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Turkey's Citizenship Law

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  • Turkey's Citizenship Law


    Altinkum Didim Today
    Thursday, 08 October 2009 12:05 Didim Today


    All good news is welcome. I have been staring at e-mails dropping into
    my inbox about revisions to Turkey's citizenship law. People from all
    over the world are now looking to acquire Turkish citizenship. This is
    in absolute contrast with times when people fled Turkey and abandoned
    their past and everything there.

    The annual gathering of the World Bank and the International Monetary
    Fund (IMF) is taking place next door. Fifteen years ago, it would
    have been difficult to believe that these meetings would take place
    in Turkey. People were very desperate and had lost confidence in
    everything about their home country.

    I can also hear the sound of police sirens and shouts coming from a
    small crowd of protestors outside my office. I read that protests on
    the first day of the events took on an international standard throwing
    a shoe at the speaker.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a very nice speech during the
    Justice and Development Party (AK Party) congress. The speech centered
    on taking significant action toward peace efforts. The Turkish Cabinet
    fairly recently gathered for a joint session with the Syrian Cabinet
    and decided to lift the visa requirement between Turkey and Syria.

    The approach to Syria and the welcoming approach from the Syrian
    side is unbelievable many international lawyers will concur that we
    experienced difficulties in legal matters with Syria due to a lack
    of agreements between these two countries in several areas.

    I heard of several people interrogated by the Mukhabarat (Syria's
    intelligence agency) for hosting Turks in their houses. Furthermore,
    the Turkish Cabinet and the Iraqi Cabinet are planning to hold a joint
    session in the coming days. I feel Iraq will be the next country to
    become rich as a result of its oil resources, and this will carry
    the country's living standards to a higher level, I hope. Having rich
    neighbors is always good.

    Turkish contractors and businessmen ar sed in Iraq. We have even
    stronger ties with Iraq than with Syria. There is a significant
    Turkish population living in Iraq. Iraqi Turkmens will have more say
    in the coming period and will hopefully have an opportunity to gain
    their rights. There is also President Abdullah Gul, who is working
    to gather Turkic-speaking leaders.

    Turkey is looking to strengthen its relations with Central Asia and
    beyond. There is an ambitious effort to overcome century-long problems
    with Armenia. The Armenian influence on Turkish architecture is now
    widely being discussed.

    There was a time when people dared not even speak about this topic. The
    Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) now has a channel
    broadcasting in Kurdish. I remember times when we, as young children,
    used to watch Greek TV cartoons. They were broadcasted on two channels
    and in color. TRT has now covered a wide range of Ramadan programs
    live from Iraq to Bosnia, in an effort to showcase that we have
    common roots.

    These are all good news for countries with an interest in this
    region. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has used all the resources
    at his disposal to build a strong and solid Turkish foreign policy.

    Turkey is a modest country, and once its foreign policy is successfully
    sorted out, local matters will be much easier to handle. There is
    always one best way to go. I wish to see a unified Parliament pick
    up on that best way especially in foreign policy matters.

    Berk Cektir This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You
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    The information provided here is intended to give basic legal
    information. You should get legal assistance from a licensed
    attorney at law while conducting legal transactions and not just
    rely on the information in this corner. http://www.todayszaman.c