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Armenia Got A New Threat

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  • Armenia Got A New Threat

    Igor Muradyan Iranvunk De Facto 15519.html
    16:24:12 - 12/10/2009

    Comments on Turkish-Armenian protocols

    What happened in Zurich on October 10 was an illustration of
    the process that the U.S. is trying to direct to Turkey in recent
    years. Turkey will try to get maximum benefits from this agreement,
    and thus be involved in processes controlled by the U.S. Emerging
    from the current designed format of the relations, Turkey will appear
    under pressure from outside and will lose its position in regional
    politics. However, it should be noted that the withdrawal of Turkey
    from this format of relations, is also favorable to the U.S., so
    as to put it in the position of extra-systemic states not able to
    adopt a consistent policy. Thus, this is rather a Turkish-American
    than a Turkish-Armenian agreement. Turkish politicians are well
    aware of these circumstances, but at the same time, of course, they
    will try to overcome the negative consequences, that is, mainly the
    external dependence of Turkey will enhance. Strengthening external
    dependence supposes also, its distancing and heightened tension
    with Russia. Turkey will also try to get away from not at all the
    prestigious role of U.S. equipment in their European policy, to
    acquire new positions in the Caucasus and Central Asia, which the
    United States will oppose. That is, the game is not completed it
    has just begun. The various attempts to present the objectives of
    U.S. policy in the construction of the Turkish-Armenian relations,
    the deployment of new communications lines, especially for transit,
    as well as in connection with the desire to take Armenia out of
    Russia's influence, do not seem adequate.

    U.S. interests in the region suppose for exactly the same policy in
    respect of Armenia, exactly that for decades held Russia, that is,
    building the position and situation of Armenia, as a constraint in the
    way of political ambitions of Turkey. Therefore, it is conceivable that
    on a certain plane, the interests of the United States and Russia will
    coincide. United States understands that it is impossible to withdraw
    Armenia from Russia's influence, given the level of their cooperation,
    and this goal cannot be accepted by Americans such as functional and
    real. It should be very objectively understood that Armenia may have
    "equal" relations with Turkey, having just "bunches" with major powers,
    or in an alliance with them. Between the three centers of power in
    the region - the U.S., Russia and Iran, a de facto alliance is quite
    possible maintaining their independent policies.

    With regard to possible threats and risks, then, abandoning
    its previous history, Armenia got the biggest threat - Turkey's
    participation in the Karabakh process, and in general in the South
    Caucasus, which was absent previously. And the U.S. and Russia are
    unlikely to be able to protect Armenia from Turkey's aspirations
    to become the leading player in the Karabakh problem. Neither the
    U.S. nor Russia is an absolute guarantee for repression of foreign
    policy and the expansion of Turkey. To accomplish this task new
    geopolitical structures are already required, which lack so far,
    and their formation will require innovative policy approaches, in
    US-Russian and other relations in the region, including, at least,
    a partial reconciliation, including the United States and Iran.

    Some patriotic groups have tried to resist the involvement of
    Turkey in Armenia's fatal issues, but, in general, the population of
    Armenia accepted the steps of the government quite calmly and with
    hope. There can be no doubt, as the Armenians behaved in the same
    way since 1988. In any case, the actions of the Armenian government,
    are quite legitimate. Of course, the denouement will certainly come
    and yet everything happens within legitimacy. Patriotic parties and
    factions realized that it is impossible to defend the rights of the
    nation, while in alliance with political and intellectual handicap
    partners. What happened is the result of degradation of the Armenian
    political class review of the values and ideals.

    Undoubtedly, the era of Hay Dat completed and many Armenians have
    found in this deep satisfaction. Patriotic groups in Armenia and in
    the Diaspora are only to solve the latest analytical task of the past
    era- who is the author of this project.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress