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Forbes: Turkish-Armenian signing delayed; Clinton departs

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  • Forbes: Turkish-Armenian signing delayed; Clinton departs


    Associated Press

    Turkish-Armenian signing delayed; Clinton departs

    By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS and BRADLEY S. KLAPPER , 10.10.09, 11:50 AM

    ZURICH -- The signing of an accord to restore diplomatic ties between
    Turkey and Armenia was delayed at the last minute Saturday due to
    concerns over the wording of the final statement the parties will

    U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton abruptly returned to her
    hotel just before she was to attend the signing ceremony.

    "We're facilitating the two sides on coming to an agreement on the
    statements they are going to make at the ceremony," said State
    Department spokesman Ian Kelley.

    Diplomats said the Armenians were concerned about wording in the
    Turkish statement that was to be made after the signing ceremony.

    An aide to Clinton was meeting with the Armenians and was talking by
    telephone with the Turks to work out the problem, said the diplomats,
    who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the

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