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Banking Community Of Armenia Expects To Face 13% Economic Downturn A

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  • Banking Community Of Armenia Expects To Face 13% Economic Downturn A


    2009-10-07 16:48:00

    ArmInfo. The banking community of Armenia expects to face an economic
    downturn at 14.8% maximal level. This is the result of forecast public
    opinion poll among 48 banking top managers polled by the Financial
    Analysis Service of ArmInfo News Agency over the summer months. In the
    average, bankers expect GDP to fall by 12-13%. At the same time, asked
    about the expected level of inflation in the country, the majority
    of Armenian employees of banks forecasted the annual inflation at up
    to 10%, while 21 people expect a higher level - from 10% to 20%.

    Only three specialists pointed out a maximal inflation bar at
    5.5%. There were interesting answers connected with the Armenian dram
    (AMD) exchange forecast. According to the respondents, the forecasted
    average exchange rate was 398 AMD/1USD, the minimal bar was 320
    AMD/1USD, the maximal one - 450 AMD/1USD. 22 respondents said that
    exchange rate will range from 360 to 380 AMD/1USD, and 25 respondents
    pointed out an exchange rate of over 380 AMD/1USD, 20 specialists of
    them forecasted an exchange rate of 400 AMD/1USD and higher. Only
    2 specialists think that by the end of 2009 the exchange rate will
    reach 450 AMD/1USD.

    To note, the Government expects GDP to fall by 15% by the end of 2009
    while by the end of August the decline made up 18.4%. The official
    forecast of inflation in the country is 4% (+/- 1.5%) while as of the
    end of September the price growth was 3,7% as compared with the same
    period of 2008.

    According to the forecast of the Central Bank of Armenia, the AMD/USD
    exchange rate in 2009 will range from 360 to 380 AMD/1USD while at
    present the official exchange rate is over 385 AMD/1USD.

    Asked whether it is possible to expect the summary amount of banks'
    credit portfolio to decrease by the end of 2009 under the crisis
    conditions, the overwhelming majority of the respondents (45 people)
    repyied positively.

    Only 4 respondents point out a maximal decline of portfolios at 35-50%,
    9 respondents forecasted a decline at 15- 20%. At the same time,
    most of the respondents think that the decline in the provision of
    crediting will not exceed 10%. To note, a slight decline (2,9%) in
    provision of crediting was fixed in the second quarter of 2009. Asked
    about expectations concerning credit rates, the specialists pointed
    out the average level at 21% p.a. for AMD loans, and 19% p.s. for USD
    loans. 21 respondents think that the rates will range from 21% to 30%
    for AMD loans, 19 respondents think that the rates will range from 19%
    to 32% for USD loans.

    Meanwhile, the bankers expect the decline in the liquidity level of the
    banks to range from 4% to 8% by the end of 2009, the decline in current
    liquidity to make up 8% at the mean, and the one in general liquidity
    to make up 4%. Actually, as of 30 June 2009 current liquidity fell by
    about 10% to 188,47% over the second quarter, the standard minimum
    being 60%. General liquidity, on the contrary, slightly grew by 1%
    to 32,65%, the admissible minimum being 15%.

    To note, under the crisis conditions all the respondents expect the
    banks' personnel to be optimized by 11% at the mean in the whole
    banking system. 19 specialists think that the banks' personnel may
    decline by 10- 20% at the mean.