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Ilham Aliyev: Armenian-Turkish Relations And Karabakh Issue Interrel

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  • Ilham Aliyev: Armenian-Turkish Relations And Karabakh Issue Interrel

    10.10.2009 14:38

    "There is positive dynamics in the negotiations. If there was
    no dynamics the negotiations wouldn't be conducted until now. We
    keep loyalty to the negotiations because there is a progress in the
    negotiation process despite its difficulties," Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliyev said in a TV interview, commenting on the results of
    the talks in Chisinau with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

    "A feature of the negotiations is that nothing is coordinated
    before everything is coordinated. It means that we have to solve all
    issues. Only then we can approach the large peace agreement," he said.

    Asked to comment on the signing of protocols between Armenia and
    Turkey, Ilham Aliyev said: "Our position is that we don't interfere
    in the relations established or to be established between other
    countries. We consider it as unacceptable. At the same time we don't
    wish and allow others to interfere in our domestic affairs. Azerbaijan
    has never interfered in the domestic affairs of other countries or
    in the relations between others."

    At the same time "There is positive dynamics in the negotiations. If
    there was no dynamics the negotiations wouldn't be conducted until now.

    We keep loyalty to the negotiations because there is a progress in the
    negotiation process despit e its difficulties," Azerbaijani President
    Ilham Aliyev said in a TV interview, commenting on the results of
    the talks in Chisinau with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

    "A feature of the negotiations is that nothing is coordinated
    before everything is coordinated. It means that we have to solve all
    issues. Only then we can approach the large peace agreement," he said.

    Asked to comment on the signing of protocols between Armenia and
    Turkey, Ilham Aliyev said: "Our position is that we don't interfere
    in the relations established or to be established between other
    countries. We consider it as unacceptable. At the same time we don't
    wish and allow others to interfere in our domestic affairs. Azerbaijan
    has never interfered in the domestic affairs of other countries or
    in the relations between others."

    At the same time the Azerbaijani President said the Armenian Turkish
    border had been closed because of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "Te
    borders can be opened only after the lifting of that reason. This is
    our position," he said.

    "If the Turkish-Armenian relations are normalized before the solution
    to Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Armenia will make its position harder
    in the negotiation process. Armenia will try to introduce it as own
    political and diplomatic success and very likely it will keep harder
    and unacceptable position during the negotiations," Aliyev said.=0 D

    "I am absolutely sure that the two processes - the processes of
    solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict and opening of Turkish-Armenian
    borders should be parallel. There is a connection, if not official,
    but unofficial connection between these processes. This connection
    should be saved and the two issues should be resolved in parallel and
    at the same time. Otherwise the status-quo can change negatively in
    the region.