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BAKU: Great Part Of Turkish Society Against Opening Of Turkish-Armen

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  • BAKU: Great Part Of Turkish Society Against Opening Of Turkish-Armen


    Nov 23 2009

    Day.Az: Do you believe the Turkish and Armenian parliaments will
    ratify the protocols signed between the countries?

    Anar Mammadkhanov: I think that the Armenian parliament will ratify
    the Turkish-Armenian protocols and will require a similar step
    from the Turkish side. But the Turkish parliament, which is really
    democratic and dependent on views of country's people, will ratify
    the Turkish-Armenian protocols until liberation of Azerbaijan's
    Armenian-occupied territories.

    Q: What will happen next once the scenario you suggest is realized?

    A: It will be followed by a mutual accusations which will give a rise
    to more actively involvement in a regular process of reconciliation
    efforts by leading world powers. But an attempt to exert pressure on
    Turkey, for example, from the U.S. and the EU is doomed to failure
    like an attempt by Madame Gritsatsuyeva to regain Ostap Bender, who,
    incidentally, was presented as a son of Turkish official. Indeed, in
    response to them, the U.S. and the EU, but not Madame Gritsatsuyeva
    will hear absolutely reasonable and truthful statement of the Turkish
    leadership that it is unable to influence decisions by its own members
    of parliament.

    After this scenario happens, I do not rule out that the Armenian side
    will experience equally unpleasant emotions, such as those experienced
    by archivist Korobeinikov who issued a free warrant indicating location
    of the chairs searched by "great schemer". It is possible that the
    Armenians will all together sing "the old song about the main thing"
    in chorus claiming that Turkish-Armenian protocols make no mention
    of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    But no one will listen these chants. Armenia is a country which over
    a dozen years ignored the fact that Azerbaijan's territorial integrity
    is recognized all over the world and numerous UN resolutions and other
    influential international organizations call for the liberation of
    all occupied Azerbaijani territories.

    Secondly, we live in a world of real politics. The realities imply that
    vast majority of representatives of Turkish society are against opening
    of Turkish-Armenian border without the return of Armenian-occupied
    Azerbaijani territories. Therefore, people engaged in real politics
    need to understand that the Turkish government delays ratification
    of the Turkish-Armenian protocols.

    In addition, Turkish authorities have reiterated on many occasions
    that these are two parallel processes and Azerbaijan enjoys larger
    geopolitical and geo-economic importance in the world.

    Q: Former Armenian Foreign Minister Alexander Arzoumanian said that
    the protocols will be ratified after a breakthrough in resolving
    the Karabakh issue. Recently, similar statements are made in Armenia
    more frequently. Does this mean that the process of disillusion has
    started in the Armenian society?

    A: I believe it is a forced disillusion. There are different causes
    for the forced disillusion. First, it is like a case when a man who
    loves to drink runs out of money and no one lends it to him.

    Secondly, it is similar to a case when a body no longer takes alcohol.

    So, there is parallelization of the two causes of forced disillusion
    in Armenia. Armenia faces a terrible economic situation that has led
    to a loss of interest to Armenia by investors while the "the body" -
    the mind of citizens of this country has refused to accept the idea of
    living in seclusion, knowing that the only way to "cure" lies through
    normalization of relations with all its neighbors which implies the
    return of all Armenia-occupied territories of Azerbaijan. This is
    understandable. After all, we still see only the first results of
    the impact of global economic and financial crisis on Armenian economy.

    Next will be even worse.

    So, it is high time to sobber up. Otherwise, figuratively speaking,
    it would be too late to drink mineral water owing to neglect of kidney
    disease: a real war threatens the complete loss of Armenian statehood.

    Q: Will the factors you cited lead to an adequate, fair position
    by the Armenian government in the negotiations to settle the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

    A: I am convinced that Armenia's isolation caused by the occupation of
    Azerbaijan's territories was sooner or later bound to increase external
    and internal problems of this country. After all, we are dealing with
    a classic case of "boomerang effect", when evil launched to the sky
    returns back in a form of very painful sensations. Years have passed
    and growing number of citizens in Armenia begin to understand this. I
    hope that leaders of this country will also understand it.

    I would be appropriate to quote Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev who
    said: "Personally, I have no doubt that the Azerbaijani lands will be
    liberated from the invaders. The main question is whether by peaceful
    or military ways." To be exact, Azerbaijan will never reconcile with
    the loss of its land and is ready to return them in any way. Remember
    the thesis by Winston Churchill's, brilliant politician and diplomat
    who brought the theory about what losses can a state afford during
    a war without undermining foundations of its nationhood and gene pool.

    Azerbaijan is ready to return Armenian-occupied territories through
    military means without risking to undermine the foundations of
    statehood and gene pool. Armenia, on backdrop of its current poor
    economic and demographic status, is not ready for hostilities
    and they could be the beginning of end of its statehood. This is
    the most powerful argument for the Armenian leadership to take a
    truly constructive stance in the negotiation process to settle the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.