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ANKARA: Historical Protocols Signed by Turkey and Armenia

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  • ANKARA: Historical Protocols Signed by Turkey and Armenia

    The Journal of Turkish Weekly

    Historical Protocols Signed by Turkey and Armenia

    Sunday, 11 October 2009

    ZURICH - Turkey and Armenia have agreed to establish diplomatic

    The "Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the
    Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia" was signed by Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Armenian counterpart Eduard
    Nalbandian in Swiss city of Zurich on Saturday.

    The protocol envisages mutual recognition of the existing border
    between the two countries.

    Under the protocol, Turkey and Armenia reconfirmed their commitment,
    in their bilateral and international relations, to respect and ensure
    respect for the principles of "equality, sovereignty, non-intervention
    in internal affairs of other states, territorial integrity and
    inviolability of frontiers".

    Turkey and Armenia also condemned all forms of terrorism, violence and
    extremism irrespective of their cause, pledging to refrain from
    encouraging and tolerating such acts and to cooperate in combating
    against them.


    - Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Armenian
    counterpart Eduard Nalbandian signed Saturday a protocol on developing
    relations between their two countries.

    The "Protocol on Developing Relations between the Republic of Turkey
    and the Republic of Armenia" was signed by Davutoglu and Nalbandian in
    Swiss city of Zurich.

    The protocol aims to facilitate the development of relations between
    Turkey and Armenia in all fields and took significant steps within
    this frame.

    One of the steps has to do with the opening of the Turkish-Armenian
    border two months after the protocol goes into effect. The two
    countries have decided to establish committees in various fields and
    at various levels. An historical sub-committee will be established
    with the participation of international experts.


    Full text of the Protocol is as follows:
    The Republic of Turkey hment of Diplomatic Relations between the
    Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia signed on the same day,
    Considering the perspectives of developing their bilateral relations,
    based on confidence and respect to their mutual interests, Determining
    to develop and enhance their bilateral relations, in the political,
    economic, energy, transport, scientific, technical, cultural issues
    and other fields, based on common interests of both countries,
    Supporting the promotion of the cooperation between the two countries
    in the international and regional organisations, especially within the
    framework of the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the
    Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the BSEC, Taking into account
    the common purpose of both States to cooperate for enhancing regional
    stability and security for ensuring the democratic and sustainable
    development of the region, Reiterating their commitment to the
    peaceful settlement of regional and international disputes and
    conflicts on the basis of the norms and principles of international
    law, Reaffirming their readiness to actively support the actions of
    the international community in addressing common security threats to
    the region and world security and stability, such as terrorism,
    transnational organised crimes, illicit trafficking of drugs and arms,
    1. Agree to open the common border within 2 months after the entry
    into force of this Protocol,
    2. Agree to conduct regular political consultations between the
    Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries;
    implement a dialogue on the historical dimension with the aim to
    restore mutual confidence between the two nations, including an
    impartial scientific examination of the historical records and
    archives to define existing problems and formulate recommendations;
    make the best possible use of existing transport, communications and
    energy infrastructure and networks between the two countries, and to
    undertake measures in this regard;
    develop the bilateral legal framework in order to foster cooperation
    between the the fields of science and education by encouraging
    relations between the appropriate institutions as well as promoting
    the exchange of specialists and students, and act with the aim of
    preserving the cultural heritage of both sides and launching common
    cultural projects;
    establish consular cooperation in accordance with the Vienna
    Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 in order to provide necessary
    assistance and protection to the citizens of the two countries;
    take concrete measures in order to develop trade, tourism and economic
    cooperation between the two countries;
    engage in a dialogue and reinforce their cooperation on environmental
    3. Agree on the establishment of an intergovernmental bilateral
    commission which shall comprise separate sub-commissions for the
    prompt implementation of the commitments mentioned in operational
    paragraph 2 above in this Protocol. To prepare the working modalities
    of the intergovernmental commission and its sub-commissions, a working
    group headed by the two Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall be created
    2 months after the day following the entry into force of this
    Protocol. Within 3 months after the entry into force of this Protocol,
    these modalities shall be approved at ministerial level. The
    intergovernmental commission shall meet for the first time immediately
    after the adoption of the said modalities. The sub-commissions shall
    start their work at the latest 1 month thereafter and they shall work
    continuously until the completion of their mandates.

    Where appropriate, international experts shall take part in the

    The timetable and elements agreed by both sides for the implementation
    of this Protocol are mentioned in the annexed document, which is an
    integral part of this Protocol.

    This Protocol and the Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic
    Relations between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia
    shall enter into force on the same day, i.e. on the first day of the
    first month following the exchange of instruments of ratification.


    Full text of the protocol is as follows:
    "The Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia, Desiring to
    establish good neighbourly relations and to develop bilateral
    cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and other fields for
    the benefit of their peoples, as envisaged in the Protocol on the
    development of relations signed on the same day, Referring to their
    obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki
    Final Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, Reconfirming their
    commitment, in their bilateral and international relations, to respect
    and ensure respect for the principles of equality, sovereignty,
    non-intervention in internal affairs of other states, territorial
    integrity and inviolability of frontiers, Bearing in mind the
    importance of the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere of trust
    and confidence between the two countries that will contribute to the
    strengthening of peace, security and stability of the whole region, as
    well as being determined to refrain from the threat or the use of
    force, to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes, and to protect
    human rights and fundamental freedoms, Confirming the mutual
    recognition of the existing border between the two countries as
    defined by the relevant treaties of international law, Emphasizing
    their decision to open the common border, Reiterating their commitment
    to refrain from pursuing any policy incompatible with the spirit of
    good neighbourly relations, Condemning all forms of terrorism,
    violence and extremism irrespective of their cause, pledging to
    refrain from encouraging and tolerating such acts and to cooperate in
    combating against them, Affirming their willingness to chart a new
    pattern and course for their relations on the basis of common
    interests, goodwill and in pursuit of peace, mutual understanding and
    harmony, Agree to establish diplomatic relations as of the date of the
    entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with the Vienna
    Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and to exchange Diploma
    tocol and the Protocol on the Development of Bilateral Relations
    between the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Armenia shall enter
    into force on the same day, i.e. on the first day of the first month
    following the exchange of instruments of ratification."


    A crisis erupted during signing of two protocols on the establishment
    of diplomatic ties and development of relations between Turkey and
    Armenia in Swiss city of Zurich on Saturday.

    Turkish diplomatic sources said that a dispute over the final
    statements which the parties would make at the end of the ceremony
    escalated tension between the two parties.
    Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey of Switzerland met Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu prior to the signing ceremony and
    told him that the Armenian party could object to the text of
    Davutoglu's speech since there were some differences in texts of the
    Armenian party felt uneasy about some parts of Davutoglu's speech in
    which he stressed that the Caucasus should become a region of peace
    and tranquillity and the Upper Karabakh dispute between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia should be resolved. Armenian party has been defending from the
    very beginning that normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations and the
    Upper Karabakh dispute were two separate issues.
    Turkish party turned down Armenian party's demand about exclusion of
    those expressions from Davutoglu's speech, and objected to the text of
    Nalbandian's speech in return. Turkish party said that Nalbandian
    referred to historical events in his speech and demanded exclusion of
    such expressions. The signing ceremony came to a deadlock after both
    parties rejected to take a step back.
    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Swiss Foreign Minister
    Calmy Rey played an active role and tried to persuade the parties.
    When Turkish and Armenian delegations did not accept to revise texts
    of the speeches, Turkish party proposed to cancel the scheduled
    speeches altogether.
    Armenian party insisted on delivering the sp
    y Rey succeeded in putting an end to the uncertainty.
    In the end, the signing took place about three hours later and there
    were no spoken statements.
    Sources said that Armenia could made a written or verbal statement in
    an efort to retrieve.
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and French Foreign Minister
    Bernard Kouchner who were also in Zurich to attend the signing
    ceremony displayed an attitude in favor of Turkey.
    Meanwhile, Davutoglu called on President Abdullah Gul and Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on phone and informed them about the


    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that they would make
    a detailed statement on Sunday about the protocols signed between
    Turkey and Armenia in Swiss city of Zurich.

    Upon questions of journalists, Prime Minister Erdogan said that a
    detailed statement would be made after a meeting of the Central
    Executive Board of his ruling Justice & Development (AK) Party on

    Sunday, 11 October 2009
    Journal of Turkish Weekly