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National Initiative Miatsum Appeals to Nagorno-Karabakh's Leaders

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  • National Initiative Miatsum Appeals to Nagorno-Karabakh's Leaders
    16:04 ¢ 03.10.09

    National Initiative Miatsum Appeals to Nagorno-Karabakh's Leaders

    National Initative `Miatsum' sent a written appeal to
    Nagorno-Karabakh's political and military leaders. In the letter, it

    `The Turkish `Protocols' and `Madrid Principles,' as diplomatic calls
    to war thrown to Armenia and the Armenian people, have entered their
    final stage which is the documents' ratification and practical

    `It's not necessary to prove to a single Armenian today that the
    Turkish `Protocols' puts the fact of the Genocide into doubt, with all
    of the consequences that result from it, as well as compeling the
    Republic of Armenia to confirm recognition of the 1921 Kars Treaty,
    that is, Turkey with its present borders.

    `A more tragic consequence might be if the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh
    is resolved within the framework of the `Madrid Principles', which,
    for us, doesn't exist [the Madrid Principles, that is]. For the
    Armenian people, there is one major problem: that is the resettlement
    of Karabakh and the liberated territories.

    `It is already fact that on September 19, Serzh Sargsyan announced
    that if Nagorno-Karabakh is recognized within the regional
    administrative borders that it had during the Soviet period, then the
    Republic of Armenia is prepared to hand over a `safety zone'; that is,
    to surrender all seven regions of the liberated territories to

    `Armenians in the Republic of Armenia, as well as Armenians living
    abroad, are against the `Madrid Principles' and the Turkish
    `Protocols,' despite how much the Republic of Armenia's leadership
    attempt to loudly broadcast the opposite.

    `We are convinced that Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh and their
    political and military leaders realistically assess the full
    seriousness of the processes taking place today and will express
    appropriate will, preventing that policy, the downfall of the Armenian
    people, which the Republic of Armenia's governing authorities are

    `Unfortunately, from Armenia's independence till today, we were unable
    to use the opportunity provided to us, as well as the large period of
    time, to establish national and state institutions. If those
    institutions were established, today no such documents would
    emerge. The only document which is capable of aborting this
    treachorous process and to prevent it without shakes, is the
    impregnable fortress in Stepanakert.

    `Today, once more you have a historic mission: to be the vanguard in
    protecting Armenians' vital interests.'