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Iranian Ponders Islam, Christianity

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  • Iranian Ponders Islam, Christianity

    by Kate Gregory

    BP News
    Baptist Press
    Oct 9, 2009

    TEHRAN, Iran (BP)--"When one limb aches, the whole body aches. You
    who are not troubled by the troubles of others, should not be called
    the children of Adam," says Ali*, quoting the 13th-century Iranian
    poet Sa'di.

    To Christians, that is a reference to 1 Corinthians 12.

    To Ali, Christian traditions borrow from Iranian ones, rather than
    the other way around. Ali, in fact, doesn't believe in the superiority
    of any belief. He says all religions lead to the same God.

    He respects all prophets, including Jesus, as good and wise. In Islam
    God is one, so Jesus cannot be God, he states emphatically.

    "Jesus and Muhammad are the same," Ali says. "They were both prophets."


    Born in Tehran and educated in London, Ali is a self-professed man of
    science who defines fact and truth according to the majority opinion
    of scholarly texts rather than religious ones.

    Out of curiosity he read a copy of the Old Testament that someone
    gave him.

    "I was surprised," he says. Christians "call it religion, but I call
    it history. Persian history. It contains our prophets. I was proud
    that they recognized our history and put so much worth in it."

    He knows who Christians say Jesus is, but he hasn't read the
    New Testament for himself. Iranians don't have open access to the
    Scriptures because publishing and distributing Bibles is illegal in
    the Islamic Republic.

    Ali has seen what can happen when people push against the restrictions
    too much, and it haunted him. When he was younger, he witnessed a
    public beating of someone who went against the regulations. "I couldn't
    sleep for months," he recalls. "But it's seldom done anymore. But
    once and awhile they still do it for the people to get a hint from
    it about what they shouldn't do.

    "In our culture, shame is worse than the fire of hell."


    So far, the regulations haven't shamed Ali into taking Islam any
    more seriously than he has to by law. Ali doesn't p to witness a
    special ceremony rather than to pray. Most people who go to mosques
    are pleading to God for His favor, he observes. Ali tells the story
    of a woman who tied herself to the gates of a mosque until she felt
    God heard her prayers.

    Since God is to be revered as unreachable, it is prophets who Iranians
    connect with on a personal level. The 14th-century poet Hafez is so
    honored, Ali says, that Iranians pair the reading of the Qur'an with
    the writings of Hafez.

    "They pray to him for truth. They open his book and point to the
    truth they are looking for," Ali says. "They go to him for what they
    are supposed to do -- if they are supposed to marry, if they will
    recover from illness. They trust in him to know what's going on in
    their lives and what's going to happen before it does.

    "You ask him to tell you the truth, like a friend. He's equal to you,
    beside you. Open his book and you will turn to the truth. He's more
    than a poet. He is a prophet. He is equal to mystics."

    In Islam, mysticism is identified with being a Sufi, one who relies
    on contemplation to discern God's will. Shiite Muslims follow imams,
    who they believe are the rightful successors to Muhammad. In Iran,
    festivals are held to hasten the coming of the 12th imam, who is
    supposed to bring justice to the world.

    There are two theories about when this will happen, Ali explains. "He
    won't come until everything is good in the world or until everything
    gets so bad in the world that it needs to be redeemed. Some want to
    help it be as good or as worse as it can be to hasten his coming."


    Ali believes Christianity borrowed its philosophy of good and evil from
    the prophet Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism is an ancient Iranian belief
    that good and evil are overarching influences that battle each other
    in the world.

    Signs of Zoroastrianism remain in contemporary Iran. Motorists hang
    guardian symbols on their rearview mirrors depicting an eye to guard
    against evil. "It's meant to catch and release any bad energy coming
    your way from people you enco d will happen to you," Ali comments.

    "I don't ignore what people believe," he says. "It is there. It seems
    to be very silly but human belief is interesting. Some people are
    devout, but some go through the outward motions because they have
    to. They don't have faith in anything."

    Ali places himself in the latter category of keeping up appearances,
    divorcing public behavior from the relevancy of real life behind closed
    doors. "Like most people I don't like boundaries, but unfortunately
    we are all victims of boundaries," Ali says.


    When he was in his 20s, the native Iranian fell in love with a young
    Armenian woman. His parents objected to the match, willing to give
    permission for their son to marry only someone from the same ethnic
    and religious background.

    Armenians in Iran come from a Christian heritage, including an era
    of persecution from the Turks. In some Iranian towns with an Armenian
    population, the landscape is dotted with small church steeples topped
    with crosses. The Armenians can practice their faith, Ali explains,
    as long as they do not attempt to convert a Muslim.

    Obedient to his parents' wishes, Ali married an Iranian woman instead
    but never forgot his first love.

    He says he will not put limits on whom his children can marry.

    "I don't care what religion they are. I only hope they have a good
    heart," he says, patting his chest.

    Having chosen duty over matters of the heart as a young man, Ali
    says his heart will warm to matters of faith later in life. In Islam,
    closeness to God can really be obtained only in paradise upon death.

    "Faith is always there," Ali says. "I'm not a fanatical, serious
    Muslim. Maybe when I'm older and closer to death, I'll take it

    --30-- *Name changed. Kate Gregory covered this story for the
    International Mission Board.