Network
    Arnold Reisman

    A Morgenthau Legacy
    Nov 23 2009

    Mr. Reisman is listed in Who's Who in America, and is a Fellow of the
    American Association for the Advancement of Science. The the latest
    of his six books on modern Turkey's history is SHOAH: Turkey, the US,
    and the UK.

    A new exhibit opened at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York
    City. It is titled: The Morgenthaus: A Legacy of Service and will run
    through December 2010. The Morgenthaus are a unique American family
    both wealthy and powerful and among them three Morgenthau generations,
    Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and Robert M.

    Morgenthau, have contributed greatly to America's history. While all
    three men were well connected politically, both Henry Morgenthau Sr.

    and Henry Morgenthau Jr. were in positions of great influence at
    times when the fate of European Jewry hung in the balance. Raised
    in Jewish homes, though not particularly observant, both men were
    esteemed members of America's German Jewry1.

    As an immigrant himself Henry Morgenthau Sr. was determined to make a
    difference as an American. Having achieved success in law and business
    by age 55, he was able to devote the remainder of his life to public
    service. He became a key player on the world stage during World War
    I as Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, under President Woodrow Wilson.

    In the first two years of his post, he witnessed the extreme poverty of
    Jewish settlers in Palestine and the plight of the Armenians. He called
    international attention to the sufferings of minorities in the Empire,
    and helped supply direct aid and relief. His work as Ambassador--and
    his service to humanitarian causes--had a profound impact on the
    course of history in the first half of the twentieth century.2

    Morgenthau Sr., had in fact assimilated into the fabric of America
    so much so that he became very close to Woodrow Wilson; hence the
    appointment as ambassador. The museum site3 tells us that as Ambassador
    to the Ottoman Empire, he became greatly concerned about the dire
    poverty in which the Jews of Palestine were living. To help them,
    he sent a telegram to Jacob Schiff asking for funds.4

    Morgenthau Sr. was in the Ottoman Empire when the massacres of
    Armenians occurred and was outraged when he learned the details. That
    became a cause he championed for the rest of his life.

    His son Henry Morgenthau, Jr. was born into a family deeply committed
    to public service. Beginning his career on a farm in Dutchess County,
    his life's work would be defined by his passion for agriculture and
    his friendship with neighbor Franklin Delano Roosevelt. As Secretary
    of the Treasury, Morgenthau worked to strengthen America's economy
    during the Great Depression, and to prepare the Allies for WWII.

    During the Holocaust, he urged President Roosevelt to take
    action--leading to the creation of the War Refugee Board in 1944.5

    As Secretary of the Treasury from 1934 to 1945 he helped to develop
    and institute War Bonds.

    The first Series 'E' U.S. Savings Bond was sold to President Franklin
    D. Roosevelt by Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau. The bonds sold at
    75 percent of their face value in denominations of $25 up to $10,000,
    with some limitations. The war bonds actually were a loan to the
    government to help finance the war effort.

    The War Finance Committee was in charge of supervising the sale of all
    bonds, and the War Advertising Council promoted voluntary compliance
    with bond buying. The work of those two organizations produced the
    greatest volume of advertising in U.S. history. In the name of defense
    of American liberty and democracy, and as safe havens for investment,
    the public was continually urged to buy bonds. 6

    The Museum of Jewish Heritage, which publicizes itself as "A Living
    Memorial to the Holocaust", declares that its mission is to "tell the
    story of the Jews before, during and after the Holocaust." While it
    has done a masterful job creating a detailed exhibit about this family,
    in the case of Henry Sr. and Henry Jr., a great deal has been omitted
    about the "role" of both men before and during the Holocaust, a role
    that could have saved the majority of the 6,000,000 who perished. A
    museum that purports itself to be a memorial to the Holocaust
    ought to tell a complete story but perhaps it is understandable
    that unflattering information about the Morgenthaus is not part
    of this exhibit considering that Robert Morgenthau is listed as the
    museum's Chairman of the Board. The website does provide the following
    unexplained insight.

    Like his father, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. would be challenged throughout
    his career to balance American and Jewish agendas, which often seemed
    at odds with each other. 7

    Indeed there were many challenges for the Morgenthaus to balance
    their American and Jewish agendas. In 1933 E. Finlay Freundlich,
    an astronomer and an early collaborator with Albert Einstein,8 was
    forced out of his position as Director of the Potsdam, (Germany)
    observatory that he had founded, because his wife was Jewish. Soon
    thereafter Freundlich was invited to Istanbul to help create Turkey's
    first observatory.9 The Freundlichs had met the Morgenthaus years
    earlier and were obviously on friendly terms with the family because
    upon their arrival in Istanbul in 1933, Freundlich wrote a three-page
    letter to Morgenthau Sr.10 After dispensing with the social niceties,
    Freundlich vividly described what was happening to Jewish intellectuals
    back home and pleaded for help from his well connected friend in
    America. He asked Morgenthau Sr. to become involved not only by
    sounding the alarms but by persuading the people in power to act and
    do something to help those who were going to be mowed down by the
    Nazis. Morgenthau's reply is disconcerting. See paragraph 2.

    A letter dated February 17th 1934 from Henry Morgenthau Sr. to E.

    Finlay Freundlich his friend in Istanbul11

    Perhaps Freundlich's pleas presented a challenge to that delicate
    "balance between American and Jewish agendas" that is mentioned in the
    exhibit. At any rate, it appears that Sr. was not up to the challenge
    because he opted out stating in a manner one would call a brush off
    that he was just too busy with American matters.

    Henry Morgenthau Jr., like other administration officials, was aware
    of the plight of European Jews and as a friend of the President's he
    was in a unique position of both influence and assistance. But here
    again, the delicate balance between a Jewish agenda and an American
    agenda was challenged.

    On May 13, 1939 the luxury liner St. Louis left Germany with 900
    passengers, most of them German Jews with documents for entry into
    their destination, Cuba. When the ship arrived, however, Havana refused
    to allow the passengers to disembark. The St. Louis sat in the harbor
    for days, running out of fresh food and water for the 900 people who
    were terrified that they would be returned to Nazi Germany.

    After frantic international negotiations that were meant to allow
    all the refugees to disembark, only 29 passengers were permitted to
    land in Havana. The ship was then ordered to leave, which it did,
    maneuvering slowly and tantalizingly near the coast of Florida hoping
    for permission to disembark its passengers somewhere on American soil.

    The U.S., led by Secretary of State Hull and President Roosevelt,
    ordered the U.S. Coast Guard12 to keep the ship from port. So, it
    changed course and sailed for Europe.

    In his book, While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy,
    Arthur D. Morse13 claimed that the U.S. Coast Guard cutter CG-244
    "shadowed the St. Louis, with orders to prevent any refugees from
    jumping overboard and swimming ashore."

    While the Coast Guard has pictures of all of the ships that were
    ever in its service and logs of other incidents, all archivists
    contacted at the USCG claim to have no logs, nor any other record of
    USCG Cutter 244. Nor does the Fort Lauderdale USCG Station have any
    archival documents pertaining to the 244, not even a photo, which
    would correspond to the transcripts.

    Transcripts of two telephone conversations, one initiated at 3:54 PM
    on June 6, 1939 by the Secretary of Treasury to Commander Earl G. Rose
    at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters14 followed by another call at 3:59
    PM15 show that above all else, Morgenthau wanted to make sure that
    "[t]here would be nothing in the papers"16

    Morgenthau wanted no publicity about this incident that would make the
    United States government appear heartless or unfeeling to the plight
    of refugees or cause any backlash among Roosevelt's Jewish supporters.

    Yet according to the New York Times of June 8, 1939,

    After extensive negotiations, the St. Louis docked at Antwerp on June
    17, 1939: 214 passengers remained in Belgium, 224 went to France and
    181 to the Netherlands. Another 288 passengers went ashore in Britain
    on June 21.

    History tells us that as the years went on and America entered the war,
    the United States did nothing to help European Jewry, a fact which
    several decades later still boggles the mind. The American Jewish
    community, still extremely wary of encouraging widespread anti-Semitic
    and anti-alien sentiments, felt their own situations would become more
    difficult if a flood of poor, eastern European immigrants came into
    their communities. American Jews were ambivalent and timorous when
    lobbying for rescue efforts and they were torn by bitter infighting
    principally between Zionists and non-Zionists.

    Influential and well connected German American Jews consistently
    underplayed the perils of their fellow Jews in Europe while wishful
    thinking, sloth and business-as-usual attitudes undermined whatever
    efforts were made.17

    Led by Rabbi Stephen Wise (1874-1949), the American Jewish Congress
    encouraged a boycott of German goods in 1933. Later, during the war,
    a different group of Jews led by the Warburgs, bankers whose German
    branch of the family had helped found the chemical giant I.G. Farben
    (makers of Zyklon B gas used in the death camps) in the 1920's and
    members of Roosevelt's inner circle visited the President and told
    him (via German American Jews' requests) that "things aren't all that
    bad in Germany."18

    ... "Jews who were close to the President did very little to encourage
    rescue action." Samuel Rosenman, Special Counsel to the President and
    his principal adviser on Jewish matters, "considered the rescue issue
    politically sensitive, so he consistently tried to insulate Roosevelt
    from it." Rosenman opposed formation of a rescue agency, deliberately
    watered down a war-crimes declaration so as to eliminate what he
    considered "excessive emphasis on the Jews" and argued consistently
    that "government aid to European Jews might increase anti-Semitism
    in the United States."19

    As the museum correctly states Morgenthau Jr. "urged President
    Roosevelt to take action--leading to the creation of the War Refugee
    Board in 1944." Why did this happen at such a late date? Lawyer Josiah
    DuBois Jr., a non Jewish junior staffer at Treasury was going through
    some State Department documents and happened upon papers that spelled
    out virulent anti-Semitic immigration policies including a document
    signed by Breckinridge Long, State's Under Secretary, immigration
    Czar and a rabid anti Semite.20

    These documents sent to all staff at State and to all US embassies
    and consulates gave complete, how-to instructions on keeping Jewish
    immigrants out21 especially with such "Catch 22-type" regulations
    in place like the "criminal record" prohibition which by definition
    considered those who had been released from concentration or labor
    camps criminals and therefore excluded them from immigration. The
    "LPC" (likely to become a public charge) prohibition excluded many
    Jews since they were not allowed to take any wealth with them when
    they left Nazi territory and would arrive destitute. Finally the
    "contract labor" prohibition cut off those who could not show that
    they would become LPC because they did not have a guaranteed job offer
    America. There were other rules to obstruct visas. "American consuls
    in Germany [were instructed] not to give visas to Germans [Jews]
    without passport or without permission to leave the country ... not
    to issue immigrant visas to anyone without evidence of a booking on a
    ship due to sail within four months ... have the ability to pay for
    passage and affidavits of support from American relatives."22 This
    left many Jews stuck in Germany as Hitler rose to power.

    Outraged, Du Bois and two of his asssociates wrote their findings in a
    report,23 presented it to Morgenthau Jr. and threatened to go public
    with the damaging information in an election year unless FDR swiftly
    changed matters at the State Department. Within a week FDR issued an
    order proclaiming the War Refugee Board mentioned by the Museum.24
    Why did it take so long for action? Could this have been yet again
    another challenge to the balance between Jewish and American agendas?


    About his father's conversion "to the cause," Henry Morgenthau
    III wrote:

    In this climate of Jewish evasiveness it is significant that the
    initial breakthrough to my father's conscience [late in 1943] was
    achieved by three zealous Christian Treasury lawyers he trusted and
    respected. The most senior member of the triumvirate was Randolph
    Paul whom my father brought into the Treasury to draft tax reform
    legislation. The two junior members were John Pehle, then thirty-five
    director of the Foreign Funds Control Board (subsequently director
    of the War Refugee Board), and Josiah E. DuBois the thirty-two-year
    old assistant to the general Counsel.25

    According to the Museum website:

    The exhibition explores the fascinating ways in which three generations
    of a family raised awareness of tragedy around the world, and in
    doing so changed the course of world events, American politics,
    and Jewish history.

    >From its video transcripts we obtain these insights into the

    Lazarus Morgenthau (Father of Morgenthau Sr.) was determined to make
    it as an American. (narrator.)

    Henry Morgenthau Sr. was determined to insure a greater level of
    success. (narrator)

    And significantly, Joan Morgenthau Hirshborn, daughter of Henry
    Morgenthau Jr. stated "My father changed enormously as a result of
    what went on during the Holocaust. He got very much interested in
    Israel as a sanctuary for Jews. Totally changed our feeling about,
    you know, our heritage." (emphasis added) One can understand that
    the enormity of the Holocaust would have an impact on Jr. who did
    too little much too late. This, too, is part of the Morgenthau Legacy.

    1 For at least three generations this community considered itself
    at the top of the social strata among American Jews with their own
    elite golf clubs and synagogues. Intermarriage with establishment
    Protestants was more acceptable than marriage to any east European
    Jew no matter how accomplished or wealthy.


    3 Ibid

    4 Ibid

    5 Ibid



    8 Anonymous "Einstein to Modify Theory of Relativity As Light Study
    Shows Calculations Wrong, Photographic Method Explained."

    Special Cable to THE NEW YORK TIMES. June 13, 1931

    9 Reisman,A. Turkey's Modernization: Refugees from Nazism and Ataturk's
    Vision (Washington, DC: New Academia Publishers. 2006) pp191-5 10
    Courtesy E. Finlay Freundlich Archives St. Andrews University, St
    Andrews Scotland.

    11 Courtesy E. Finlay Freundlich archives St. Andrews University, St
    Andrews Scotland. For a further explanation see Reisman A. Turkey's
    Modernization: Refugees from Nazism and Ataturk's Vision (Washington,
    DC: New Academia Publishers. 2006) pp 26, 34, 39, 40, 191-7, 227,
    232, 233, 235, 266, 284-6, 320, 330, 331, 335-65.

    12 The US coast Guard has always been an agency of the Department of
    the Treasury.

    13 Morse, A.D. While six million died; a chronicle of American apathy
    (New York, Random House 1968)

    14 Coast Guard History:

    15 Ibid

    16 Coast Guard History: an2.asp

    Times, December 16, 1984.

    18 Geidner, Chris "A Question of Integrity: The United States'
    Treatment of Jewish Refugees During World War II" 2000, html


    20 A full transcript of the document appears in Reisman,A. SHOAH:
    Turkey, The US and the (Charleston, SC: BookSurge Publishing. 2009),
    The actual photocopy of the document will appear in Reisman A.

    PERFIDY: Britannia and her all-Jewish army units.

    21 There are excellent secondary sources for the reader to consider.

    Among them are: Richard Breitman and Alan M. Kraut, American Refugee
    Policy. Berenbaum, M. The world must know: the history of the
    Holocaust: and Laquer, W. and Baumel, J.T. The Holocaust encyclopedia.

    Morse, A.D. While six million died; a chronicle of American apathy;
    Feingold, H.L. The politics of rescue; the Roosevelt administration
    and the Holocaust, 1938-1945; Gilbert, M. Never again: a history
    of the Holocaust; Friedman, S. S. No haven for the oppressed;
    United States policy toward Jewish refugees, 1938-1945; Perl,
    W. The Holocaust conspiracy: an international policy of genocide;
    Wasserstein, B. Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945; Bolchover,
    R. British Jewry and the Holocaust. The list can go on and on.

    However, in The Myth of Rescue, William D. Rubenstein provides much
    statistical data to support his premise that America and the UK did
    do all that could have been done to save Jewish lives, an unorthodox
    point of view indeed. Interestingly the word "Turkey" does not appear
    in his lengthy and detailed index.

    22 Richard Breitman and Alan M. Kraut, American Refugee Policy: p 75

    23 Specifically the "Report to the Secretary on the Acquiescence of
    this Government in the Murder of the Jews," written by Josiah E.

    DuBois, Jr. , (1913-1983) a Treasury Department official, played
    a pivotal role in exposing State Department obstruction of efforts
    to provide American visa to Jews trying to escape Nazi Europe. In
    no uncertain terms the report said that FDR was "guilty not only
    of gross procrastination and willful failure to act, but even of
    willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews
    from Hitler." One of many facts in the report: "By the act of 1924,
    we are permitted to admit approximately 150,000 immigrants each
    year. During the last fiscal year only 23,725 came as immigrants. Of
    these only 4,705 were Jews fleeing Nazi persecution." None of these
    facts should surprise the more knowledgeable.

    24 For further information on this episode see Reisman, SHOAH: Turkey,
    the US and the UK, (BookSurge, 2009)

    25 Morgenthau H. III, Mostly Morgenthaus: (New York: Ticknor & Fields,
    1991) p 323.