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Larry Wilson: Matchup Uneven in Treaty

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  • Larry Wilson: Matchup Uneven in Treaty

    Larry Wilson: Matchup Uneven in Treaty
    Posted on 02 October 2009.

    Public Editor, Pasadena Star-News

    In diplomacy, formal accord is good, right? It's what diplomats are
    after ` harmony, down on paper.

    But Raffi Hamparian of the Armenian National Committee notes that in
    geopolitics, the players are of uneven size, and the little guys can
    end up getting squished.

    When it comes to big Turkey ` 75 million people, massive Eurasian
    territories ` and little Armenia ` 3 million people, landlocked, small
    ` it's easy to lay odds on the situation.

    When you throw in powers such as the United States and Russia, who are
    behind much of the diplomatic jockeying in that part of the world, the
    odds get ¦ odder.

    So in the matter of a treaty ` this one is termed the protocols ` being
    fast-tracked through the legislatures of Turkey and Armenia with some
    arm-twisting from our own State Department, Hamparian sees the
    wrestling match this way: `It's like Hulk Hogan coming after my

    While the fledgling Armenian government is prepared to sign off on the
    protocols with its neighbor, members of the large Armenian Diaspora
    throughout the world are not at all sure about it.

    As with other nations afflicted with historical tragedy, there are
    many more people of Armenian descent elsewhere ` something in the
    order of 8 million ` than there are in the homeland.

    That tragedy was, of course, the genocide of about 1.5 million
    Armenians in 1915 at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish empire.

    Because of the generations of Armenian families who have long called
    the Pasadena area home, we know all about that genocide. And it's not
    just passed-down anecdotes from the old country ` it's straight
    history. The nonpartisan International Association of Genocide Scholars
    recognizes this fact. In a letter to President Obama, the group's
    president quotes Adolf Hitler in 1939 in a talk to his military
    advisers as he was planning his own genocide: `Who today, after all,
    remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?'

    This weekend the president of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, will be in the
    Southland as part of a U.S. tour aimed at building support for the
    protocol with Turkey. Much as they're glad to have an independent
    nation in their homeland, most local Armenian Americans are not pleased
    with the prospects of the treaty. Thousands have rallied in Glendale
    against it ` Hamparian says about 1,500 people from Pasadena took part
    ` and thousands more will demonstrate at the Beverly Hills Hotel on

    They say the protocols are not all bad ` the treaty aims to establish
    a peace, or at least a detente, between the neighbors, along with
    normalized trade relations. But its only reference to the genocide are
    with weasel words such as calling for `a dialogue on the historical
    dimension' and `an impartial and scientific examination.' I agree with
    Hamparian: It's like bringing the flat-Earthers to a global conference
    on roundness, as if there were a question.

    In Turkey, Article 301 of the penal code makes it illegal to even
    acknowledge the genocide. Where's the justice in protocols with a
    nation such as that?

    Public Editor Larry Wilson's blog is

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress