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Sarkisian On Last Leg Of Diaspora Tour

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  • Sarkisian On Last Leg Of Diaspora Tour

    Aza Babayan 845572.html

    Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian arrived in southern Russia on
    Wednesday on the last leg of his weeklong five-stop tour of major
    Diaspora Armenian communities that also included France, the United
    States and the Middle East.

    In Rostov-on-Don, like during his previous meetings in Paris, New
    York, Los Angeles and Beirut, the Armenian leader will try to allay
    the possible concerns among the local and close Armenian communities
    over his dramatic rapprochement with Turkey that culminated on August
    31 in the initialing of two protocols envisaging the establishing
    of diplomatic relations and opening of the border. The protocols are
    expected to be signed by the foreign ministers of Armenia and Turkey
    in Switzerland on October 10.

    Armenia's Ambassador to Russia Armen Smbatian earlier told RFE/RL
    that the meeting in the southern Russian city will bring together
    some 50 leaders of Armenian organizations in Russia, intellectuals,
    leading entrepreneurs and other representatives of the sizable
    Armenian community.

    Unlike other places where Sarkisian was visiting, no protests were
    expected in Rostov-on-Don. However, a number of Armenian organizations,
    including "Russian-Armenian Cooperation", the "Ararat" Union, the
    "Yerkramas" newspaper editorial staff, had issued a call ahead
    of Sarkisian's visit for the Armenian authorities not to sign the

    The organizations said Turkey is setting preconditions to Armenia
    in the protocols that, in particular, contain a clause that commits
    Armenia to recognizing the existing Turkish-Armenian border. They
    also challenged another clause of the protocols that calls for
    the establishment of a panel of historians to review historical
    discrepancies between the two peoples that primarily include the
    1915-1918 genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    Sarkisian, who is completing his unprecedented tour on Wednesday,
    was greeted in France, the United States and Lebanon with protests
    staged by some members of the local Armenian communities opposing
    the current protocols.

    The latest protests were held in Beirut as he arrived there on Tuesday
    for a meeting with representatives of the large communities of the
    Middle East and Lebanon - Lebanon Armenians protest against proposed
    signing of Armenian - Turkish protocols, Beirut, 06Oct2009the broader
    region. Thousands of Lebanese Armenians reportedly staged protests
    against the Armenia-Turkey protocols.

    During his meetings in all four cities, Sarkisian attempted to persuade
    Diaspora Armenians that the protocols do not harm Armenian state and
    national interests, but, on the contrary, open new opportunities for
    resolving the centuries-old feud between the two neighbors.

    The leading Armenian organizations in the world have expressed
    conflicting views on Armenia's dramatic rapprochement with Turkey that
    Sarkisian initiated last year by inviting his Turkish counterpart
    Abdullah Gul to Yerevan to attend a football match between the two
    countries' national teams. Since then, the governments of the two
    countries agreed a road map to normalizing bilateral relations and
    are now believed to be on the verge of signing a deal.

    Some Diaspora leaders have expressed serious concern about key points
    of the two draft protocols. They are particularly critical of the
    planned creation of a Turkish-Armenian panel of historians that
    would look into the 1915 mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire. Critics claim this provision is tantamount to questioning
    the fact of the Armenian Genocide and could hamper the process of the
    international affirmation of the genocide advanced by Armenian lobbyist
    and advocacy groups in the West and elsewhere in the world for decades.

    Diaspora groups also object to another protocol clause that commits
    Armenia to recognizing its existing border with Turkey. They argue
    that it would preclude future Armenian territorial claims to areas
    in eastern Turkey that were populated by their ancestors until the
    1915-1918 massacres.

    There are also lingering concerns in and outside Armenia about a
    possible linkage between the Armenian-Turkish normalization and the
    separate internationally mediated talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    around the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.

    In Lebanon on Tuesday Sarkisian held a meeting with more than a hundred
    representatives of national organizations and structures of large
    Armenian communities of the Middle East, Egypt, Iran and the Gulf
    countries, according to the information reported by his press office.

    Before the meeting, Sarkisian met with Beirut-based Catholicos Aram I
    of the Great House of Cilicia, the number two figure in the Armenian
    Church hierarchy, who added his voice to the lingering concerns
    over the protocols in a letter sent to Sarkisian two weeks ago. The
    two reportedly discussed the current stage of the Armenian-Turkish
    normalization and issues regarding the initialed protocols.

    Sarkisian's office also reported that during the meeting in Beirut
    representatives of the Armenian communities in the region highly
    evaluated Sarkisian's initiative to listen to the opinions of the
    far-flung Diaspora about the dramatic thaw in relations with Turkey.

    In Beirut, Sarkisian also reportedly provided explanations to various
    aspects of the protocols as well as answered questions raised by the
    meeting participants.

    "The current unnatural situation that exists between Armenia and Turkey
    does not suit either us or Turkey. The establishment of diplomatic
    relations and the opening of the border will create a platform, a more
    or less bearable environment, for continued dialogue and negotiations,"
    the Armenian leader emphasized.

    Sarkisian also stressed that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide,
    which some in Diaspora communities fear could be slowed down or
    halted altogether in view of the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement, is
    "not only a matter of the restoration of justice, but also a major
    circumstance from the viewpoint of the security of Armenia and the
    Armenian people." "It is a necessity," the president stressed.

    Sarkisian also dismissed concerns that the Armenian-Turkish
    normalization will increase Turkey's role in the settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan, its ethnic ally in the

    "The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will get a solution only when we
    see that we've got what our people have struggled for since 1988,"
    he underscored.

    Armenian and Turkish officials are expected to sign the protocols on
    October 10 in Switzerland. The agreement will then go to the respective
    parliaments for ratification.

    >From Roston-on-Don Sarkisian is scheduled to leave for Moldovan
    capital Chisinau where he will participate in the summit of leaders
    of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, and on the
    eve of the summit, on October 8, will meet with Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliyev for another round of talks on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Minsk Group
    cochairman from Russia, Yuri Merzlyakov, stated in Baku on Tuesday
    that no document will be signed by the two countries' leaders during
    their meeting in Chisinau.