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Armenian Government Intends To Make North-South Highway Connecting A

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  • Armenian Government Intends To Make North-South Highway Connecting A


    2009-10-08 17:35:00

    ArmInfo. After reconstructing the North-South highway connecting
    Armenia with Georgia, the Armenian Government intends to make it paid.

    During the sitting of Government on Thursday, Armenian Prime Minister
    Tigran Sargsyan instructed Economy Minister Nerses Yeritsyan to discuss
    with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) representatives the possible
    involvement of private investors in this project and discuss the issue
    of construction of paid motor roads. The prime minister pointed out
    this will allow decreaseing the debt burden according to the recently
    approved $500 mln ADB loan for construction of the North-South highway.

    The premier also instructed the economy minister to prepare the
    conception of construction of paid highways in the republic within
    the next 2 months.

    "The investors wishing to participate in the construction should know
    the game rules offered by the Government",- Sargsyan said.

    At Oct 8 sitting the Armenian Government approved the packages of
    legislative changes on resettlement and ecological assessment of the
    North-South highway construction project. N.Yeritsyan pointed out
    that the given initiative is conditioned by the bank requirements
    and caused by the necessity of provision of the first tranche of the
    loan for reconstruction of Yerevan-Ashtarak section. The amount of
    compensation to citizens for the resettlement is being specified.

    To recall, on September 29 the Board of Directors of the Asian
    Development Bank (ADB) approved the framework credit agreement with
    Armenia worth $500 mln for restoration of the Yerevan-Batumi highway to
    develop the opportunities of the North-South transport corridor. The
    credit agreement is concluded for 7 years and envisages restoration
    of the Agarak-Kapan-Yerevan-Bavra highway. This road links Armenia
    with Georgia and provides the Armenian party with an access to the
    Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi. The highway was built in Soviet
    times and doesn't meet the modern requirements. It is envisaged to
    widen the highway and improve the quality of the roadbed. The credit
    worth $500 mln will be provided to Armenia in tranches. The Government
    is to seek a total of 462 mln USD via other donors to co-finance this
    project. The total value of the project is 962 mln USD.

    The ADB Board approved the first tranche worth $60 mln for restoration
    of 18 km section of the Yerevan-Ashtarak road and raising of security
    of the Yerevan-Ararat road. The Armenian Government's co-financing
    on the first tranche will be $10 mln. The ADB credit will be provided
    for 32 years, the grace period being the first 8 years. The interest
    rate over the grace period will be 1% p.a., afterwards will grow to
    1.5% p.a.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress