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Turkey and Armenia sign landmark accord... Eventually

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  • Turkey and Armenia sign landmark accord... Eventually

    Turkey and Armenia sign landmark accord... eventually
    Hillary Clinton brokers deal after talks stalled at last minute

    Robert Tait

    The Guardian
    The Observer, Sunday 11 October 2009

    Presidents Serzh Sargsyan, Dmitry Medvedev and Ilham Aliyev at the
    Commonwealth of Independent States summit in Chisinau, Oct 9, 2009.
    Photograph: Reuters

    Turkey and Armenia last night finally signed a landmark accord to restore
    ties and open their shared border after a century of hostility stemming from
    the First World War mass-killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces.

    But in an indication of the many pitfalls that lie ahead of its
    implementation, the ceremony was marred by a three-hour delay due to
    last-minute disagreements on the wording of statements, forcing the American
    secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, to engage in intense discussions to
    salvage a deal.

    Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish foreign minister, and his Armenian counterpart,
    Edward Nalbandian, signed the accord in Zurich, ending speculation that days
    of angry protests might scupper the deal.

    The accords mark a new chapter in relations after generations of bitterness
    over Armenian claims of genocide by Turkish Ottoman forces nearly a century
    ago. Under the agreement, the two countries will form a joint historical
    commission to examine the issue.

    The Turkish and Armenian parliaments must now approve the deal in the face
    of opposition from nationalists on both sides and an Armenian diaspora which
    insists that Turkey acknowledge the killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians
    as genocide.

    The agreement, the culmination of more than a year of intensive diplomacy,
    will commit both countries to reopen their land border and restore
    diplomatic ties, which Turkey severed in 1993 over Armenia's occupation of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory claimed by Ankara's ally, Azerbaijan.

    Politicians and analysts have hailed the accord as a major breakthrough.
    "It's the beginning of a new era not only for Turkish-Armenian relations but
    also for the entire Caucasus region, including Russia and Iran," said Cengiz
    Aktar, professor of EU studies at Bahcesehir university in Istanbul.

    "It won't be easy to resolve the many sclerotic issues and there are no
    quick fixes. But it's an extremely important step."

    Last week, Armenia's president, Serzh Sargsyan, faced angry demonstrations
    on a tour designed to sell the agreement to Armenian communities in the US,
    Russia, France and Lebanon. Around 10,000 nationalists, some holding banners
    reading "No to Turkish preconditions" and "No to concessions to Turkey"
    protested in the Armenian capital, Yerevan.

    Turkey admits many Armenians died in the final days of the Ottoman empire
    but disputes the numbers, while claiming many were victims of disease. The
    Turkish official narrative also insists many Turks were victims of Armenian

    The agreement also commits Armenia to work with Azerbaijan towards a
    resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.

    Some 30,000 people died after war broke out in the enclave in the early
    1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009