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Open Letter To The President Of The Republic Of Armenia

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  • Open Letter To The President Of The Republic Of Armenia

    20 09/10/06 | 16:49


    Peace Dialogue NGO expresses its concern regarding the pan-Armenian
    tour of the President of the Republic of Armenia. As an NGO aimed
    towards the improvement of relations of Armenia with its bordering
    neighbors and making efforts on the direction of peace building, our
    organization is absolutely certain of the necessity of improvement
    in Armenian-Turkish relations without preconditions and the opening
    of the border; however, for us the idea of such a tour seems strange
    and incomprehensible.

    Ignoring the fact that even in Armenia and among its citizens the
    process of Armenian-Turkish relations is opaque and unclear and
    that there is a huge number of people for whom there are still many
    questions regarding the content and appropriateness of the pending
    protocol, the President of Armenia considered as rational discussion
    of the issue with representatives of the diaspora during the tour
    and making efforts at clarifying the issue with our fellow countrymen
    outside of Armenia.

    Without reducing the importance of the positions and approach of
    the diaspora community, we consider it important to express that the
    President of Armenia, who is directly responsible for representation
    and advocacy on behalf of the citizens of Armenia, has, first of all,
    an obligation towards his own society and the citizens of his own
    country-only then afterward does he have any obligation towards the
    citizens of France, America, Russia, or any other country who already
    have someone representing their interests.

    Repeating the fact that there is a great necessity for clarification of
    many topics and reduction of doubts within Armenian society (ongoing
    rallies by the Dashnak Party, existence of negative positions among
    the political parties), we call for the following:

    1.A guarantee of transparency in the process and,

    2.An increase in the level of information and knowledge of the topic
    among society.

    In a country that is supposed to be considered democratic it is
    imperative that the first duty of the President of Armenia in this
    matter is ensuring that the society of his country can trust its own
    government and be knowledgeable about its actions.