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COMMENT: Russia's Coming Decade

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  • COMMENT: Russia's Coming Decade

    By Andrew Wood

    business new europe
    October 8, 2009


    Despite initial optimism, the overall effect of Vladimir Putin's
    presidency of Russia has been to weaken Russia's political structures
    by substituting the potential for a set of independent institutions by
    a closed elite answerable principally to itself, with little interest
    in reform or modernization.

    The lack of an autonomous legitimating ideology beyond a sense of
    national grievance, together with the absence of renewal within the
    ruling elite, has increased its tendency to distrust others, including
    its subjects, and to cling more insistently to its own received truths.

    The Russian government's response to the economic crisis has been
    primarily tactical in nature. It has sought to avoid popular discontent
    through palliative measures to keep down unemployment and prop up often
    unprofitable industries in the hope that a return to global growth
    will again push up commodity prices. Even in the short term, this is a
    risky approach; there is a possibility that Russia's reserves may not
    last until growth picks up sufficiently. In the longer term, changes
    in the oil and gas market outside Russia, and a failure to invest in
    domestic production, will weaken a resource-based growth model.

    Despite the rhetoric, there has been no attempt to launch a systemic
    modernization agenda in Russia. While the preconditions for renewal are
    well understood (political and economic competition, an independent
    judiciary, further liberalization including in the resource sectors,
    an effective anticorruption campaign), none of these generalized
    aspirations have been fulfilled.

    There looks to be little prospect in the next couple of years that
    economic or social pressures will push the elite towards reform.

    However, the chances of keeping such a shift under control will become
    more difficult the longer it is postponed.


    The next two years will be critica Russia begins to develop over the
    coming decade into an effective polity with a modern and diversified
    economy. Three cycles, sketched out below, will interact to determine
    the outcome: the pre-electoral period will produce either more of the
    same or renewal; what follows the first efforts of the authorities
    to cope with the global economic crisis will indicate how far Russia
    will realize its fuller economic potential; and both these factors will
    show whether or not Russia is able in the predictable future to begin
    to lessen the distance between itself and the more advanced economies.


    The institutional structure of the Russian state has been weakened
    as the potential for a set of interdependent actors answerable to the
    wider public that existed in the 1990s has been replaced by a closed
    elite answerable principally to itself. Vladimir Putin's re-election
    in 2004 pushed Russia further down the path of centralized personal
    rule. Dmitry Medvedev's anointment in 2008 was a missed opportunity
    for renewal. He has had no discernible success in pursuing the two
    themes he identified as central to his presidency, establishing the
    rule of law and attacking corruption. The institutional standing of
    the presidency has been attenuated by Putin's move to the 'White House'
    as prime minister. The result is rigidity.

    The next electoral cycle begins in the new decade. Presidential
    and Duma elections are due by 2012, with the four-year term for the
    presidency being replaced by one of six years, renewable for a further
    six if it is Putin who runs - and probably also if Medvedev does. If
    Medvedev is to be more than a placeholder and Putin is to fade, the
    current president will have to build up his independent authority
    and personal entourage during 2010/11.

    The issue of who will be next and where he (it would be a polite
    figure of speech to write 'she or he') will exercise power is bound
    further to lengthen its shadow over Russian politics between now and
    2012. The chances of a third candidate em isruptive. That too is a fact
    to be stressed: while power in Moscow has indeed become personalized
    it is also exercised through a small group made up of Putin's
    associates. Change has been minimal here too. The core of the regime
    remains with pretty much the same men of power ('siloviki'), reliant on
    a corrupt bureaucracy, and the rent of the dominant enterprises based
    on Russia's Soviet inheritance. However able some individuals may be,
    their REP PP 09/03: Russia's Coming Decade 4
    sense of change as risky, and best managed centrally and by themselves
    if it must be contemplated, is not likely to be shaken.

    It is only human for such groups to become both introverted and
    captives of their own assumptions. Putin, Medvedev and their principal
    colleagues are by reason of the centralization of the Russian
    state more than usually circumscribed by their actions to date as
    individuals, as a group and through the prevailing expectations
    which now permeate the Russian state. The lack of an autonomous
    legitimating ideology beyond a sense of national grievance, together
    with the absence of renewal within the ruling elite, has increased
    the latter's tendency to distrust others, including its subjects,
    and to cling more insistently to its own received truths. It is, as
    Pravda used to say, no accident that the official view in Moscow so
    often seems at odds with the commonsense perceptions of the outside
    world. The longer the current political system persists, the greater
    the likelihood that these attitudes will become more dominant,
    and the more disruptive it will be for the present elite to review
    its policies. It is indicative that, for instance, even the idea of
    interrupting the judicial persecution of Mikhail Khodorkovsky for his
    alleged misdemeanours when running the former Yukos energy company,
    which had some currency when Medvedev came into office, seems now to
    be beyond the pale.

    How the ruling elite will cope with the next presidential succession
    cycle is bound to be contentious as winners and losers are sorted
    out and as the implications for longer-term policies take shape.


    Once it realized the scale of the crisis it faced, the Russian
    government was by no means the only one to look primarily to first
    aid, not the post-crisis transformation of the economy. The essential
    task as seen by both Prime Minister Putin and his government and,
    perhaps to a lesser extent, President Medvedev, was to prevent popular
    discontent. That meant not only helping the banks but keeping workers
    in their existing employment, holding devaluation off and avoiding
    bankruptcies (especially but not only in the 'monotowns'). Much of the
    considerable funds allocated by the authorities went to large-scale
    enterprises controlled by the state or its associates, including
    enterprises with little or no prospect of ever becoming profitable.

    That tactical approach has persisted. Whether or not it will be enough
    to see Russia through to calmer waters in the next couple of years does
    not depend only on Russia. The last year ought to have destroyed any
    illusion of the country being a safe haven, though it is not certain
    that the top leadership has been completely persuaded of the limits to
    what Russia can do on its own, or in company with like-minded client
    states. The latest budget plans nevertheless recognize that the next
    couple of (pre-electoral) years will be difficult. The Reserve Fund
    is to be spent almost in full in 2010, and the National Welfare Fund
    hollowed out, as social and anti-crisis expenditures are kept high
    and the budget is once a icit. Russia may seek to borrow (on present
    plans) some $60bn over the next three years. The overall aim is still,
    rhetoric apart, to preserve current structures, however ineffective
    or even bankrupt, until the world economy recovers sufficiently to
    allow Russia to revert to the natural resource drivers which appeared
    to work so well over the past decade.

    This seems a risky strategy, even for the short term. It depends
    critically, in the first place, on the recovery, speed and extent
    of global growth, and on Russia's reserves lasting until that growth
    picks up sufficiently. If this does not happen over the next eighteen
    months or so, and current policies are maintained, the strain on
    the government's finances will very likely become severe enough to
    force difficult and divisive spending choices on the ruling elite
    in the course of 2011. The IMF has warned, in its latest report, of
    the inflationary pressures building up because of the rising budget
    deficit. There are other rocks in the way, including weaknesses in the
    banking system, the vulnerability of the rouble, social discontent
    and so on. But there is, as far as I can tell, no compelling reason
    to expect a second and game-changing crisis wave to hit Russia this
    autumn. Tactical management of the economy in the expectation of a
    short global crisis is therefore likely to remain the first choice
    of the ruling group.

    The longer-term flaws in this approach are considerable, even if
    tactical spending works well from the point of view of the governing
    interests in keeping the economy on its present path over the next
    couple of years.

    Russia's world will not be the same as it was for Putin in his
    first two terms as President even if global recovery is relatively
    quick. Changes in the oil and gas markets, outside competition and
    Russia's failure to invest effectively or sufficiently in the energy
    sector will ensure as much, together with the fact that nothing
    significant has been achieved so far in developing Russia's economy
    beyond its natural resource bases. And even there it lags behind its
    comparators. The money that seemed so abundant in 2008 will on current
    form have been spent by 2011, while the subsidies now agreed will be
    hard to reduce. But the government is unlikely to be moved by such
    doubts while its political interests point clearly towards as quiet
    a life as can be managed.

    If, on the other hand, global growth does not resume with sufficient
    strength in the next couple of years then Moscow will come under
    greater pressure to contemplate a more strategic approach, which
    would require systemic reform.

    Achieving that would require either a radical change of policy by the
    present leadership, or their replacement; but the first is improbable -
    for who would risk being its initiator? - and there are no candidates
    for the second. It is also questionable whether there would be popular
    understanding of, let alone support, for radical change. A prolonged
    period of difficult global conditions would be likely instead to
    promote still greater central control over the economy, and society
    as a whole, with grim and in the end even selfdestructive results.


    The energy-inspired boom of the early 2000s encouraged hopes of
    Russia's future economic growth. But much of its dilapidated Soviet
    inheritance has continued to fade during this d nomic crisis has
    cruelly shown up the Russian economy for its dependence on imports
    financed by earnings from the country's natural resources. This is
    not to say that every Russian enterprise is flawed, just that there
    are not enough bright spots for Russia to begin to catch up with its
    competitors. On the contrary, it has continued to fall behind.

    Productivity, as measured by the Russian Academy of Sciences, is
    27% of that in the United States, and 42% of that in Germany and
    Japan. Russia does not have the cheap labour available to China or
    India. Both the costs and the ineffectiveness of its road building
    are without parallel in the world.

    The number of Russian applications for patents is nugatory. Russia's
    obsolescent Soviet inheritance is as much a burden as an asset,
    as evidenced recently by AvtoVAZ, the failed Bulava missile, and
    the catastrophe at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydro-electric station
    (not its first, either). And so on.

    The preconditions for renewal are widely understood and have been
    publicly recognized by Putin, Medvedev and others, as well as in
    documents such as the Ministry of Economic Development's pre-crisis
    plan to lead up to 2020.

    They were listed by the Director for Macro-Economic Research at
    the Higher School for Economics on 13 August as follows: 'Political
    and economic competition, the independence and effectiveness of the
    courts, corruption, opening up the economy to foreign investment,
    and the exposure of the non natural resources sectors of the Russian
    economy to the global economy.' One might add a long-term commitment
    of the government to programmes REP PP 09/03: Russia's Coming Decade 7 built around these principles, with a focus
    on key infrastructural investment, and supported by an effective
    and honest bureaucracy. Many Russians would call in addition for
    a reinvigoration of the country's education system, including its
    technological education.

    But none of these generalized aspirations has been fulfilled; instead,
    political and even i modernization programme would be interconnected
    and extraordinarily wideranging.

    It would take a real Kamikaze to put flesh on its bones, let alone
    bring them to active life, because implementing them would directly
    threaten the structures of the present system. The idea widespread
    in recent years that generational change coupled with economic growth
    will eventually soften Russia's governing system and thereby allow an
    emergent middle class to take the reins was a comforting but illusory
    proposition, especially given the existence of a hardening 'vertical
    of power'. It was suggested in 2004 that Putin would in his second
    term build on the reforms of his first, that Medvedev would in 2008
    make the system more just and flexible, and more recently that the
    present crisis would compel radical change. None of that has happened.

    President Medvedev's caustic comments in his 10 September article for
    the online journal were eloquent in underlining the need
    for renewal but short on practicable ways to achieve it. Meeting the
    challenge of avoiding Russian decline and political degradation gets
    more difficult, not less.

    Over the next couple of years the governing group will have to
    come to an understanding of who will be their leader from 2012 (or
    conceivably earlier).

    That may well be while the hope of muddling through persists, or in a
    worse case before an attempt to deal with lasting global difficulties
    by still greater central control has been shown as wanting. Experience
    so far suggests that the elite would prefer Putin if he were prepared
    to resume full formal responsibility, but that Putin would not
    return as a reformer. Nor would his associates support him again if
    they thought that he might. They have too much to lose from radical
    [root-and-branch] change. There is no reason to suppose that the
    bureaucracy would be able to produce effective and disciplined change
    even if it could be made to take that task seriously.

    Medvedev could in principle yet surprise, but he is unlikely to become
    a domi orce able to marshal public and political support for effective
    modernization before or after the next rotation.


    Russia's obstacle to the greatness it could have, and that its
    leaders say they want, is that it is in a political cul-de-sac, with
    no evident orderly way out at present. The parallel with Argentina,
    a country which missed its destiny, has been suggested, and can be
    made to fit, sort of. The parallel with the Brezhnev years is closer,
    but incomplete, for now there is a greater vacuum in the Russian
    state. Putin quite recently told then President Bush that Ukraine
    was not a real country. The unintended corollary was that neither
    was Russia, without Ukraine It is impossible to tell whether or
    when a further wave of economic or possibly social pressures, or the
    fear of such a wave, will break the cohesion of the present elite,
    and persuade enough of its members to take the risks inherent in a
    decisive and therefore liberalizing change towards political, social
    and economic modernization. This does not seem to be a prospect for
    the next couple of years, and the electoral cycle would inhibit it
    beyond that. But the chances of keeping such a shift under control
    will become more difficult the longer it is postponed.

    I have not sought in this piece to consider Russia's relationship with
    the outside world. The country has been tellingly depicted as having
    made itself friendless. The announcement this summer of its decision
    to revamp its application to join the World Trade Organization into
    a juridically impracticable one of entering as a unit of a nascent
    Customs Union meant in practice that Russia was turning its back
    on the WTO. Moscow may find itself having to behave more tactfully
    than in recent years if it is to borrow soon on the international
    financial markets. But the more it closes in on itself, and seeks to
    deal with its problems by greater internal discipline, the greater
    the temptation to balance that by blaming external enemies. Moscow's
    problems in the Caucasus, in its own territory as well as beyond it,
    appear to have no permanent solution. Medvedev asked the Duma on 10
    August to amend the law governing the deployment of Russian troops
    abroad so as greatly to enlarge the scope of pretexts for doing
    so. Medvedev's intemperate message to Ukrainian President Yushchenko
    on 11 July was notable for its refusal even tacitly to acknowledge
    that Moscow might bear any responsibility for the poor relations
    between Russia and Ukraine. Perhaps he and his colleagues genuinely
    do not realize that Russia might in any way be wrong. Trouble on that
    front is still possible around the turn of this year.

    This comment first appeared in Chatham House September newsletter

    Andrew Wood is an Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress