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ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Declaration on signing of Protocols

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  • ARF-Dashnaktsutyun Declaration on signing of Protocols

    Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    461 Bergen Boulevard
    Ridgefield, NJ 07657
    Tel: 201-945-0011
    Fax: 201-945-8992
    E-mail: [email protected]


    The protocols on establishing relations between the Republic of
    Armenia and the Republic of Turkey were signed on October 10.

    On this occasion, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation declares:

    a) Consultations, which took place over the last several weeks after
    the protocols were made public, although not always under free and
    transparent conditions, proved that there are serious concerns and
    great counteraction regarding these documents; that the homeland and
    the Diaspora have the same approach to fundamental issues concerning
    all Armenians. It was made clear that the struggle for the Armenian
    Cause is simultaneously a struggle for the fate and development of our
    independent statehood.

    b) The consultations proved that the protocols and the process include
    provisions satisfying the three fundamental preconditions which Turkey
    has put forth since the first days of the independence of the Republic
    of Armenia. It also became apparent that the same concerns existed in
    those Armenian circles who were defending the Armenian President's

    c) These concerns were finally clearly expressed by the President of
    the Republic of Armenia in his address to the Armenian people on
    October 10.  The President of Armenia disclosed the existence of those
    very same dangers and preconditions that the Dashnaktsutyun had
    expressed. In particular, the President of the Republic of Armenia
    affirmed that:

    1. Any kind of relations with Turkey cannot put into question the
    veracity of the Armenian Genocide and the fact that the Armenian
    people have been dispossessed of their homeland.
    2. There exists a border issue between Armenia and Turkey.
    3. The signed documents cannot in any way be related to the resolution
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

    We are convinced that had the president expressed these positions
    earlier, it could have steered the consultations correctly and could
    have resulted in the refusal to sign the protocols. At any rate, this
    position must guide all the representatives of the Armenian
    authorities, as well as those who defended the now-signed protocols.

    d) Turkey's unconstructive position during the signing ceremonies of
    the protocols is an  eloquent testament that Turkey is realizing the
    process in favor of accomplishing its own preconditions, which was
    sufficient foundation for Armenia to refuse to sign. The scandal that
    occurred during the signing ceremony is a testament to the failure of
    our diplomacy in Armenia-Turkey negotiations. The presence of the
    foreign ministers of the United States, the Russian Federation,
    France, the European Union and Switzerland and the efforts to ensure
    the signing of the protocols at any cost is in fact pressure being
    brought to bear, especially on the Republic of Armenia. We are
    convinced, that Armenia should not have succumbed to those pressures.
    It is equally unacceptable for the world's power centers to exert
    pressure on small nations, through political, economical or other

    e) We are entering a new stage of the struggle following the signing
    of the protocols. The new announcements being made from Turkey are a
    testament to that country's objective, which is to weaken Armenia and
    the Armenians and to enforce new concessions.

    Under these conditions it is necessary, through all possible means to
    prevent the ratification of the protocols which are a blow to the
    interests of our state and nation. That objective demands the widening
    and deepening of our pan-Armenian unity; not to open the door to any
    expression of national discord and to be prepared to endure
    potentially dangerous new developments that await pan-national issues.

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation is steadfast in its struggle to
    ensure the failure of the ratification of the protocols. For that
    objective, the Dashnaktsutyun will use all political and
    constitutional means all the way to regime change, if necessary.

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation is appealing to the all
    Armenians to arm themselves with confidence and resolve. We are
    compelled to prevent the ratification of the protocols with our
    combined powers and by doing so to neutralize the real dangers
    threatening Armenia and the Armenians, in the name of the Republic of
    Armenia, liberated Artsakh, the unity of our people and the right of
    our generations to live in dignity in the world.

    12 October 2009