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90% Armenian American Oppose

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  • 90% Armenian American Oppose

    By Steven Dadaian os15425.html
    11:52:47 - 06/10/2009

    Mr. President, On behalf of the Armenian National Committee of
    America's Western Region, an organization that has fought to keep
    policy makers informed of concerns of Armenian Americans for over
    60 years here in the west, I am happy to share with you the thoughts
    and concerns of our community.

    In September, a nationwide poll was conducted representing a
    statistically sound and geographically diverse sample from over 100,000
    Armenian Americans households in the United States. The results of
    the poll revealed that over 90% of Armenian Americans oppose the
    adoption of the proposed Turkey-Armenia Protocols.

    A have a copy of that poll and its results here which I am happy to
    share with you.

    Our organization has always advocated for and supported the Armenian
    nation's right to security, justice, economic welfare, and democratic
    aspirations however we find ourselves in the unenviable role of having
    to counsel Armenia's government as to why these protocols do not serve
    the Armenian nation's short nor long term national interests. Just
    as the do not serve American long term national interests because
    they reward the perpetrator while punishing the victim of the gravest
    international crime.

    In your explanation you expressed many things that simply are not
    reflected in the text of the agreement. The most glaring of which is
    your insistence that there are no pre conditions laid out in this
    protocol; That is only establishes a mechanism; That Karabakh is
    not effected by this document; And that this agreement somehow opens
    new opportunities for the Diaspora to interact and persuade Turks of
    the genocide.

    As to the pre conditions I should first say that I am a lawyer by
    training and practice government law so please excuse me if I venture
    into a bit of legal parlance from time to time but since this is a
    legal document it must be understood within that paradigm otherwise
    we are merely fooling ourselves.

    I would like to address four significant clauses in the document that
    I would like to draw attention to in this short period of time I have:

    First. It references itself as a bilateral agreement yet it imposes
    obligations outside the bilateral realm in paragraph 3. It states :
    "Reconfirming their commitment in bilateral and international relations
    to respect the principles of sovereignty and non intervention in the
    internal affairs of other states, territorial integrity and inviobility
    of frontiers."

    Why does a bilateral agreement talk of international obligations
    of these two states towards others? The only other states that
    frontier Armenia are Iran, Georgia and Azerbaijan. This clause can
    have catastrophic consequences to Karabakh, since Armenia has not
    formally recognized Karabakh's independence, yet in this agreement
    it confirms the principle of territorial integrity and inviobility of
    frontiers. By signing onto this clause the Republic places itself in
    a bind if it is to express or be active in Karabakh's security and
    if it ever intends to recognize Karabakh independence those action
    are prohibited by this clause.

    Second, in clause 5 it states "Confirming the mutual recognition
    of the existing border between the two countries as defined by the
    relevant treaties of international law"

    If no preconditions were actually true Armenia could simply recognize
    the existing de facto frontier period. Why was this phraseology
    included which adds permanent legal significance to this de facto
    delineated border and recognizes the border as defined by international
    treaty and law. This is an unacceptable way of resolving Armenia's
    legal title to territories that had been part under the jurisdiction
    of the first independent Republic's such as Kars Ardahan, Igdir and
    Surmalu, and territories that Republic arguably still legally holds
    title to. Why to are you rejecting the Wilson Arbital Award granted
    by the Paris Peace Conference to Armenia. Why are we granting dejure
    status to the de facto border? And if there are no preconditions will
    you remove those last nine words?

    Why will you not simply leave it at that and allow the Republic
    the opportunity to seek legal adjudication of its frontiers to the
    international court of justice. It is a legal issue not a diplomatic
    issue Armenia can win through shrewd bargaining with Turkey. Why
    would you prefer to summarily capitulate to Turkey's number one
    foreign policy goal vis a vis Armenia?

    Finally the clause on the second page item 2 whereby "the parties
    agree to implement a dialogue on the historical dimension with an
    aim to restore mutual confidence between the two nations, including
    an impartial scientific examination of the historical records and
    archives to define existing problems...."

    Certainly the drafters did well to attempt to veil what this means to
    the ignorant and unassuming 3rd party's, but it is clear on its face
    that this clause achieves Turkey's 2nd foreign policy goal and that
    it to take the political controversy of the Genocide and turn it,
    for the first time ever in any country anywhere outside of Turkey,
    into an historical controversy.

    This clause is not just offensive to any Armenian who has fought for
    the universal recognition and justice for the Armenian genocide but
    just last night United States Senator Robert Menendez (who exposed and
    prevented U.S. Ambassador Richard Hoagland from being confirmed as US
    Ambassador to Armenia because he called into question the historical
    veracity of the Armenian Genocide), Menendez stated last night in
    New York that he found this clause in your proposed protocols to be
    "frankly absurd" and "against Armenian national interests" and "an
    insult to the Armenian People". Frankly Mr. President how did you
    expect we here in this room to see it any differently that that?

    Now of course I am reading the English version but that is the
    only legally significant version since the last line stipulates that
    though it is written in Armenian, Turkish and case of any
    dispute regarding its interpretation the ENGLISH text shall prevail.

    Mr. President what team of international legal experts fluent
    in English advised you on this document? What concerns if any did
    they express to you about the significance of the phraseology I have
    identified to you? How can you possibly stand here in front of us and
    tell us with a straight face that there are no pre conditions herein ,
    that this is only establishing a mechanism?

    All of Turkey's final political objectives are met with the adoption
    of this document? None of Armenia's are met.

    Tomorrow assuming the border is opened and Armenia economy
    somehow miraculously survives in spite of what the experts have
    projected. Those projections are that Armenia's fledgling, little
    protected and non subsidized industries will collapse in the face of
    a well subsidized and supported Turkish economy. Assume that Turkey
    closes the border 6 months after opening it ....will you add a clause
    in here to make all provision herein null and void? If not why?

    Finally, how is it that you state that you value the Diaspora and find
    it to be an indivisible part of the nation yet, when your counter
    part in Turkey conferred repeatedly with Pres. Aliev in Baku to set
    his mind at ease prior to the public announcement of this protocol,
    you made no effort to do the same with you "indivisible Diaspora" a
    Diaspora that was ostensibly so important to you that you established a
    Ministry of Diaspora with great pomp and circumstance last year. Your
    Minister visited communities around the globe to extol the importance
    of our unified past and destiny. How can it be that Gul thought more
    of a foreign president than you did of your own dispersed nation by
    seeking to confer and set Aliev's mind at ease while the Diaspora
    stood dumbfounded and in disbelief by this announcement in late August.

    Mr. President this community is unified in its opposition. All three of
    the traditional Armenian political organizations as well the younger
    recent immigrant community from Armenia stand together against these
    protocols. Last week 10000 took to the streets to send you a wake
    up call.

    You are right that Armenia greatest natural resource is its large
    Diaspora which comprises more than two thirds of the Armenian
    nation. Please do not sacrifice Armenia and its Diaspora for these

    Relations with Turkey can and should be established but it was
    not Armenia who shut the border and blockaded its neighbor it
    was Turkey. Armenia has never taken a belligerent stand against
    Turkey. Turkey has laws on the books still making it a crime to utter
    the words Armenian and Genocide together . Yes turkey needs to evolve
    but these protocols do nothing but reward their belligerence towards
    Armenia and Armenians. It bolsters their campaign of drawing the
    veracity of the genocide into question and finally isolating Karabakh
    from Armenia and preventing Republic of Armenia's participation in
    the security and self determination of Karabakh.

    Please stop this madness. Save your legacy. Save our legacy.