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Mobilizing Confucius

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  • Mobilizing Confucius

    By Nancy Chen And Ethan Yi

    US-China Today

    Confucius Classroom, a program from the Chinese government aimed
    at teaching high school students Chinese culture and language, is
    expanding rapidly around the world.

    At first glance, St. Mary's School in Medford, a southern Oregon
    city with a population that's only about one percent Asian, seems
    an unlikely hotspot for Chinese cultural and language education. And
    that's exactly what the Chinese government is counting on.

    China's efforts to expand economically and politically and to better
    its image have been closely scrutinized over the past few years;
    the Olympics last August, the growing Chinese movie industry and
    endless newspaper headlines worldwide documenting China's growth have
    helped usher in what many have called a new era in international
    relations. Economic success is often closely followed by cultural
    expansion, and China is no exception.

    Beijing is also turning its attention to the next generation of
    American businessmen, politicians and other leaders, starting early--in
    high school and college, to be exact. The aim is to provide Chinese
    language and culture instruction worldwide, with a special effort to
    reach rural areas where such instruction is less common.

    St. Mary's, a private Catholic school with 400 junior high and high
    school students, was the first recipient in the Americas to receive a
    $50,000 grant from the Chinese Ministry of Education last August. They
    have since received $250,000 to cover, among other expenses, the
    stipends of both of their Chinese language instructors as well as
    community outreach programs. In addition to language and cultural
    education at St. Mary's, the five-year old program also offers adult
    language classes open to the community, weekly Chinese instruction in
    elementary schools, and subsidized travel opportunities for students.

    More than 350 Confucius Classrooms and Institutes have been established
    worldwide since 20 nguage instruction available to high school and
    university students worldwide. Confucius Classrooms have opened in
    Scotland and Australia, and Central Carolina Community College in
    North Carolina will be the first community college in the United
    States to establish one later this year, aimed at high school and
    college students, businesspeople and the general public.

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    There are only a handful of Chinese Classrooms established in the
    United States so far, but so far about 60 schools have applied for
    support. Prestigious private schools such as the Hotchkiss School
    in Connecticut, Boston College High School and the Dalton School
    in Manhattan are among those which have applied for the program,
    according to Frank Phillips, the St. Mary's headmaster.

    The program's administrators at Hanban, the Chinese government
    office with the mission of promoting the study of Chinese language
    and culture, say they try to make each Confucius Classroom is just
    as different from the next.

    Zhao Guocheng, the deputy director of the Hanban program, said
    in Chinese in a phone interview that the program usually does
    not intervene in the curriculum development of local Confucius
    Classrooms. The local Confucius Classrooms are pretty independent
    and adapt their teaching style to the local conditions, he said.

    Eighty students are enrolled in St. Mary's school Confucius Classroom
    program, but the curriculum doesn't just stay inside the school's
    classrooms. For example, it includes providing medical specialists from
    Henan University for an upcoming local medical conference The Chinese
    specialists, whose expenses will be split by Hanban and St. Mary's,
    will educate physicians on the use of traditional Chinese medicine,
    including how it can be applied to the treatment of AIDS.

    Phillips said the overall costs for the Confucius Classroom program
    itself are evenly divided between Hanban and St. Mary's, a typical
    arrangement for posal including a list of ideas of how they can
    expand in the community and Hanban has yet to reject any of their

    Philips said he has not run into any conflicts over the curriculum
    with Hanban. "Hanban has a very light hand," he said.

    Professional ambitions as well as personal curiosity have contributed
    to the popularity of the program at St. Mary's.

    "Regardless of any profession, [Mandarin] is going to be a very
    important language to learn," said Franny Aliattraih, a student at
    St. Mary's enrolled in the program.

    Phillips says his school's program isn't meant for just business.

    "We're not pursuing Chinese as a market language for the kids," he
    said. "We're also projecting Chinese culture and history into our
    social studies curriculum."

    The program, in fact, has proven to be so popular Phillips says the
    school's other language courses have felt an adverse effect.

    "The big problem is what does it do to the other languages," he
    said. "Chinese is a hot language now...Our Latin class is losing
    enrollment, and Chinese is giving Spanish a run for its money right

    Some students say they are eager to learn about a different culture
    and language, but for at least one student, the program affords her
    a chance to learn about her own heritage.

    "I never really understood a whole great deal before taking a class
    in Confucius Classroom," said Dana Feng, a senior enrolled in the
    program. Feng, a Chinese American born in the U.S., recalled being
    unprepared during a trip to Hong Kong but says she is looking forward
    to her next trip.

    "After studying [in Confucius Classroom], I really hope I could go
    back again," she said. "Learning the language has really inspired me
    to want to go back and pursue the language more."

    And that sentiment is what Confucius Classrooms and its more
    established predecessor, Confucius Institutes, are hoping for in
    their students. Confucius Institutes, which share the same mission
    as Confucius Classrooms of supporting local Ch the opening of the
    first Institute in Seoul, South Korea.

    Since then, 328 Confucius Institutes have opened in 82 countries,
    including Armenia, Cuba, Iran, Poland, Kenya and the United
    States. Hanban's initial public plans called for 100 Institutes, but
    with the success of the program, the Hanban now hopes to set up 500
    Institutes worldwide by 2010 and estimates there will be approximately
    100 million non-Chinese worldwide learning the language. With an aim
    to set up a thousand Institutes by 2020, Beijing is also hoping to
    combat stereotypes with its cultural education.

    The Classroom program was established partly in response to the
    Institutes' popularity; the first one opened in February 2008 in
    Vienna, Austria. Confucius Classrooms are founded in areas that
    typically do not have much exposure to Chinese culture, unlike
    Confucius Institutes, which are usually set up in universities with
    already well-established Chinese language programs.

    "Learning the language of a country is very important to forming
    friendship," Xia Yun, St. Mary's Chinese-language instructor,
    said. "I came to the U.S. in 2004 and was surprised at how little
    common Americans knew about China."

    "Their image of China was from movies and how American movies portrayed
    China, which was not truly objective. I think in order to eliminate
    such misunderstanding, the most useful way is to learn the Chinese
    language. If they know the Chinese language, they would want to go
    to China on their own and find out what China is really like."

    According to Zhao of the Hanban, schools usually make the first
    approach. St. Mary's, for example, contacted Hanban in 2007 and
    received a grant because of their then-two-year-old Chinese language
    program for grades six through 12.

    Challenges have risen as a result of the programs as well; the
    establishment of a Confucius Classroom at St. Mary's, an independent
    Roman Catholic school, initially drew controversy in the community.

    Zhao said that a few people initially thought of Confucius as
    a re sroom as a center to preach a Chinese religion, not as an
    educational institute to introduce Chinese language and cultures. The
    responsibility lies with local staffs, he said, which must clarify
    the mission of our institute to the local community.

    Philips said he hasn't received any complaints about the program
    since last year.

    "I had a few dubious parents who were stuck in the Cold War who
    questioned whether it was a propaganda initiative," he said.

    Since then, however, both Phillips and Xia say the situation has
    been resolved.

    He said he hasn't heard much criticism since starting a public-outreach
    initiative to educated the community as well as parents about the

    "I've been doing some public speaking and we've hosted an evening
    to explain the program's purpose," Phillips said. "The overwhelming
    response was, 'How do I sign up for Chinese?'"

    The program has even created advocates in the community, Xia said.

    "The misunderstanding soon disappeared and the influential persons in
    the local communities are very supportive by donating money, telling
    their friends and partners about it," Xia said. "They will be willing
    to start more programs, projects related to the Confucius Classroom
    in the future."

    The Confucius Classroom and Institute programs have also created
    debates over the program's true purpose. The Canadian Security
    Intelligence Service said in a brief obtained by The Canadian Press
    that Beijing is using the Institute program to further establish
    itself as a global power.

    "In other words, China wants the world to have positive feelings
    toward China and things Chinese," the report said. "For China to
    achieve its goals, people must admire China to some degree."

    China is not the only country aiming to promoting this; the United
    States also has its own programs dedicated to teaching Chinese
    language and culture, viewing it as a national security priority. The
    U.S. Department of State, for example, provides scholarships for
    students to learn "less uages"--including Chinese--through its National
    Security Language Initiative for Youth.

    The lesson plans of Confucius Classrooms, however, largely remain
    independent of Beijing's intervention, the Hanban director Zhao
    said. He, however, also ties the mission of the programs to Confucius

    "Confucius is regarded as a prominent pedagogue in human history
    and he spent decades travelling around the country to propagate
    his philosophy and enlighten more people," Zhao said. "This, in our
    opinion, perfectly fits the mission of Confucius Classroom--to teach
    the Chinese language and promote its cultures outside China."

    The effects of teaching a language and culture to students don't just
    stay in the classroom, one expert said.

    "Like what the Olympics have helps to broaden the
    conversation, the discourse about China in the U.S.," Jian Wang, a
    professor of public relations at the University of Southern California,
    said. "All those things are much broader than just offering classes
    to young people."

    Nancy Chen is the co-managing editor of US-China Today and a rising
    senior studying international relations at the University of Southern

    Ethan Yi is studying for his Master's degree in East Asian Languages
    and Culture at the University of Southern California.