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The World Press Freedom Committee Expresses Its Profound Concern Abo

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  • The World Press Freedom Committee Expresses Its Profound Concern Abo

    2009/10/03 | 15:34

    Society Politics

    The World Press Freedom Committee -an organization representing 44
    press freedom groups from throughout the world- expresses its profound
    concern about the fate of Nicol Pashinyan, editor-in-chief of the
    country's leading newspaper, Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times),
    who was arrested on July 1 after he voluntarily came out of hiding.

    Mr. Pashinyan, whose trial will start soon, is accused of very
    serious crimes, including inciting mass disorder and assaulting a
    public official. But the truth is he was just exercising his right to
    free expression during a peaceful political rally on March 1, 2008,
    which ended up being brutally repressed by riot police. The bloody
    incident left ten people dead.

    A 2008 US State Department report on human rights concluded that, "some
    of the deaths may have occurred from purposeful arbitrary killing,
    misuse of crowd control equipment [...] or some combination of these
    factors." The report goes on to conclude that no investigations were
    conducted into the behavior of the security forces during the incident.

    Mr. Pashinyan, whose writings had been very critical of the government,
    went into hiding after that fateful day and continued writing for
    his newspaper. After the Armenian Parliament passed a resolution of
    amnesty for all those implicated in the March 1 incident, he decided
    to come of out of hiding only to be immediately arrested and taken
    to a former KGB prison.

    The arrest took place in blatant defiance of the amnesty resolution
    and of a resolution by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe (PACE), which reminded the Armenian authorities that "the
    amnesty will also apply to those persons charged in relation to the
    events of 1 and 2 March 2008." The PACE resolution also urges the
    Armenian authorities to allow those charged in relation with that
    incident to remain free during the duration of their legal proceedings.

    Arresting a journalist because of his professional activity is a
    serious attack not only on his fundamental human rights, including
    press freedom, but also on his audience, who thus is deprived of
    important information about issues of public interest. By keeping
    him in prison, you also hold his audience hostage to an arbitrary
    decision that attempts against fundamental democratic principles.

    The harassment and illegal detention of members of the media represent
    grave violations of fundamental human rights postulates enshrined not
    only in the Armenian Constitution but also in international covenants,
    such as the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
    of which your country is signatory.

    Article 19 of the Declaration states:

    Everyone has the right to freedom of expression and opinion; this
    right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and
    to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media
    and regardless of frontiers.

    Your Excellency, we urge you to exercise your presidential power and
    influence to grant the immediate release of Mr. Pashinyan from prison
    thus showing the international community your government does respect
    freedom of the press and due process.


    Richard Winfield Javier Sierra Chairman Projects Director World
    Press Freedom Committee World Press Freedom Committee

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress