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Turkey And Armenia Seek Peace

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  • Turkey And Armenia Seek Peace

    By Christopher Torchia

    09 oct 09

    ISTANBUL -- Enter the "Hall of Armenian Issue with Documents" at the
    military museum in Istanbul, and you get a very different picture of
    what many historians view as the first genocide of the 20th century.

    There, photographs show bodies of Ottoman Turks allegedly slaughtered
    and mutilated -- the term "martyred" appears in the captions -- by
    Armenian gangs. The message: Turks were victims of fighting between
    the two neighbors, not the vast numbers of Armenians who were massacred
    or deported from Ottoman territory during World War I.

    Seeking to end a century of acrimony over their bloody past, Turkey
    and Armenia plan to sign a deal this weekend approving diplomatic ties,
    but nationalists on both sides will seek to derail its implementation.

    That was clear Friday, when about 10,000 protesters rallied in
    Armenia's capital to oppose the planned signing. The marching
    demonstrators carried placards with slogans such as "No concessions
    to Turks!" and "No bargaining on genocide!"

    "Even if the documents are signed tomorrow, that will mark the
    beginning of our struggle against their ratification in parliament
    and their implementation," said protest organizer Kiro Manoian of
    the opposition Dashnak-Tsutyun party.

    According to Omer Taspinar, Turkey project director at the Brookings
    Institution in Washington, "The signing may be the easier part at t
    his point."

    Some vague wording in the agreement merely sets the stage for further
    talks, and could be prone to interpretation or dispute even if the
    two parliaments ratify the agreement as expected.

    Better ties between Turkey, a regional heavyweight, and poor,
    landlocked Armenia are a key goal of President Barack Obama. They could
    help reduce tensions in the troubled Caucasus region and facilitate
    its growing role as a corridor for energy supplies bound for the West.

    The contentious issue of whether the killing of up to 1.5 million
    Armenians during the final days of the Ottoman Empire amounted to
    genocide is only hinted at in the agreement, which calls for diplomatic
    ties for the first time and the opening of the sealed border within
    two months.

    The foreign ministers of both countries are expected to sign the deal
    in Switzerland, which has hosted six weeks of talks between the foes.

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is expected to attend.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will participate in the ceremony
    in Zurich on Saturday, the Interfax new agency said.

    A tour of Armenian communities by Armenian President Serge Sarkisian
    sparked protests in Lebanon and France, with demonstrators in
    Paris shouting "Traitor!" and decrying plans to establish ties with
    Turkey. On Thursday, dozens of angry Armenians also staged protests
    in central Yerevan, the Armenian capital, burning papers meant to
    symboli ze the agreement.

    The agreement calls for a panel to discuss "the historical dimension"
    -- a reference to the genocide issue -- that will include "an impartial
    scientific examination of the historical records and archives to
    define existing problems and formulate recommendations."

    That clause is viewed as a concession to Turkey because Armenia has
    said that genocide was confirmed by international historians, and
    further discussion could lead to deadlock. Turkey denies genocide,
    contending the toll is inflated and those killed were victims of
    civil war.

    The Istanbul museum contains black-and-white photographs of piles
    of Turkish corpses and official Ottoman documents that describe
    Armenian atrocities: young girls whose lungs were hung on walls,
    men whose brains were "drained" with bayonets.

    A glass case holds the blood-stained shirt of a former Ottoman
    official who was assassinated by an Armenian militant in Berlin in
    1921. The Armenian room is a tiny part of a cavernous, dimly lit museum
    dedicated to the glories of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople,
    renamed Istanbul, World War I battles against the Allies at Gallipoli,
    and later clashes with Greeks.

    "Given Turkey's ongoing denial of the Armenian genocide, it makes
    affirmation that much more important," said Bryan Ardouny, executive
    director of the Armenian Assembly of America, part of the powerful
    Armenian diaspora.

    Another source of dispute is Nagorn o-Karabakh, an enclave in
    Azerbaijan that is occupied by Armenian troops.

    Turks have close cultural and linguistic ties with Azerbaijan,
    which is pressing Turkey for help in recovering its land. Turkey
    shut its border with Armenia to protest the Armenian invasion of
    Nagorno-Karabakh in 1993.

    Turkey wants Armenia to withdraw some troops from the enclave area
    to show goodwill and speed the opening of their joint border, but
    Armenia has yet to agree, Taspinar said.

    "We may end up in a kind of awkward situation where there are
    diplomatic relations, but the border is still closed," he said.

    One gesture seen as vital to reconciliation is a plan by the Armenian
    president to attend next week's World Cup football qualifier between
    Turkey and Armenia in Bursa, an old Ottoman capital. Sarkisian has
    said he would go to the Oct. 14 game if there is progress on opening
    the border.

    A year ago, Turkish President Abdullah Gul visited Armenia for the
    first game. Turkey won 2-0 in a round of "football diplomacy" where
    politics overshadowed sport.

    Associated Press Writer Avet Demourian contributed to this report
    from Yerevan, Armenia.