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Edward Nalbandian's Interview With "Komersant"

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  • Edward Nalbandian's Interview With "Komersant"

    October 12, 2009

    The RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian gave an interview with
    Vladimir Solovyov, the reporter of "Komersant" daily. He has presented
    the present position concerning the negotiations of Armenian -
    Turkish protocols and the Karabakh issue.

    - The protocols of resuming the Armenian - Turkish relations have
    been signed in Zurich. Does it mean a final conciliation between
    Yerevan and Ankara?

    - The normalization process of the relations was launched by
    the initiation of the Armenian president, who on September of the
    previous year invited his Turkish counterpart to watch the Football
    match. Since that moment the negotiations between the Armenian and
    Turkish Foreign Ministries started. On February the talks around
    the protocols ended, and on April 2 were pre-signed. On August 31
    Yerevan and Ankara announced that they will hold conferences during
    6 weeks to get prepared for signing the protocols and for the later
    ratification of them.

    - Which is the time limits during which the ratification of the
    protocols will take place.

    - It depends on the Parliaments. We hope it will take place in
    reasonable time limits.

    - Do you think we'll witness the opening of the Armenian - Turkish

    - I wouldn't exclude anything. It depends on the circumstance how the
    sides will follow the agreements and how will go on. Armenia respects
    the agreements reached by the participation of other countries.

    - Will President Serzh Sargsyan leave for Turkey to watch the football

    - Earlier our President had stated that he will leave for Turkey if
    the boarders will be open or be close to being open.

    - Last week in Chisinau after the meeting of the Armenian and Turkish
    Presidents the question of the normalization process of the Karabakh
    issue was raised. Which is its progress?

    If we take into consideration the fact that it is already the
    7th meetings of the leaders there is a dynamics we can say and
    it is good. At the present the Pr cuss the principles of Madrid
    document. Their attention is fixed on two principles. By the mediation
    of the Minsk Group the sides try to make their disposition concerning
    those issues closer.

    - Very often the sides do not want to speak about the details when
    they do not see any progress.

    - If there would not be any positive dynamics the Presidents will not
    meet for the 7th time and nobody would speak about the preparations of
    the upcoming meeting of the Presidents. There are a lot of principles
    in the Madrid document. Today two of them are being discussed. If we
    get agreement on these to principles we'll move on. And when we reach
    agreement on all the principles will start the preparation work of
    reconciliation accord. It is a long and difficult process.

    - They were saying that the Karabakh conflict is rather close to
    settlement. Do the meetings in Chisinau allow you to come to such
    a conclusion?

    - May be, in comparison with other conflicts it is closer to the
    settlement, but it's not too much, it's difficult to answer. If they
    say there is a positive move it means there is. The role of Dmitry
    Medvedev is important. He has had meetings with the Presidents of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. And all those meetings were fruitful.

    - Do you think the participation of the Minsk Group in the settlement
    process of the conflict and the participation of Russia are parallel

    - These are processes filling each other. If one of the Minsk Group
    co-chairing countries can help so why not to do that? In 2001 France,
    the President of France had an active role. Today the active role
    has got Russia and its President.

    I have the impression that the Karabakh talks are closed as no other
    talks. Does it make the process to go on?

    - I don't think that the talks are closer than the others. Many serious
    talks are not being held through conferences and interviews. The
    day comes when the content of those negotiations becomes available
    to the public. The same happened with the Armenian - Turkish
    negotiations. There was a m y should be opened. It happened even
    before signing which is not accepted. Usually the agreements are
    being published after signing. We are not for the secrecy but any
    negotiations refer not one but two or more sides.