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SYDNEY: Over 600 say NO to Protocols

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  • SYDNEY: Over 600 say NO to Protocols

    Armenian National Committee of Australia
    259 Penshurst Street, Willoughby NSW 2068
    PO Box 768, Willoughby NSW 2068
    T: (02) 9419 8264 | F: (02) 9411 8898
    E: [email protected] | W:

    SYDNEY: Over 600 say NO to Protocols

    SYDNEY: A protest to 'STOP THE PROTOCOLS' in the suburb of Ryde attracted
    over 600 members of the Armenian-Australian community, who chanted an
    emphatic 'VOCH'/'NO' to the proposed agreement to normalise relations
    between Armenia and Turkey.

    The crowd was holding banners, which included: "Don't compromise Armenia's
    future!", "Armenians Want Justice!", "Justice, not Protocols!", "No to the
    Protocols!", "No more protocols, No more lies!", "Protocols = No, Justice
    Yes" and others.

    The audience yelled chants, including 'Karabagh-e Hayeroon [Karabakh belongs
    to Armenia]', 'Hayastane Dzakhoo che [Armenia's not for sale], 'Mezi Lessir
    Yerevan, Protocols Akhpaman [Hear us in Yerevan, protocols belong in the
    trash]' and the very powerful 'VOCH', which translates to 'NO'.

    The 'VOCH' theme carried through all speakers, with Haig Kayserian of the
    Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) stating: "To the
    world leaders pushing these Protocols down the throat of the Armenian
    government, we and 10million Armenians worldwide say 'NO'. "To Turkey, who
    feels it can bully Armenia into surrendering its 100-year battle for justice
    from the Armenian Genocide, we and 10million Armenians worldwide say 'NO'.

    "To Mr Sargsyan and the government of Armenia, who feel they can fool us
    into believing these Protocols contain no preconditions and no surrender of
    our rights, we say 'NO'." ANC Australia President, Varant Meguerditchian was
    greeted with whole-hearted applause when declaring "...we reject these

    Meguerditchian said the opening of the borders is not worth insulting the
    victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide. "What are the benefits?" he
    asked. "For the opening of a border that is illegitimate? The opening of a
    border that only exists as a result of the genocide? The opening of a border
    that was drawn not by Armenia but by the USSR and Turkey? The opening of a
    border that will spell the end for Armenian industry? The opening of a
    border that that will ruin the Armenian economy or the opening of a border
    that can and will be closed at any time at Turkey's discretion?"

    Berdj Momdjian of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun),
    spoke on behalf of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, the Armenian
    Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) and his own party, declaring opposition
    to these Protocols is "united and unanimous".

    Kevork Tufenkjian of the Armenian Youth Federation of Australia (AYF
    Australia) went on record to state the youth community in Sydney also reject
    these Protocols, "with or without the signature of President Sargsyan".

    Video footage of the Sydney protest and the message of protestors, together
    with a petition with 1,500 Armenian-Australian signatures in opposition to
    the Protocols and an online poll declaring 96% of Armenian-Australians
    oppose the Protocols, has been sent electronically to the office of the
    President of Armenia; just 2 hours after the completion of the event.

    The protest was supported by the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), the Armenian Democratic
    Liberal Party (Ramgavar), the Armenian National Committee of Australia,
    Homenetmen, the Armenian Relief Society, Hamazkaine and the Armenian Youth
    Federation of Australia.


    The Armenian National Committee of Australia is the peak public affairs body
    of the Armenian-Australian community. ANC Australia advances the concerns of
    the Armenian-Australian community.