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Armenians anxious over Turkish plan

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  • Armenians anxious over Turkish plan

    Armenians anxious over Turkish plan
    Armenians in Lebanon have protested
    over a proposed agreement between their country and Turkey.

    As the BBC's Jim Muir reports, they want Turkey recognise as genocide
    the killing of some 1.5m Armenians under Ottoman rule during World War
    I before any deal is signed.

    Waving the red, blue and orange Armenian flag, chanting slogans and
    brandishing banners condemning the proposed agreement with Turkey,
    thousands of Lebanese Armenians converged on a luxury hotel in the
    suburbs of East Beirut to leave President Serzh Sarkisian in no doubt
    about their feelings.

    Many came here on foot from the suburb of Burj Hammoud and other
    nearby areas where Armenian survivors settled after fleeing Turkey 90
    years ago.

    Those survivors established now-thriving communities in bustling
    streets where most of the shop signs and advertisements are now in

    President Sarkisian flew to Lebanon on the latest leg of a mission to
    the diaspora which had earlier taken him to Paris, New York and Los

    He is trying to persuade anxious Armenian exiles that peace with
    Turkey does not mean forgetting what they call a genocide in which 1.5
    million perished.

    ` All around the world, we Armenians are one, and we are
    against this protocol '
    Mher Krikorian
    In Lebanon, he will face an uphill task in talks with community leaders.

    All the major political parties - which wield considerable influence
    in the intricate and delicate Lebanese political system - are against
    the proposed accord with Turkey.

    So too are all the religious leaderships.

    Lebanon's 150,000 or so Armenians are virtually all descended from

    Most trekked overland through Syria, while a few arrived directly by

    Generations may have passed since then, but the Armenian community is
    tight-knit, memories are long and vivid, and feelings intense even
    among the young for whom Turkey is a terrible myth.

    "I was born and bred here, but I still feel very, very Armenian," said
    Ani Didanian, who is 44.

    "My great-grandfather walked to Lebanon. Two of his aunts froze to
    death in the snow, an uncle was massacred, and his father and mother
    were lost - they never found them.

    "We're here because we want to say no to the agreement. It is not
    fair. You can't just negate the past, and go on.

    "The Turks should pay the price for all the stolen land, and the one
    and a half million victims that died."

    Fear of forgetting
    Mher Krikorian, a 21-year-old student, said that Armenians of the
    diaspora were worried that the horrors of the past would be glossed
    over and forgotten.

    "Our Armenian history is full of blood, and with this protocol they
    will forget it. We want our culture, our history to be known around
    the world.

    "And we still have lands over there, inside Turkey. All around the
    world, we Armenians are one, and we are against this protocol."

    This was not just a demonstration by angry young men. There were angry
    old ladies too.

    "My grandfather was one of seven brothers in the same family, but the
    other six were all hanged and only he escaped," said 70-year-old Sosi

    "My grandmother hanged herself, because they were raping all the

    Lucy Srabian, a 42-year-old journalist, said her grandparents made
    their way to Lebanon as the only survivors from a family of 60 souls.

    "When President Sarkisian says 'We're not going to forget the
    genocide', what is he going to do not to forget it?" she asked.

    "If he is going to have a friendly relationship with Turkey, then
    where does the genocide stand? We don't know, and that bothers us

    "It's the moral compensation we need, the recognition. We cannot deal
    with it if they don't admit they've done something wrong, and we feel
    that they feel with us.

    "Of course there is the issue of compensation, but we have to be
    realistic. We must see in this world if we can live together. But we
    don't want to be fooled."

    Unlike most of those demonstrating here against
    the protocol, Rubina Markosian has a foot in both camps.

    One of her parents was born in the diaspora in Lebanon, the other in
    Armenia itself when it was part of the Soviet Union.

    She has just returned to Lebanon with a different perspective after
    living and working for the past 10 years in Armenia, where almost all
    the political parties support the agreement.

    "They [the diaspora demonstrators] want to stay hostile towards
    Turkey, because they don't know what their next step would be," she

    "I personally think Armenians have come to a dead end. We cannot claim
    our land [in Turkey] back, and we're demanding recognition which I
    don't know is going to satisfy us in the end.

    "But the Armenian diaspora survives on the genocide, and there are a
    lot of worries about what's going to happen once the genocide is

    "Is the diaspora going to survive? It gives them a cause and an
    identity, and they will lose both."

    Story from BBC NEWS: _east/8293896.stm