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Georgette Avagian: October 10 now a day of mourning for Diaspora

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  • Georgette Avagian: October 10 now a day of mourning for Diaspora

    Georgette Avagian: October 10 now a day of mourning for Diaspora
    11.10.2009 00:55 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Diaspora will not be silent, and we will take
    certain steps, Georgette Avagian, historian and representative of "Hay
    Dat" in Jerusalem told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, commenting on the
    recently signed Armenian-Turkish Protocols. According to her, Diaspora
    of Jerusalem is already organizing meetings and discussing further
    actions. Georgette Avagian noticed that the process of delaying the
    signing of the Protocols was just a game, designed for the
    Diaspora. "Now April 24 and October 10 become days of mourning for us,
    because today we have lost our historical lands, and the issue of the
    Armenian Genocide recognition has turned to dust," Georgette Avagyan
    said. She also stressed that the Diaspora will continue to fight. "We
    have fought against the Turks 100 years, and now we will continue to
    do the same," the representative of "Hay Dat" stressed.