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Turkey,Armenia Eye Peace Deal Afer Century-Old Enmity

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  • Turkey,Armenia Eye Peace Deal Afer Century-Old Enmity

    By Zerin Elci

    10 Oct 2009 09:33:25 GMT

    ZURICH, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Turkey and Armenia are due to sign a peace
    accord on Saturday to end a century of hostility stemming from the
    World War One mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces.

    A decades-old dispute between Turkey's ally Azerbaijan and Armenia
    over the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh hangs over a final
    settlement. Talks between Azeri and Armenian leaders over the region
    ended without result on Friday. [ID:nL9673847]

    Turkey and Armenia are under U.S. and EU pressure to sign the
    Swiss-mediated peace accord in a ceremony to be attended by
    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other dignitaries.

    The deal, first announced in August, sets a timetable for restoring
    diplomatic ties and opening the joint border. Turkish officials said
    it would be signed on schedule. Armenian officials were not immediately
    available for comment.

    The accord must then be approved by the Turkish and Armenian
    parliaments in the face of opposition from nationalists on both sides
    and a powerful Armenian diaspora which insists Turkey acknowledge
    the killings as genocide.

    An agreement would boost European Union candidate Turkey's diplomatic
    clout in the volatilie South Caucasus, a transit corridor for oil and
    gas to the West. Ankara is keen to be seen as a stabilising force in
    the strategically important region.

    "This is a sign that Turkey is changing and is now dealing with
    things of its past and that it's a valuable partner for the West,"
    said Hugh Pope, senior analyst at the International Crisis Group and
    author of books on Turkey.

    "Not having a relationship with Armenia hobbles Turkey's role in the
    Caucasus," said Pope, adding the thaw would also benefit Ankara's
    troubled quest to join the European Union.


    Turkey cut ties and shut its border with Armenia in 1993 in support
    of Turkic-speaking Azerbaijan which was then fighting a losing battle
    against Armenian separatists in Karabakh.

    Ties between Muslim Turkey and Christian Armenia are also strained by
    what Armenian and many Western historians say was the mass deportation
    and deliberate killing of up to 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman
    Empire during World War One.

    Turkey says Armenians were among many thousands killed in the chaos
    as the Ottoman Empire fought off Russian, British, French and Greek
    armies and attempted to put down an Arab revolt before eventually
    imploding under the strain. But Turkey denies the killings of Armenians
    amounted to genocide.

    The issue, until recently taboo in Turkey, has damaged ties between
    Ankara and Washington, where Armenian-Americans have long lobbied
    for a law to name the massacres a genocide.

    Although landlocked Armenia stands to make big gains, opening its
    impoverished economy to trade and investment, Armenia's leader Serzh
    Sarksyan faces protests at home and from the huge Armenian diaspora,
    which sees the thaw with suspicion.

    Armenians demand that Turkey acknowledge the 1915 killings as genocide,
    a defining element in Armenian national identity.

    About 10,000 people rallied in Yerevan on Friday against the accords,
    waving Armenian flags and holding posters saying: "No to Turkish
    preconditions!", "No to concessions to Turkey!"

    Turkey and Armenia will set up an international commission of
    historians to study the events under the deal, which Turkey's Foreign
    Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian
    are due to sign at 5 p.m. (1600 GMT).

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said earlier this year he would
    not open its border with Armenia until Yerevan ended what he called
    its occupation of Azerbaijan.

    Violence erupted in Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian enclave within
    Azerbaijan's internationally recognised borders, in the late 1980s
    as the Soviet Union headed towards its 1991 collapse.

    Ethnic Armenian forces, backed by Armenia, drove out Azeri troops
    and took control of seven districts of Azerbaijan adjacent to
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Some 30,000 people were killed. (Writing by Ibon
    Villelabeitia; editing by Philippa Fletcher)