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Armenia Threatens To Recognise Azerbaijan's Rebel Region

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  • Armenia Threatens To Recognise Azerbaijan's Rebel Region


    Public Television of Armenia
    Nov 23 2009

    Asked by "Haylur" how Armenia will behave if tension over the Karabakh
    issue really mounts, the spokesman for the Armenian president, Samvel
    Farmanyan, said that Armenia may recognize the Artsakh [Karabakh]
    republic and sign an agreement on mutual assistance with the second
    Armenian republic is events develop in such a way.

    [Presenter-reads out Farmanyan's statement] Yerevan has had occasions
    to note that no matter to what extent these statements are made for
    domestic consumption, they hardly create a favourable atmosphere
    for the settlement process. [Azerbaijani President] Ilham Aliyev's
    statements once again show the non-constructive conduct of Azerbaijan.

    Growth of tension around Nagornyy Karabakh is of course the most
    undesirable outcome for the whole region, Farmanyan said. However,
    Armenia cannot be indifferent to the fate of the people of Artsakh, and
    for this very reason the president of the republic [Armenian President
    Serzh Sargsyan] and other officials have numerously announced that we
    are responsible for the security of the people of Artsakh. There are
    accepted ways in case of such developments. Let's suppose the Republic
    of Armenia may recognize the independence of Nagornyy Karabakh with the
    consequences stemming from that. Second, Armenia may sign an agreement
    on mutual assistance with the Artsakh Republic. There are options and I
    am sure that Armenia will use these few options either individually or
    [all] at the same time. One should note that Armenia has not done so
    [has not recognised Nagornyy Karabakh as independent] for one reason
    - so as not to hinder the peace talks. And if the peace talks are
    stopped and hostilities resume, nothing will prevent Armenia from
    recognizing Artsakh's independence.

    [Presenter-read report] However, according to Farmanyan, the reality is
    that the negotiation process continues. Armenia has always announced
    that it sees no alternative to the peaceful settlement of the
    issue, and that it is possible to reach a peaceful and comprehensive
    settlement on the issue though negotiations. The presidential spokesman
    also spoke about reports by some Azerbaijani media. According to the
    reports, it was said during the Munich meeting that Armenians may pull
    out of Kalbacar District by the end of this year to provide Turkey an
    opportunity to ratify the Armenian-Turkish protocols and Azerbaijan -
    to make its position milder.

    [Presenter-reads out Farmanyan's statement] We have already got used
    that after each meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents
    "extremely informed" sources report about some arrangements which do
    not exist in reality. This is mere misinformation and has no connection
    with reality. Such an issue is not discussed, and consequently no such
    arrangement can exist. It has been numerously said that the key issue
    of the negotiation process on the settlement of the conflict and of
    the discussions is the issue of the status of Nagornyy Karabakh. All
    other issues are secondary.