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When Indifferent About The Danger

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  • When Indifferent About The Danger

    12:10:04 - 07/10/2009

    There is almost no doubt that in Armenia, a public activation
    preventing the signature of the Armenian and Turkish protocols, which
    contain possible danger for Armenia, will not be found. The lack of
    this wave enhances the danger because both Turkey and the international
    society witnessed that the Armenian society is completely incompetent
    in responding any danger posed to its country and is indifferent
    about it. In other words, the Armenian society maybe forced almost
    everything. And this thinking, the ground of which both Turkey and
    the international public got, is more dangerous that the Armenian
    and Turkish protocols themselves.

    But is the Armenian society to be blamed? Of course not. The society
    has to be organized, educated; a system of values has to be formed
    for it for the latter to have stable ideas on public processes,
    for each member of the public to understand that there is no refuge
    of the public policy which will not influence their lives regardless
    direct, quick or slow influence. The society has never been explained
    its direct connection with the state and public policy. The political
    forces are responsible for it. The Armenian-Turkish protocols, once
    again showed the complete bankruptcy and lifelessness of the Armenian
    political system the consequence of which is the public's indifference
    towards such an important issue.

    An ordinary citizen cannot understand which their harm will be if
    for example the process on the international recognition of genocide
    stops, if Armenia recognizes the present border with Turkey, or if
    historians discuss historical archives etc. etc. This damage is not
    being explained to the members of the society, the member does not
    realize how they will be in harm if the country is in harm. The members
    of the society do not absolutely understand their connection with
    the state, perhaps understating subconsciously that this explanation
    may give way to a question on public control in the future: no one
    knows what will happen. Moreover, the Armenian political forces,
    almost without exceptions, are not able to understand the connection
    between the society and the state and probably do not even imagine
    their connection with it.

    These political forces do not imagine their mission in the life
    of the state. Not the political forces, but a concrete party, say,
    the X party, what role it has in the life of the state. The lack of
    this system of imaginations brings about the current situation when
    the country is completely incompetent towards the problems it has in
    home life and external world.