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Turkey: Armenia Must Pull Out of Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • Turkey: Armenia Must Pull Out of Nagorno-Karabakh

    Turkey: Armenia Must Pull Out of Nagorno-Karabakh,2 933,564021,00.html
    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    ANKARA, Turkey - One day after Turkey signed a deal the U.S. helped
    salvage to end a century of enmity with Armenia, Turkey's leader set a
    tough condition for normalizing ties on Sunday: Armenia must withdraw
    from the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The statement appeared to be an effort by Turkey to appease its close
    ally Azerbaijan, which said the new agreement will aggravate the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian-occupied
    enclave in Azerbaijan.

    On Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed the
    agreement to establish diplomatic ties with Armenia and reopen their
    border. He called such steps with a former bitter foe an "important
    step" that would lead to cooperation and dialogue.

    However, Erdogan said the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute must be resolved to
    enable Turkey to take steps to normalize ties and for the deal to be
    approved by parliament. To take effect, the agreements must be ratified
    by the Turkish and Armenian parliaments, but the accord faces stiff
    opposition in both countries.

    "We want all conflicts to be resolved and we want all borders to be
    opened at the same time," Erdogan said. "(But) as long as Armenia does
    not withdraw from occupied territories in Azerbaijan, Turkey cannot
    take up a positive position."

    "If problems be
    tween Azerbaijan and Armenia are resolved the public
    would more easily accept Turkish-Armenian relations. Approval in the
    Turkish National Assembly would be so much easier," he said.

    The agreement signed Saturday at a ceremony in Zurich, Switzerland,
    would establish diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia and
    open the joint border, which was sealed after the 1993 Armenian
    invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh. The enclave is inhabited primarily by
    ethnic Armenians.

    The contentious issue of whether the killing of up to 1.5 million
    Armenians during the final days of the Ottoman Empire amounts to
    genocide is only hinted at in the agreement, as is the dispute over

    Asked in an interview with French media if Turkey is ready to recognize
    the World War I killings as a genocide, Turkish President Abdullah Gul
    said: "We are very open on the subject, but if there is such an
    allegation ' which we don't accept, by the way ' who is going to

    He said Turkey has said a committee of historians should decide whether
    the killings were genocide. The Armenian-Turkish agreement calls for a
    panel to discuss "the historical dimension" of the killings, including
    "an impartial scientific examination of the historical records and
    archives to define existing problems and formulate recommendations."

    However, Gul said, "I think we have to move past this. There is a new
    period starting. ... It's a period of peace, stability, confidence,
    security and cooperation."

    Saturday's ceremony in Zurich went ahead after a last-minute hitch over
    Turkish and Armenian objections to language in statements to be read
    after the signing was overcome ' by having neither side make a

    In last-minute diplomacy, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
    Clinton intervened to save the accord, which had been brokered by
    Switzerland, after a dispute over the statements the countries would
    make sparked a delay.

    The Azeri Foreign Ministry said Sunday that the agreement "clouds the
    spirit of brotherly relations" between Azerbaijan and Turkey. It said
    Turkey should not have re-established diplomatic ties with Armenia
    before the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh was settled.

    Turkey's opposition party criticized deal on Sunday, saying it does not
    serve Turkey's interests.

    Onur Oymen, deputy leader of the Republican Peoples' Party, said since
    the deal does not mention an Armenian pullout from Nagorno-Karabakh,
    Turkey would be forced to open the joint border without assuring a
    withdrawal from the enclave in return. "These protocols will serve
    Armenia's interests," Oymen said. "Turkey is faced with a difficult
    process ahead."

    The enclave in Azerbaijani territory is occupied by Armenian troops.
    Turks have close cultural and linguistic ties with Azerbaijan, which is
    pressing Turkey for help in recovering its land. Turkey wants Armenia
    to withdraw some troops from the enclave area to show good will and
    speed the opening of the border.