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LA Times On Protests In Los Angeles

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  • LA Times On Protests In Los Angeles

    By Ann M. Simmons os15404.html
    11:08:07 - 05/10/2009

    Tentative deal between Armenia, Turkey brings opposition from both
    sides Armenian Americans and Turkish Americans both say the governments
    in their homelands are giving too many concessions. A commission that
    would study the Armenian genocide is a sore point for some.

    Upset over an agreement that would establish diplomatic ties between
    Armenia and Turkey and reopen their common borders, members of the
    Los Angeles Armenian community plan to rally in Beverly Hills today.

    Organizers of the demonstration say they will call on Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan to refrain from signing protocols with Turkey
    that they believe would threaten Armenia's interests and security.

    Sargsyan is scheduled to visit Los Angeles today.

    A deal that would essentially normalize relations between the
    long-estranged nations is expected to be signed this month. But the
    agreement faces opposition from both Armenian Americans and Turkish
    Americans, who argue that the governments in their homelands are
    making unreasonable concessions.

    'We're not against normalization and peace with Turkey,' said Arek
    Santikian, a UCLA student and chairman of the Armenian Youth Federation
    of the Western United States. 'We really would want peace. But we
    can't have peace with preconditions.'

    Among the agreement's provisions is the creation of a historical
    commission that would evaluate the bloody history between the two
    countries. The Armenian genocide of 1915 to 1918 claimed the lives of
    about 1.2 million Armenians under the Ottoman Empire, which became
    the modern republic of Turkey. The Turkish government disputes that
    a genocide took place.

    A historical commission would allow Turkey 'to question the veracity
    of the genocide,' Santikian said. 'We know that it happened. We can't
    put a question mark on that.'

    Turkey disputes the number of those killed and argues that Armenians
    were equally brutal in slaying Turks when they revolted against their
    Ottoman rulers and aligned themselves with invading Russian troops.

    Armenian American critics of the agreement also argue that the
    protocols would allow Turkey to keep eastern territories they say
    are historically part of Armenia.

    They are also concerned about the future of Nagorno-Karabakh, a
    disputed enclave populated mainly by ethnic Armenians but within
    the borders of Azerbaijan, which has close ethnic and political ties
    with Turkey.

    'The protocols are not proportional,' said Caspar Jivalagian, a
    student at Southwestern Law School and an Armenian Youth Federation
    member. 'It is a very pro-Turkish document.'

    But many Turkish Americans disagree.

    'Turkey is giving too much and getting too little in return,' said
    Ergun Kirlikovali, West Coast director of the Assembly of Turkish
    American Assns.

    Some believe the Turkish government is selling out Azerbaijan by
    reconciling with Armenia before the dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh
    has been settled. Others fear Turkey might be forced to give back land.

    Kirlikovali said Turks are also tired of being defamed by Armenians who
    were 'constantly pushing a bogus genocide claim . . . and distorting
    and misrepresenting history.'

    He argued that a historical commission would allow experts to come to
    a 'nonpolitical' verdict on the issue, and said that's why Armenians
    were opposed to the creation of such a panel. It could debunk their
    main indictment against Turks, Kirlikovali said.

    Gunay Evinch, the assembly's Washington, D.C.-based president and a
    Fulbright scholar, said that despite the concerns over the consequences
    of the accord between Turkey and Armenia, the agreement presented
    'a unique opportunity to move forward for these countries and their
    people, but not without risks.'