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What Is Armenia'S Concession?

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  • What Is Armenia'S Concession?

    WHAT IS ARMENIA'S CONCESSION? lrahos15437.html
    11:46:52 - 07/10/2009

    The governmental propaganda machine did everything possible to place
    the home discussions on the Armenian-Turkish protocols on different
    planes: those having the same opinion with Serge Sargsyan think broadly
    as well as they imagine the processes of the modern world and those
    who are against the current version of the Armenian-Turkish protocols,
    live for the past and have narrow world vision, in short, they are
    people living in caves. Since there is no professional and at the same
    time a just unit of measure of public opinion, it is difficult to say
    which part of the society the governmental propaganda influenced. But
    the fact that that was only an attempt to avoid calling things with
    their names and to mutate the essence of the issue is doubtless.

    The point is that for example, I am personally against singing the
    protocols in their present form because I think that they weaken the
    political and geopolitical potential of the Armenian state. Maybe the
    signature will bring about the opening of the border which in turn
    will bring about an economic increase. Perhaps, though of course it
    is a question to be seriously discussed. Even if the opening of the
    border will give birth to an economic miracle through singing the
    Armenian-Turkish protocols, even then the master of the "Armenian
    miracle" will not be Armenia but Turkey.

    Being against the singing of the protocols in the present form, I am
    for the normalization of the relations between Armenia and Turkey. But
    the government says that in order to better our relations, Armenia
    has to cede something to Turkey for Turkey to cede too and to open
    the border consequently normalizing the relations. The narrowness of
    my thinking comes out to be that I am not ready to cede anything to
    Turkey for the sake of the normalization of the Armenian and Turkish
    relations, I live for the past instead of looking at the future and
    present to understand the thinking of the modern world. But in this
    case, may the whole government explain what it conceded to Turkey for
    the letter to open the border. all right, it did not concede anything
    in connection with the genocide issue, it did not concede anything
    in relation to the Kars agreement either, neither with regard to
    the historians. So, which is the concession of Armenia that makes
    Turkey sign under the roadmap on border opening? May those who think
    so widely explain this? Or they may think so widely that Armenia can
    no longer be seen in that broadness.

    Doubtlessly, the normalization of the Armenian and Turkish relations
    proceeds from the Armenian interests. The point is not about the wide
    or narrow thinking. The question is the arguments the lack of which
    forces the government to carry philosophical debates on thinking in
    case when the Armenian-Turkish protocols are material reality where
    all the condition under which the Armenian and Turkish relations are
    to be established are written down. On this issue, the government
    and its propaganda machine did not debate at all.

    While the narrowness or broadness of thinking is measured during
    debates when arguments are brought showing the thinking of that
    person. The opponents of the Armenian-Turkish protocols regardless the
    aim because of which they brought a series of clear arguments which
    proved that the relations are normalized on the account of Armenia's
    weakening and for a piece of bread. The government and its orators
    did not bring any argument besides that piece of bread.