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Turkey's FM tells crisis moments in Armenia deal

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  • Turkey's FM tells crisis moments in Armenia deal

    Turkey's FM tells crisis moments in Armenia deal
    The crisis was overcome after both sides agreed not to make remarks
    after the signature ceremony, Davutoglu said. p?id=48302
    Sunday, 11 October 2009 13:58

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Sunday the crisis
    experienced yesterday in Zurich prior to the signature ceremony of
    protocols between Turkey and Armenia was "a procedural matter".

    Speaking on Turkey's state-run TRT TV channel on Sunday, Davutoglu said
    that the signing of the protocols was a "crucial step".

    The protocols are a reflection of Turkey's peaceful vision, Davutoglu

    The crisis lived prior to the signature ceremony was a "natural
    component of the process. The crisis was a procedural issue, Davutoglu

    The crisis was overcome after both sides agreed not to make remarks
    after the signature ceremony, Davutoglu said. "The crisis had to do
    with expressions that were to be made during the ceremony".

    Turkey's perspective is comprehensive peace. This would be possible if
    all sides reach issues in a just and equal way, Davutoglu noted.

    Bilateral relations between Turkey and Armenia have entered a new
    period, Davutoglu said.

    With this new period, the peoples of Turkey and Armenia will be able to
    understand each other more accurately, Davutoglu stressed.

    The solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is crucial. Turkey
    took steps for the solution of the conflict, Davutoglu said.

    It is out of question for Turkey to leave Azerbaijan alone whatever the
    conditions may be, Davutoglu said.

    Since the Kars Treaty, Turkey and Armenia have signed the first
    different document. The protocol signed defined Turkish-Armenian
    relations and placed relations within a frame, Davutoglu said.

    Once the protocols go into effect, relations between Turkey and Armenia
    will be normalized. Turkey recognized Armenia as a state and kept its
    borders open until the occupation in 1993, Davutoglu said.

    The protocols will facilitate greater cooperation between Turkey and
    Armenia at international forums and will help end mutual pre-conceived
    notions in the minds of our peoples, Davutoglu said.

    Turkey has confidence in itself. The engine of surrounding countries is
    Turkey, Davutoglu said.

    We do not want a poor neighbor. Our neighbor should get richer but
    should have respect for the rights of another neighbor. Occupation in
    all territories should end. As the macro vision develops, micro crisis
    lose significance with time, Davutoglu said.

    The Kars Treaty was one that defined the borders. Such treaties do not
    lose legitimacy even if the governments do not exist any more. The
    protocol signed on Saturday has an article that refers to the
    recognition of the existing borders (between Turkey and Armenia). We
    have no concerns about the recognition of the borders, Davutoglu also