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The Kremlin Will Lose

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  • The Kremlin Will Lose

    David Boyajyan
    Octob er 6, 2009

    Russia will ultimately lose in the region if the Armenian-Turkish
    protocols proposed by the NATO and the United States are ratified. In
    two months after signing the protocols Turkey will have to open the
    borders. It is also possible that the Armenian-Azeri border may be open
    too in the near future because it is not possible that in parallel
    with this process a peace agreement may be signed too. Even if the
    border between Armenia and Azerbaijan stays closed, the open borders
    with Turkey will support the penetration of the NATO and US in Armenia.

    The final goal of the West is to have control in the region as it is
    more than a dozens of years that the US and Israel have been trying
    to have control in the region and the Caspian Sea, which is full of
    oil. In order to reach this goal, they wanted the three countries of
    Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan) go out of the hands of
    the Russian bear. The US and NATO have succeeded in this work. The
    West has already built two big pipelines from Azerbaijan to the
    coast of the Caspian Sea through Georgia and Turkey. The US insists
    on building the pipes in a manner to bypass Russia and Iran. As a
    result Armenia has become the only ally of Russia in the region,
    which is the only obstacle for the US to have total control in the
    region. By convincing Turkey to open the borders the US is trying to
    separate Armenia from Russia and take it into the modern, rich and
    democratic Western union, NATO.

    Armenia's importance in the US strategy: The US was satisfied
    with Armenia's blockade resulted from the last year's war in
    Georgia. Washington hoped that the blockade resulted from the
    war of Karabakh would help to settle that conflict. It is worth
    mentioning that the only intermediating factor for opening an
    Azeri-Armenian-Turkish corridor can be the peaceful settlement of
    Karabakh conflict and the US wants it too.

    The war in Georgia shows that they cannot be sure if this country would
    be able to transit the pipes to the West. Thus, the only alternative
    for the US was Armenia. This is the reason why the US is trying to
    influence on Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey all the time in order to
    solve their disputes and open a new way to the Caspian region.

    What does Russia think about this issue?

    Russia's strategic mistake: It was a long time that the issue with
    the Armenian-Turkish border was in the interests of the Kremlin. It
    was an obstacle for the US to penetrate in Armenia and dominate in the
    countries of Caucasus. According to different sources of information,
    currently Russia encourages the development of the Armenian-Turkish
    relations and peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict. Russia hopes
    that the trade connections as a result of open borders between Armenia
    and Turkey will bring a lot of profits as most part of the Armenian
    economy is controlled by Russia. The Kremlin is also afraid that a
    new war between Russia and Georgia may hit and shock Armenia's economy
    again as the main transit routes are through Georgia. During the recent
    years Moscow and Ankara have developed very important economic and
    political relations. Accordingly, Moscow thinks that they can tell
    Ankara what to do. It doesn't matter how closer Turkey may cooperate
    with Russia, still it is a member of NATO. This is the mistake of the
    Kremlin. Even more, definitely Turkey and Georgia will establish a
    new alternative source of energy and won't be vulnerable by Russia
    any more. During this time Russia will have to give Armenia to the
    West. Russia is trying to buy oil and gas reserves from Azerbaijan
    too as it hopes as a result the West will lose the interest to
    Azerbaijan. Russia is openly influencing on Armenia to give Karabakh
    to Azerbaijan. This is a very wrong policy. In the history the Azeri
    people have always let the Russians down. Thus, as a result of this
    policy Armenia will be very disappointed from Russia and the Western
    prospects will attract Armenia, and Russia will eventually lose
    Armenia. Only the real unity on part of Russia without any military
    and economic discrimination can keep Armenia being their partner. The
    fright of Armenia toward Turkey is not enough yet.

    Russian policy mistaken: Russia has an experience of many years to
    implement a wrong policy. During 75 years Russia lost two empires. It
    lost the cold war too. The oil and gas Russia has now, which is a
    tool of economic influence, is not a result of their policy but a
    gift by the nature. Especially Alexander Dugin has influenced much
    on the policy of the recent times on part of the Kremlin. As many
    other Russian experts, Dugin used to believe that Armenia was the
    biggest obstacle for them on the way to Turkey. Dugin has changed his
    mind. Now he thinks Turkey is Russia's ally. The Russian government
    governed by Medvedev and Putin still listens to the advises of fake
    preachers. Russia may press Turkey's hand but not break it. On the
    other hand, the Turks are trying to convince the Russians that they
    have become friends. The Russians are throwing their only ally Armenia
    into the mouth of the Turkish wolf. Russia will lose Armenia but it
    won't attract Turkey.

    Reject the dangerous protocols: The Armenians should openly reject
    the Armenian-Turkish "protocols". Besides the right that the protocol
    gives Armenia's neighbor that committed genocide it is also a formula
    of control over Armenia on part of Turkey. If the border is to be
    open, it should be done in a manner not to let the Turks penetrate
    into Armenia, buy and control it. The Armenians should openly tell
    Russia that the "protocols" will blockade Russia by NATO and will
    collapse it, and Armenia as well.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress