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Armenians Of Sweden Demand Reconsideration Of Armenia-Turkey Protoco

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  • Armenians Of Sweden Demand Reconsideration Of Armenia-Turkey Protoco


    07.10.2009 14:12 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ In the light of the published protocols between
    the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey, regarding
    the normalization of diplomatic relations, the Union of Armenian
    Associations of Sweden, is highly critical of the steps taken by
    the Government of Armenia, especially due to its total lack of
    communication with the Armenian Diaspora in this regard, the Union
    said in an open letter to Letter to the President of Armenia, Speaker
    of the Armenian Parliament and Chairman of the Constitutional Court
    of Armenia.

    "Let it be clear that we do recognize the authority of the
    Armenian Government and the rights invested with it as the
    official representative of the Armenian nation, inside and outside
    Armenia. However, the Government of Armenia seems to have totally
    neglected the role and the situation of the Diaspora, the direct
    result of and the heirs to the 1915 Genocide in Turkey.

    We looked forward to the meeting in Paris on October 2, 2009, hoping it
    would be a dialogue. But, the meeting was rather a monologue, repeating
    the same assertions regarding the protocol and its contents which we
    have been hearing for the last weeks. It was said that "Armenia is
    ready to normalize its ties with Turkey without preconditions". The
    Union of Armenian Associations welcomes and supports the normalization
    of relations between Armenia and Turkey, but firmly refuses to accept
    that the protocol does not include preconditions. It is redundant
    to repeat the issues in detail, since they are clearly known by
    the general public, and a short recapitulation will suffice. While
    the creation of a commission to re-evaluate "historical differences
    and problems" and recognizing common borders only can refer to the
    Armenian Genocide and its legacy, the text stating "non intervention
    in internal affairs of other states," does clearly refer to the
    issue of Artsakh. While refuting to acknowledge the semantics of
    these formulations, the Government of Armenia has failed in total
    to present a viable explanation for why such sentences are included
    at all. These concealed preconditions are not the basis of a sincere
    rapprochement which this protocol is said to represent.

    By entirely ignoring the views of the majority of the Armenian nation,
    i.e. the Diaspora, the Government of Armenia is de facto losing its
    eligibility as representative for the entire Armenian nation, an
    obvious unwise step. The Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden,
    strongly recommends the Government and the Parliament of Armenia to
    reconsider the contents of the drafted protocol, which if ratified,
    will not only seriously damage Armenian interests, crippling it morally
    and politically on the international area, it will most definitely
    strike a serious blow to the relations between the current Armenian
    Administration and its most strategic foreign partner and resource,
    the Diaspora.

    Nonetheless, let it be reminded once more that the Union of
    Armenian Associations in Sweden is in favor of the normalization
    of relations between Turkey and Armenia, but only on the basis of a
    sincere dialogue, without any preconditions, obvious or concealed,
    attempting to downplay the reality of the Armenian Genocide, its
    legacy, or subsiding the Armenian support of Artsakh's right for
    self-determination," the letter says.