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Nagorno-Karabakh: Getting To A Breakthrough

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh: Getting To A Breakthrough


    Europe Briefing N°55
    7 October 2009


    A preliminary breakthrough in the two-decades-old Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict - a framework agreement on basic principles - may be within
    reach. Armenia and Azerbaijan are in substantial accord on principles
    first outlined by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group in 2005. A basic principles agreement,
    while only a foundation to build on, is crucial to maintain momentum
    for a peace deal. Important differences remain on specifics of a
    subsequent final deal. Movement toward Armenia-Turkey rapprochement
    after a century of hostility has brought opportunity also for ending
    the Nagorno-Karabakh stalemate. Sustainable regional peace requires
    compromises on all the quarrels, but there is backlash danger,
    especially in Armenia, where public discontent could derail the
    Nagorno-Karabakh framework agreement. Presidents Sarkisian (Armenia)
    and Aliyev (Azerbaijan) need to do more to prepare their publics. The
    U.S., Russia and France, Minsk Group co-chairs, have stepped up
    collective efforts, but more is needed to emphasise dangers in clinging
    to an untenable status quo.

    Although a deliberate military offensive from either side is unlikely
    in the near future, the ceasefire that ended active hostilities
    fifteen years ago is increasingly fragile. There has been a steady
    increase in the frequency and intensity of armed skirmishes that could
    unintentionally spark a wider conflict. Though the ceasefire has helped
    prevent return to full-scale hostilities, it has not prevented some
    3,000 deaths along the front line - military and civilian alike -
    since 1994.

    The official negotiations have also not significantly tempered the
    great scepticism and cynicism among both Armenians and Azerbaijanis
    about a possible end to the conflict. There is deep distrust of the
    mediating process, and many on both sides are suspicious that the talks
    are little more than window-dressing. Many also complain about what
    they perceive as the secretive nature of the talks. This gives rise to
    suspicions that a peace deal equates to surrender and that leaders who
    would take such action would be guilty of treason. These fears have
    been fuelled by years of official and unofficial propaganda on both
    sides, and particularly in Armenia, there is a growing sentiment that
    a change in the status quo could create new security threats. Notably,
    there is concern even among some government officials that Armenia
    is being pressured to give up something tangible - the occupied
    territories - in exchange for mere promises of security. These feelings
    are especially acute in Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The presidents are believed to have broadly agreed on the
    need for an eventual pullout of ethnic Armenian forces from
    districts of Azerbaijan outside of Nagorno-Karabakh they currently
    control. Azerbaijan has also given indications that it is not opposed
    to a corridor linking Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. There have been
    differences on a timetable for the return of ethnic Azeri refugees
    to Nagorno-Karabakh. The most contentious issue, however, is the
    region's final status. There has been some movement towards defining
    an "interim status" for Nagorno-Karabakh, but Azerbaijan still insists
    that it must always remain legally part of its territory, while Armenia
    (and the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities) insist that residents
    of the region have the right to determine their own status, be it as
    part of Armenia or as an independent state.

    The Armenian and Azerbaijani governments should engage their
    populations in genuine debate about the options on the negotiating
    table, as well as the risks of letting the current situation
    linger. Civil society organisations involved in peacebuilding
    should revamp their efforts to facilitate constructive, wider
    discussion. International NGO projects have involved a miniscule
    percentage of Armenians and Azerbaijanis. Often the same "experts"
    have been involved for over a decade in conferences that have largely
    failed to create the greater public awareness on issues, options and
    their implications that could diminish insecurities and so free the
    hands of the negotiators.

    Furthermore, Armenia and Azerbaijan should gradually involve
    Nagorno-Karabakh's de facto authorities and the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Azeri representatives in the peace talks to secure their buy-in
    to decisions that would directly affect them. An inclusive and
    multi-layered format envisioning direct contacts between Azerbaijan
    and Karabakh Armenians as well as between the Karabakh Armenians and
    Azeris could help promote a more efficient dialogue.

    Specific additiona einforce pledges to refrain from use of force
    by allowing the mandate of the tiny OSCE observer mission to be
    significantly broadened, for example to authorise investigation
    of claims of violations, and allowing a larger monitoring force on
    the ground that could facilitate establishment of an international
    peacekeeping force once an agreement is in place.

    * Azerbaijan should review its position and accept OSCE proposals,
    apparently agreed by Armenia, to remove snipers from front line
    areas, and both sides should stop advancing their trenches towards
    the other's positions.

    * Armenia, together with the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities and
    Azerbaijan, should begin contingency planning on the mechanisms and
    procedures for the withdrawal of Armenian forces from the districts
    of Azerbaijan outside of Nagorno-Karabakh they continue to occupy.

    * The Armenian and Azerbaijani governments should formally endorse by
    the end of 2009 the document on basic principles and fully disclose
    its contents in public forums. Armenia should encourage the de facto
    Nagorno-Karabakh authorities to uphold the agreement.

    * Azerbaijan should allow Karabakh Azeris to play a bigger role in
    the negotiations and the internal political process, including by
    passing legislation allowing them to elect the head of their community.

    * All sides to the conflict should consider an inclusive and
    multi-layered negotiation format envisioning direct contacts
    between the Azerbaijani government and the de facto Nagorno-Karabakh
    authorities, as well as between the Karabakh Armenians and Azeris.

    * External actors, particularly the U.S, France (and, broadly, the EU)
    and Russia should intensify their collective efforts to encourage
    Armenia and Azerbaijan to formally endorse the basic principles
    document and move on at once to negotiating the peace agreement.

    * Donors involved in developing, implementing or funding peacebuilding
    should engage greater numbers of people in their projects, inc ctronic
    media and joint public forums.

    * The de facto Nagorno-Karabakh authorities should end their support
    for settlement of formerly Azeri majority areas with Armenians,
    including an end to privatisation, infrastructure development and
    the establishment of local government structures in those areas.