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Corruption Is A Major Human Rights Problem Says COE Human Rights Com

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  • Corruption Is A Major Human Rights Problem Says COE Human Rights Com


    eGov monitor
    Council of Europe
    Monday, 5 October, 2009 - 17:46

    In several European countries there is a widespread belief that the
    judiciary is corrupt and that the courts tend to favour people with
    money and contacts. This perception may sometimes be exaggerated, but
    it should be taken seriously. No system of justice is effective if it
    is not trusted by the population. Even worse, there are indications
    to show that people's suspicions are in some cases well justified.

    During my visits to member states of the Council of Europe I have
    often heard complaints about corruption affecting key components of
    the justice system: the judiciary, the police and the penitentiary.

    Such allegations may be part of party political propaganda and are
    in many cases difficult to verify. Still, it has become clear to
    me that corruption in the justice system is a serious problem in
    several European countries - not only as a perception, but also as
    a concrete reality.

    Corruption in the justice system often goes hand in hand with political
    interference. Ministers and other leading politicians do not always
    respect the independence of the judiciary and instead give underhanded
    signals to prosecutors or judges on what they are expected to deliver.

    The distortive effect of such practices is even worse in countries
    where there are close links between the political leaders and big
    business. This is where greed really tends to triumph over justice.

    Corruption threatens human rights and, in particular, the rights of
    the poor. Policemen are badly paid in several countries and some of
    them try to add to their income through asking for bribes; the result
    is that people without money are treated badly. I have met prisoners
    who have had no family visits because the relatives could not pay
    the unofficial fee for the entry into the prison.

    Sadly, there are also cases of court officials who have been influenced
    by money under the ta or by other less obvious favours, like career
    promises. This appears, in fact, to be one of the explanations for the
    excessively drawn out trials in some cases and for the very shortcut
    procedures in others.

    Judges should be well paid in order to minimise the temptation for
    such corrupt practices. However, a higher salary level is only one
    aspect of this picture and not always effective - indeed, greed
    sometimes tends to grow with income.

    What is needed is a comprehensive, high-priority programme to stamp
    out corruption at all levels and in all public institutions. There is
    also a need to react clearly on corrupt practices in private business,
    the consequences of which tend to spill over into the public sphere.

    The basis has to be a concise legislation which criminalises acts of
    corruption. However, such laws can in themselves hardly address all
    concrete problems in this field. It is extremely difficult to define
    the criminal dimension of some of the corrupt practices, such as
    nepotism and political favouritism. Issues relating to 'conflicts of
    interest' must also be assessed in their contexts. In other words, more
    focused standards and effective follow up mechanisms are necessary.

    Clear procedures for the recruitment, promotion and tenure of judges
    and prosecutors are a must and should confirm the fire-wall between
    party politics and the judiciary. The process of appointing judges
    should be transparent, fair and based on merit. Requirements concerning
    the integrity of judges should be part of their training and defined
    clearly and early in the recruitment process.

    Codes of conduct could serve as useful tools to enhance the
    integrity and accountability of the judiciary. The standards should
    regulate behaviour in office, but also for outside activities and
    their remuneration. Independent disciplinary mechanisms should be
    established to deal with complaints against court officials. They
    should be able to receive and investigate complaints, protect the
    complainants against retaliation and provide for effe s.

    Relevant recommendations have been presented by the Group of States
    against Corruption (GRECO), a body initiated by the Council of
    Europe to fight bribery, abuse of public office and corrupt business
    practices. GRECO has also developed a system for regular review
    of anti-corruption measures among its participating member states;
    its reports have encouraged important reforms on a national level.

    Legally binding norms for measures against corruption are set
    by a couple of important international treaties which should be
    used as inspiration for national action. The Council of Europe has
    adopted the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption and the Civil Law
    Convention on Corruption which entered into force in 2002 and 2003
    respectively. There is also the United Nations Convention against
    Corruption which entered into force in 2005.

    One aspect stressed in these treaties is the need to protect those
    individuals who report their suspicions in good faith internally or
    externally. Such whistleblowers have too often been hit by retaliation
    - dismissals or worse - which in turn may have silenced others who
    have had grounds on which to report misdemeanours. Even if such overt
    sanctions are prevented there remains a problem of how to hinder more
    subtle forms of retribution, for instance non-promotion or isolation.

    Many corruption scandals have been exposed by the media and freedom
    of expression is, indeed, key in this struggle. This is one reason
    why it is essential to promote freedom and diversity of the media and
    to protect the political independence of public service media. The
    European Court of Human Rights has recognised that the press is one
    of the means by which politicians and public opinion can verify that
    judges are discharging their heavy responsibilities in a manner that
    is in conformity with the task entrusted to them.

    It is also important that Freedom of Information legislation
    promotes governmental transparency. The public should, in principle,
    have access to all information which is handled on their beh
    Confidentiality is, of course, necessary, for instance in order to
    protect privacy and personal data, but should be seen as exceptional
    and be justified. Though progress on this is being made in Europe,
    transparency is far from the general rule.

    Not only should governments be passively transparent, they have
    an obligation to ensure that the public has effective access to
    information. The European Court of Human Rights has emphasised that the
    public must have information on the functioning of the judicial system,
    which is an essential institution for any democratic society. "The
    Courts, as with all other public institutions, are not immune from
    criticism and scrutiny".

    When reporting on Ukraine I had to stress the importance of
    such transparency, 'With the exception of the judgments of the
    highest courts, only a small percentage of judicial decisions are
    published. Accurate and reliable records are an exception'.

    Parliamentarians could play a particularly important role in the fight
    against corrupt practices. They should certainly set a good ethical
    example themselves and openly declare their income and capital assets,
    as well as all relevant activities carried out on the side, connections
    and interests. Further, they could act as watchdogs on the risk of
    corruption within the government administration and ask questions
    which others may find difficulty in answering. They could ensure that
    legislation and oversight procedures are in place and functioning.

    Some of the non-governmental organisations already play an important
    role in the struggle against corruption. This has now been recognised
    in, for instance, Ukraine and Serbia. On an international level
    the Berlin-based Transparency International (TI) has made major
    contributions and also managed to encourage the World Bank to take
    the problem more seriously. TI has now national sections in several
    countries and there are also other groups on a national level who
    expose bad practices and seek reforms against corruption.

    Ombudsmen and other independent n rights structures are in some
    countries actively working against undue influence and other corrupt
    practices. Examples are the Public Defenders in Georgia and Armenia
    who have described how poor and destitute people are damaged by
    such tendencies. In Latvia the mandate of the Ombudsman specifically
    includes work on violations against standards of good governance.

    The poor need legal aid, not pressure to pay bribes. They need proof
    that everyone is equal before the law. They need a system of justice
    that is fair and unbiased. This is their right.