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ANKARA: European Parliament: Ergenekon Investigation Is An Opportuni

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  • ANKARA: European Parliament: Ergenekon Investigation Is An Opportuni


    Today's Zaman
    Nov 27 2009

    The draft of the European Parliament progress report on Turkey calls
    Ergenekon investigation an opportunity for Turkish democracy and rule
    of law.

    Written by Dutch Christian Democrat Ria Oomen-Ruijten, the draft calls
    on the government to revamp the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors
    (HSYK). The 8-pages report which bears the date of 26-11-2009 commends
    the government's initiative on the Democratic and Armenian initiatives
    but at the same time criticizes the slow pace of implementation. The
    parts of the draft on Cyprus seem to be hugely influenced by the
    Greek Cypriot position.

    The first debate of the draft report will take place on Dec. 2 in
    Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). Following are some important
    topics from the draft report.

    Judicial Reform

    By welcoming the government's approval of the judiciary reform
    strategy, the report also encourages the government to re-structure
    the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) so as to ensure
    its representative ness, objectiveness, impartiality and transparency.

    It takes note of progress made on legislation limiting the jurisdiction
    of military courts and regrets the lodging of an appeal before
    the Constitutional Court seeking annulment of that legislation; is
    concerned by the continuing involvement of the military in Turkish
    politics and foreign policy, and reiterates that in a democratic
    society the military must be fully subject to civilian oversight.


    The draft report is also concerned about the alleged magnitude of the
    Ergenekon criminal network; urges the government and the judiciary
    to ensure that all proceedings are fully in line with the due process
    of law and that the rights of all defendants are respected.

    Democratic initiatives

    Welcomes the initiatives taken by the Turkish Government to bring
    Turkish citizens together and enable every citizen, irrespective of
    origin or religion, to enjoy equal rights and play an active role
    in Turkish society. Welcomes the adoption of legislation removing
    all restrictions on broadcasting in the Kurdish language by private
    and public channels at the local and national levels as well as of
    legislation on the use of the Kurdish language in prisons; urges
    the government to take further measures ensuring real opportunities
    to learn Kurdish within the public and private schooling system,
    allowing for Kurdish to be used in political life and in access to
    public services; calls on the Government to make sure that anti-terror
    laws are not misused to restrict fundamental freedoms, and to abolish
    the system of village guards in the south-east of Turkey.

    Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorist organization

    Condemns the continuing violence perpetrated by the PKK and other
    terrorist groups on Turkish soil, and urges the PKK to respond to
    the political initiative of the Turkish government by laying down
    its arms and putting an end to violence;

    Religious Minorities

    Welcomes the dialogue entered into by the Turkish government with
    non-Muslim religious communities and the Alevis; underlines, however,
    that positive steps and gestures cannot mask the lack of real reform
    of the legal framework, which must enable these religious communities
    to function without undue constraints, in line with the ECHR and the
    case-law of the European Court of Human Rights;

    It also reiterates its concern about the obstacles faced by the
    Ecumenical Patriarchate concerning its legal status, the training of
    its clergy, and elections of the Ecumenical Patriarch.

    Press Freedom

    The report is concerned about continued restrictions on press freedom,
    particularly following the imposition of an unprecedented fine on
    a media group, as well as regarding frequent website bans; stresses
    that the cultivation of press freedom is an important sign of political
    culture in a pluralistic society; recommends that in this context, and
    in light of the unhealthy links between media and business interests,
    a new media law be adopted.


    Calls on the Turkish government actively to support the ongoing
    negotiations, and to contribute in concrete terms to the comprehensive
    settlement of the Cyprus issue, based on a bi-zonal, bi-communal
    federation, in line with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions
    and the principles on which the EU is founded; calls on Turkey to
    facilitate a suitable climate for negotiations by withdrawing its

    Relations with neighbours

    Commends the diplomatic efforts made to normalise relations with
    Armenia, and urges the Turkish government to open the border with
    Armenia; calls on the Turkish Parliament (TBMM) and the Parliament
    of Armenia to ratify the relevant protocols without delay and without
    setting any preconditions;

    Takes note of the limited progress achieved in improving Turkish-Greek
    bilateral relations; calls on the TBMM to withdraw its casus belli
    threat, and expects the Turkish government to end the continued
    violations of Greek airspace.

    Welcomes the continued improvement of relations with Iraq and with
    the Kurdish regional government; stresses once again its appeal to
    the Turkish government to ensure that any anti-terrorist operation
    that is conducted fully respects Iraq´s territorial integrity, human
    rights and international law, and that civilian casualties are avoided.

    Foreign Policy

    Notes Turkey´s increasingly active foreign policy and appreciates
    its efforts to contribute to solutions in various crisis regions;
    calls on the Turkish government to intensify its foreign policy
    coordination with the EU, in particular as regards Iran.