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U.S.-Russia Relations On The Eve Of Clinton's Trip To Moscow

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  • U.S.-Russia Relations On The Eve Of Clinton's Trip To Moscow


    The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    October 12, 2009

    Secretary Clinton will be in Russia this week to discuss nuclear
    disarmament, Iran, Afghanistan, and human rights with Russian Foreign
    Minister Lavrov and President Medvedev. In a new video Q&A, Ambassador
    James F. Collins, former Ambassador to Moscow, discusses Secretary
    Clinton's trip, changing U.S.-Russia relations, and opportunities
    for future engagement.

    "We've made a good beginning with the Russians. We now have an ongoing
    START negotiations. They reached the agreement on broader cooperation
    on Afghanistan. We have a number of areas of potential cooperation
    that have opened up now on missile defense as well as number of areas
    in the proliferation set of issues," says Collins. "But I would say
    it's still very fragile."

    Collins addresses the following questions:

    * What are the priorities for Secretary Clinton's visit to Moscow?

    * Have U.S.-Russia relations changed under the Obama administration?

    * How does Russia's "ruling tandem" influence U.S. policy?

    * What are the prospects for replacing the strategic arms reduction
    treaty which expires in December?

    * What is the significance of the U.S. decision to reconfigure the
    proposed missile shield in Europe?

    * How effectively are the United States and Russia cooperating on Iran?

    * How effectively are Washington and Moscow working together on

    * What does the future hold? Are there opportunities for further
    cooperation? And continuing tension?

    What are the priorities for Secretary Clinton's visit to Moscow?

    Secretary Clinton will go to Moscow on this trip, I think, basically
    as a follow-up to the July summit, and her priorities will be in
    many ways, those outlined by the two presidents. Certainly, she will
    be looking at the progress on START negotiations, whether to reach
    a follow-up agreement e to encourage rapid progress as they really
    want to finish this by December 5, and I think there's a good chance
    they will. I think she will also be talking with the Russians about
    other aspects of the nonproliferation agenda. We have an ambitious
    outline of what we want to do over the next couple of years and it
    seems to me that she is going to be pushing to try to move forward
    on those areas where we have work to do.

    She'll certainly look also at how we're doing on the Afghan Transit
    Agreement, the agreement with Russia we reached in July to permit
    the transit of American lethal equipment and soldiers. It's my
    understanding that it has just begun to be implemented. My guess
    is that she will review how it's going, I think, though it's also
    going to be a time for her to explore what else might be done in
    Afghanistan. We just had a meeting here with Viktor Ivanov, the man
    who is in charge of narcotics issues in Russia. I think that working
    group is also looking at what we might do together on that problem.

    And she will more broadly I think, as the executive director of the
    bilateral commission, be reviewing the work of the different working
    groups. I think we're up to fifteen now, and some of those have met
    already and some have not. I think she will be encouraging those who
    have not to move forward, as well as reviewing what the ones who have
    met have done.

    Finally, I don't think there's any question that Iran will be on the
    agenda. I think we have made substantial progress in looking for common
    approaches to Iran. We do not see everything eye-to-eye, that remains
    the case, but I think the recent meetings in New York and Geneva,
    the seeming opening that has been presented to inspect Iranian sites,
    the revelation that Iran has this second facility for enrichment and
    so forth, all of that has given a degree of impetus to pressing the
    Iranians to live up to their commitments under the nonproliferation
    treaty. I think the Russians are comfortable and are prepared to
    push reasonably far in that d et up against the issue of sanctions,
    although that remains to be explored.

    Have U.S.-Russia relations changed under the Obama administration?

    The new administration made a very concerted effort to set us on
    a different course with the Russian Federation from where we had
    ended up at the end of the Bush administration. Most observers and
    most analysts felt that we had got to just about the lowest point in
    relations and the ability to work together with the Russians that we
    had had since the end of Cold War. And there was a very strong sense
    that given the broad agenda of issues on which we really have to be
    able to find working pragmatic approaches together, that that was
    not a viable situation. So when the Obama administration came in,
    it seems to me that they made a concerted effort to, as they said,
    to reset relations.

    Some of us who have been talking with the Russians felt that the
    Russians thought it'd be a much better idea if we had a new operating
    system, but however you characterize it, the Bush administration had
    left us without much capacity to do business, and it was felt that
    could not go on. So you had from the very outset, a commitment to
    what I would call policy of engagement. I have heard it explained by
    spokesmen for the Obama administration as an approach which was going
    to be: premise number one, on the idea that we would have a very broad
    agenda, and that really everything would be on the table. Number two,
    it would be premised on the idea that we would engage the Russians on
    all of these topics, and we would see where we could make progress or
    where we had issues that were difficult, and then we would get down to
    business and try to deal with both opportunities and difficulties. But
    on the presumption that we got nowhere unless we had a commitment to
    talk with the Russians about how we would see our way forward.

    I think the result of that was the first meeting of the two presidents
    in London on April 1 that was followed by the very important meeting
    they had in July, which really set some very serious work. We now
    have an ongoing START negotiation and I think they made some serious
    progress on defining the parameters of a new treaty. They reached
    the agreement on broader cooperation on Afghanistan. We have a number
    of areas of potential cooperation that have opened up now on missile
    defense as well as number of areas in the proliferation set of issues.

    So I think the broad sense is that this is an administration which has
    decided that we have a relationship with Russia, which is important,
    and that it needs to be conducted on the basis of talking with the
    Russians on the full agenda of our relations. And that we're going
    to try to work with them where we can, and where we have differences,
    we'll continue to talk with them and try to manage those differences
    in ways that are not going to be disruptive on our ability to work
    where we can on other issues.

    How does Russia's "ruling tandem" influence U.S. policy?

    The issue or question about the relationship between President
    Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin is a constant. It is, as I have
    noted, the biggest parlor game in Moscow. But frankly, for the
    government in Washington, the only sensible way to approach the issue
    is essentially is to undertake our relations on the premise that there
    is one government. If there are differences between them, or if there
    is cooperation between them and they see things the same way, for
    us we can only work with one Russian government at a time. I think
    the way in which relations have been developed and conducted up to
    now makes a great deal of sense. President Obama, as the president
    of the United States, deals with his presidential counterpart as
    his main interlocutor. No one however, is under any illusion that
    Prime Minister Putin is not a very important and nfluential leader
    in Russia--and President Obama saw him.

    The key point is we work with the Russian government as a whole. I
    would certainly council anyone that it is rarely in our interest to
    try to play one side against the other in any foreign government and
    that is particularly true with the Russian case. So if we're getting
    agreements with the Russian Federation, than we have to presume
    that those are agreements reached in their own way internally. It
    is my assumption that Prime Minister Putin does not act without
    consultation with his president, and that President Medvedev has very
    close relations and consultation with his prime minister. Therefore,
    it's probably a fair assumption that the policies we are seeing of
    the Russian government have the support of both.

    What are the prospects for replacing the strategic arms reduction
    treaty which expires in December?

    One of the priorities that has been at the top of our bilateral
    agenda, really from the first encounters between Secretary Clinton
    and Minister Lavrov, has been what do we do to have a follow-on to
    the START agreement. I think it's fair to say that neither side
    has any interest in seeing the framework for a treaty-based arms
    control regime that is verifiable disappear. And yet, there is a
    time deadline of December 5 by when it really is important to get a
    new agreement or we will somehow find ourselves in great danger of
    losing the existing framework, which has served us very well now,
    since the START agreement under which we're operating.

    The purpose of these agreements is really twofold: to determine the
    agreed number of, in this case, warheads and delivery vehicles that
    will be permitted on each side and then to establish a system where we
    can each verify that the other is living up to its commitments. That
    was the essence of the first START agreement and the basis for this
    follow-on agreement and the agreement that was reached in the Bush
    administration, the so-called SORT.

    I believe the chances of reaching a new agreement are very d. From all
    the information I have, both sides are negotiating very seriously. But
    there are issues. Some of them will rise to the political level. Many
    of them are technical and they are in some ways a function of getting
    the technical issues sorted out and resolved, which is often a case
    of just working hard on both sides. I have every reason to think that
    both sides are now energized to get this agreement done on time. I do
    think when Secretary Clinton goes next week, she will be underlining
    very strongly the need for everybody on both sides to get on with it
    and get the work done expeditiously because time is short and this is a
    very complicated agreement. But, I think there is reason for optimism.

    What is the significance of the U.S. decision to reconfigure the
    proposed missile shield in Europe?

    The missile shield in Europe, as announced in the Bush administration,
    became, as I think pretty much anyone who followed it at all knows,
    an extremely contentious and difficult issue between the United States
    and the Russians. Whatever the merits of each side's arguments about
    either the relevance or non-relevance to Russia's missile capabilities
    and what the missile defense system's implications were for strategic
    arms on the Russian side, the perception was that it was a problem. And
    it became one of the principal issues that seemed to come up and
    prevent any kind of sort of serious dialogue on a variety of issues
    from arms control to European security and a number of other areas.

    I think the real meaning of the decision on missile defense is not
    so much why it was done, but what are the effects of having made the
    decision. And I think probably from the bilateral point of view, that
    is, from the Russia-U.S. point of view, what it did was remove a major
    contentious issue from the table. The Russians have now essentially
    welcomed the decision. They have been saying now in the last few days
    that the new system, which is indeed going to give us missile defense
    capability in Europe, is not a threat to the Rus-Tand that's a very
    different story from what they were saying about the previous system.

    What this means, in the first instance, is it removes a very diverting
    and distracting issue from our agenda and it lets people talk about a
    lot of things in a much more conducive atmosphere. Secondly, though,
    I think it's also important that it appears to open up opportunities
    for exploring cooperation on missile defense, and that is at its
    very earliest stages. I think it is too early to tell how that will
    develop. Both sides have said we are prepared to do it. If you go
    back to the first statement of Presidents Obama and Medvedev, this
    was mentioned as an area of possible cooperation. It was reiterated
    in July. I think there is no question the American side is serious
    about seeing what can be done. I am sure the Russian side is, too.

    But I would frankly say that it is probably true also that there are
    plenty of people on each side who have great doubts about cooperation
    in this area really going very far. I think there is going to be a
    lot of internal debate on both sides about how far you can go, what
    is possible. I just hope that we will have a serious exploration of
    the potential for cooperation as we move forward. I think we are at
    the very early stages of that, but I think this will be a subject of
    discussion when Secretary Clinton and Under Secretary Tauscher are
    in Moscow.

    How effectively are the United States and Russia cooperating on Iran?

    Since the beginning of the Obama administration, Iran has been a
    priority issue for the United States in talking with the Russian
    Federation. I think most agree that we do not differ with the Russians
    and have not for some time, if ever, on the idea that it would be a
    bad thing for Iran to develop a nuclear weapons capability. Nobody
    thinks that's a good idea. The question is what do you do about it if
    they are trying to do it, as we believe they are, and I think as more
    and more the Russians and others agree seems to be a real likelihood.

    What has happened over time, is that the Russian side has come much
    closer to the American side in assessing the realities of what is
    happening on the ground in Iran on the nuclear program. I think that
    we have agreed that we should do whatever is possible to prevent the
    development of a weapons capability, in so far as that means holding
    them to observe their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    Where we seem to part company often, or where the debate gets
    difficult, is in what do you do if the Iranian side refuses to
    cooperate and this gets into sanctions debates and so forth. I believe
    the Russians see sanctions differently from us. They have very great
    doubts that they will be effective. As we saw in New York, President
    Medvedev said he doubted their effectiveness, but that maybe they would
    be inevitable. I'm not quite sure what to make of that statement. I
    believe we should not overestimate how far it carries the Russians
    in our direction.

    At the same time, I think the recent revelation that Iran had been
    secretly developing yet another enrichment plant, the evidence about
    all this, the fact that this showed that they were not observing the
    requirements of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. This has strengthened
    the hand of those who say we really need to press Iran to be more
    transparent, to be more open, to give access. I think the Russians
    are comfortable with that and I believe that is why we have seen a
    strong--I would say a somewhat closer on insistence--that Iran open
    up its facilities, that it cooperate with the IAEA--those kinds of
    measures. I think where we end up having differences still, however,
    is what do you do if we run up against a brick wall in Iran. And
    there I think we shouldn't underestimate the continuing differences
    that we probably share.

    Finally, I would say, one place in which we clearly differ is that
    Russia would say we rule out any use of force to compel Iran to do
    anything. And, as you know, the American position and the position of
    many others is that nothing is ruled out. And I think that definite
    difference. Russia simply would not accept the use of force.

    How effectively are Washington and Moscow working together on

    Cooperation on Afghanistan has been one of the more successful elements
    of the Obama administration's effort to open up new areas of work
    and cooperation with the Russians. In July, and I understand this was
    basically a Russian initiative, there was a proposal to have Russia
    play a greater role in the support operation for American and NATO
    forces in Afghanistan. That took the form of opening up new transit
    routes across Russia and the areas to the south for American aircraft
    and land transport.

    There was an agreement reached as a result of that opening, an
    agreement was signed in July, and it's my understanding that now we
    actually have at least tested the first flight and so forth. That's
    a very major achievement. I mean we were far from that kind of
    cooperation seven, eight, nine months ago. And so I think it's a
    serious step.

    In addition, from a number of people I've been discussing this with on
    both sides; I think there is a sense that there is more to be done and
    there is much more that could be done together on Afghanistan. The
    Russian side is very much insistent on doing more to counter
    the narcotics production and trafficking out of Afghanistan. It's
    affecting them very seriously. Their chief of narcotics matters,
    or I guess their drug czar if you want to call him that, was here
    recently, really making a very strong case that this is a huge problem
    for Russia and they want more done by the Americans and NATO to deal
    with it, and they're willing to work with us. That I think opens up
    some serious additional opportunities for greater work.

    So I would say on balance the Afghan story on cooperation is a pretty
    good one with the Russians, so far. We of course are in the midst of
    a review about what we're going to do next on Afghanistan. I have no
    idea what the Russians will be counseling. One of the things I do know
    is that Russians, in general, b carefully at their experience there,
    which was not a happy one, and that they would not like to see us
    repeat the same problems.

    I think what this all reflects is the fact that, strategically,
    we really do not have differing objectives regarding that part of
    the world. We do not want to see it as a source of instability,
    of terrorist training camps, or Islamic destabilization by the
    militants. We don't want to see it as a source of narcotics for
    Eurasia and Europe. So I mean there's not much in which we really
    have differing objective there, I would say at this point. We may
    have different emphases but not differing objectives.

    What does the future hold? Are there opportunities for further
    cooperation? And continuing tension?

    We have a lot of unfinished business, I would say, in the sense of
    developing a more stable set of future relations, both between us and
    more broadly in the region, regarding, in essence, the post-Soviet
    space. The aftermath of the Georgian war is still with us. There are
    disagreements that are very sharp about Russia's action in recognizing
    these two territories that we recognize as a part of Georgia. So
    we have that issue, there are the other unresolved conflicts in
    the region like Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria, and there is
    broadly-speaking, an unresolved set of issues which are very complex
    and very large over the future of what kinds of arrangements will exist
    going forward to set-up the future European security system. Russia
    is adamantly opposed to NATO moving further to the east and taking
    in members--either Ukraine or Georgia, or probably others in that
    region. NATO is equally insistent that NATO's open to new members and
    so forth. Now I don't think that's a major issue at the moment. It
    has been to some extent placed on the back burner. But it's still
    there and I think that one of the areas in which there is potential
    for difficulty--if anything were to flare up--or where we still have
    major unresolved issues is in the relationship between us and Russia
    in this post-Soviet space around Russia's neighborhoods and the role
    of Europe there. So I think that's one area where, just because it's
    quiet at the moment, no one should be complacent.

    I would say also that we have a lot of areas in which we have yet to
    find out what the degree of cooperation or rivalry might be. Will we
    see things like global warming, climate change, the new environment
    treaty, things of that kind in similar ways, will we find it in our
    interest to go forward and work together on this. Or are we going to
    see the world differently and therefore have a lot of difficulties
    coming together?

    I think we have done reasonably well at seeing each other as both
    engaged, along with most of the rest of the modernized world, in a
    pretty serious economic mess. The crisis has thrown everybody together
    with ideas about how we need to come out of it and that something has
    to be done to change from where we were before it started to where
    we're going to go after it's over. Whether that's more regulation
    of the financial and banking system or the international economics
    structures or a new reserve currency--there are all sorts of ideas
    out there. I think we've only begun to explore with Russia and many
    of the other countries involved just how far our views are compatible
    with theirs or whether we're going to find tensions rising over our
    approaches to this as opposed to others.

    So I think I would leave it that we've made a good beginning with
    the Russians, we have a capacity it seems to me to discuss with them
    just about anything that we might see necessary on either side. I
    think we are gradually building patterns of joint work, but I would
    say it's still ver e a structure now for conducting our business,
    this bilateral commission. It is in its earliest stages of work. If
    we make the most of the opportunities on both sides, I think that
    can go a long way to regularizing the way we do our business and
    broaden the areas of cooperation. If it does not reach its potential,
    I think we will be the worse for it. I think it doesn't mean we will
    have confrontation, but it seems to me we will miss opportunities,
    and the patterns of cooperation--and we are learning to work together
    across a broad range of issues--will be less than they could be.