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ANKARA; Armenian Diaspora is Egoist

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  • ANKARA; Armenian Diaspora is Egoist

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Monday, 12 October 2009

    Armenian Diaspora is Egoist

    Sunday, 11 October 2009

    Armenian people is one of the ancient tribes. They created a great
    civilization and contributed to the humanity and other civilizations a
    lot. They established kingdoms and states as well. However as they
    settled mainly on the crossroads of the civilizations, religions,
    sects, races and great kingdoms, they could not maintain their
    independence. As a result they have generally lived under the other
    nations' sovereignty. Iranian Empire, Byzantium Empire, Russian
    Empire, Arab Kingdoms, Seljuki and Ottoman Empires and Soviet
    `Empire'. They enjoyed great freedom under Seljuki and Ottoman Empires
    however many Armenians were tortured and deported by the Byzantium
    Emperors due to the religious disputes. Most of the time, they could
    not become soldiers or governors.

    In brief the main problem for the Armenian peoples was lack of a

    When the French Revolution triggered the nationalist movements in the
    world, the Armenians were not ready for such a radical change:

    The Ottoman Armenians were enjoying a great religious freedom and they
    were among the most wealthiest class in the empire. Many Armenian
    bankers, businessmen, doctors and intellectuals were very close to the
    Palace. The Ottoman Armenians in the towns and rural areas were mostly
    bankers, businessman or craftsmen. The Armenians with the Ottoman
    Greeks dominated the Ottoman export and import. Moreover the Ottoman
    Armenian population was not majority in any region. About 1 million
    Armenians were scattered around the huge Ottoman territories. In
    another word the Ottoman Armenians were not ready for a separatist
    nationalist revolt. They were actually happy with the existing
    system. The Church in particular had great privileges before the
    Ottoman State and a great power over the Armenian citizens.

    Under these circumstances, the Armenian nationalism was developed in
    diaspora namely in Switzerland and Georgia. Tashnak and Hinchak
    `parties' were estab ng and inexperienced in politics. They had no
    enough power and financial support to struggle against the
    Empires. Apart from these, the young Armenian idealists set a
    formidable task for the Armenian nationalism: To unite all Armenians
    in the Ottoman, Russian, Iranian Empires and other Armenians in the
    region under a separate Armenian State.

    So, they needed foreign assistance, and the great imperial powers were
    very eager to `undermine' the Ottoman Empire. The British, French and
    Russian Empires gave a great encouragement to the Tashnaks and other
    Armenian groups. However they did not fully keep their promises and
    when they reached agreements with the Istanbul Government the Armenian
    nationalists failed.

    Furthermore the Armenian nationalists were encouraged but not fully
    supported when needed. Another problem was that the Ottoman Armenians
    did not strongly join the Armenian nationalists. Many Armenians in the
    Ottoman towns were against the Armenian militants. Therefore the first
    target to be destroyed was seen as the Ottoman Armenian leaders.

    Many Armenian leaders were murdered by the Tashnak and other Armenian
    militants. They accused all Armenian opposition of being traitor. The
    Armenian terrorism killed more Armenians than the Muslims in the
    beginning of the 20th Century. The Armenian businessmen were
    threatened and forced to give `tax' to the illegal Armenian
    groups. The Tashnak militants transferred a huge amount of weapons,
    provided by Russia and Britain, to the Ottoman towns. They were
    preparing a war and revolt against the Istanbul Government. They
    organized many terrorist attacks against the politicians and
    institutions. In 1876 the Armenian militants attacked the Ottoman Bank
    and exploded bombs before the bank. They further organized an
    assassination against the Sultan (Head of State) II. Abdulhamid.

    When the First World War erupted, the Armenian extremists saw the war
    as an opportunity and the co-operation between the Armenians and
    Allied States increased. The Russian, British and French Emp
    e in war against the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Austrian Empire,
    considered the Christian minorities as a tool against the
    Ottomans. Thus the Armenian nationalists were encouraged for more
    terrorist attacks, revolts and weapon transfers to Anatolia. The Van
    Revolt was one of the most vivid examples for the Armenian
    Revolts. The Tashnaks in the Van Revolt aimed to `clean the region
    from the Muslims'. Thousands of Muslims were killed or forced to leave
    the region. At the end the Armenians declared their independence in
    Van province and then handled the city to the Russian occupying

    The Armenian nationalist `adventure' ended with a tragedy which cost
    500.000 Muslim and more than 110.000 Armenian lives. About Thousands
    of Armenians were relocated, and many died due to the war

    The Armenians rioted against the Government in many towns and attacked
    their Muslim neighbors with the French, Russian and British
    encouragement. However the occupiers did not keep their promises and
    with the end of the war the Armenians could not return their
    homes. Many immigrated to the European and North American states.

    The cost of the revolt was very high for the Armenian
    nationalism. Nevertheless they could establish a tiny state in
    Caucasus under the Tashnak rule. It is unfortunate that the Tashnaks
    could not learn anything from the Ottoman Armenian experience and they
    started a `revenge campaign' (NEMESIS) against the newly-established
    Turkish State. As a matter of fact that the last thing Independent
    Armenia needed was a `revenge conflict' with the Turks. Armenia was a
    `country of dead' at that time. Armenian population was suffering from
    famine and epidemic diseases, and more than 200.000 Armenians died
    under these circumstances in the Tashnaks' Independent
    Armenia. However the Armenian `leaders' did not focus on their own
    economic development, social and cultural problems and political
    relations with the neighboring countries while the newly Turkey's
    Government sole dealt with the problems. The Armenian terrorists killed
    many former Ottoman ministers. But the Tashnak attacks not only killed
    the Turkish targets but also ended the independence of Armenia.

    Armenia lost its independence and became a Soviet Republic under
    Moscow rule.

    Armenians once more had to immigrate to the West. They suffered a lot
    from lack of an independent state. They had no reasonable leader who
    could lead them under the realistic and pragmatic principles instead
    of purely naïve emotional motivations.

    Under the lack of leadership, Armenians were exposed the great powers
    national interests. Moscow, Washington, Paris and London abused the
    Armenian issue.

    Armenia gained its independence once more in 1991 after the decades
    when the Soviet Empire collapsed. It is unfortunate that the Diaspora
    Armenians and Tashnaks again just focused on their own interests
    instead of saving the newly-established Armenia. Tashnaks played a
    crucial role in declaring war against the Azerbaijanis. The Diaspora
    encouraged more wars and tension to capture the `lost territories' in
    Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

    While the other former Sviet republics tried to decrease their
    dependency on Russia, Armenia more and more became a `Russian orbit'
    in the region. When Russia lost its military bases in Azerbaijan and
    Georgia, Armenians invited the Russians to their country. As a result
    of dependency on Russia, Armenia has been isolated and when they could
    not repay the credits the energy, communication and transportation
    infrastructure have been sold out to the Russians.

    The new Armenian nationalists and Diaspora saw Turkey the most deadly
    enemy, though Turkey was one of the first states who recognized
    Armenian independence. Actually Turkey considered Armenian State as an
    opportunity to normalize the Turkish-Armenian relations. However
    Armenian Diaspora was seriously reluctant in normalizing the relations
    because it established the Armenian identity on anti-Turkishness. The
    1915 Legacy and anti-Turkish accusations have been the only uniting
    factor in the diaspora. They feared th Armenians in the West could be

    The Church and the political parties have used the Turkish-Armenian
    problems for decades in cementing the non-homogenous Armenian
    society. Moreover anti-Turkish Armenian Case was financial and
    prestige source for many Armenians and Diaspora institutions.

    In another words the Diaspora Armenians abused the problems with Turks
    for their personal and institutional interest at the cost of
    Armenia. Their priority was not State of Armenia but the
    Diaspora. They knew that the land-locked and relatively poor Armenia
    had to solve its disputes with Turkey in order to survive. However
    they sacrificed Armenian state once again as they did in 1918.

    To conclude, the foremost priority for the whole Armenians must to
    protect and survive the young Armenia, instead of strengthening the
    Armenian diaspora. Armenia should not be part of the adventurous games
    of its Diaspora and Russia.