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Satenik Ghazaryan Gains Support From Her Athletic Family

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  • Satenik Ghazaryan Gains Support From Her Athletic Family


    European Athletics php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7970&a mp;Itemid=2
    Nov 27 2009

    Photo: Satenik Ghazaryan, the Armenian national winner of the European
    Athletics Women's Leadership Awards, receives her certificate.

    In the third in a series of profiles of the national winners of the
    inaugural Women's Leadership Awards, European Athletics speaks to
    Armenia's Satenik Ghazaryan.

    As if Satenik Ghazaryan's personal contributions to the sport as
    an athlete, coach and event organiser were not enough, she has also
    built an athletics-family that has worked alongside her and enriched
    Armenian athletics.

    Ghazaryan, who has been named Armenia's national winner for the
    European Athletics Women's Leadership Award, started out as a
    competitor and was many times national champion in the middle distance
    events (800m - 5000m).

    After finishing her competitive days, Ghazaryan, 54, began a second
    career in coaching and has gone on to guide many successful Armenian
    athletes and lead her country's women's national team at various
    international competitions. In 2008, she was invited to serve as the
    head coach of the Kuwaiti women's team.

    In her current position as Deputy Director of the Athletics Youth
    Sport School in the capital Yerevan, one of Ghazaryan's primary
    responsibilities is to advise other coaches and help them to develop
    their expertise.

    Alongside her various coaching roles, Ghazarayan has become a top
    organiser of athletics and sports events in Armenia. She has long been
    a fixture at the country's most important national competitions, either
    as a referee or competition secretary or announcer, and she served
    as chief secretary for both the first and second Pan-Armenia Games.

    But one of Ghazarayan's biggest projects has been the organisation
    of her country's annual Women's Spartakiade, a national multisport
    competition designed to bring more women into sport, which she founded
    in 1998 and has continued to lead until the present.

    For this work, the mother of four has drawn on her husband's support.

    His organisation is one of the event's main partners and, she explains,
    "He helps me a lot when we are looking for sponsors for competitions,"

    "All my family are a great support for me and they are a source of
    inspiration in my activities," she explains.

    Ghazaryan's two sons have both been athletes, one a triple jumper
    while the other followed his mother's footsteps to become Armenian
    champion in the 800 and 1500 meters.

    Her two daughters have also followed her example. Both work as
    lecturers in athletics and physical education, and her older daughter
    coaches at a sport school and has served alongside her mother as
    chief secretary at a number of Armenian competitions.

    In addition to her efforts in the day-to-day work of the sport,
    Ghazaryan has taken on a number of leadership positions. She is
    a vice-president of the Armenian Women's Olympic Committee and
    the president of the Women's Committee of the Armenian Athletic
    Federation. It was in this role that in 2001 she organised the
    international seminar "Women in Athletics" in Yerevan.

    In recognition of her many contributions to the sport, Ghazaryan was
    awarded with a special medal by the IAAF in 1998.

    As a woman working in sport, Ghazaryan says she has encountered
    obstacles along the way, but she has remained resilient. She credits
    a number of company directors and the president of the Armenian
    Federation, Sargis Khachaturyan, who presented her award on behalf
    of European Athletics, for investing in her and her cause.

    But she realises there is more work to be done. "In our country it
    is rather difficult for a woman to independently implement sports
    activities. It is necessary for her to strengthen her position in
    the society first, then she can go on," she says.

    Overall, Ghazaryan is encouraged by the direction the sport is taking
    in Armenia: "I am happy that athletics is developing and has become
    significantly more popular among women. The percentage of female
    coaches has increased compared to several years ago and in coming
    years women will have a more stable and strong position in our sport."

    "One of our biggest challenges is to find sponsors or financial
    supporters for events and projects. It requires effort and skills to
    explain the role and meaning of athletics in a woman's life."

    Ghazaryan believes increased government involvement is necessary
    for further development: "In order to facilitate women's activities,
    first of all, we need assistance and more serious attention from our
    government. We need financial, psychological and technical support,
    as well as more mass media coverage."

    For the future, Ghazaryan sees participation as the key to creating
    future women's leaders in sport: "One of the main issues in our sport
    is getting girls involved, which is a very hard job in our country.

    Nevertheless, year after year the quantity and quality of female
    performances have significantly improved."